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Rant.... primered cars rule!!! Paint SUCKS!!!!

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

I dont know how many of you guys remember, but I got my car painted a few months back. It had previously been primer black, and pretty badly primered at that :P


Well anyways, it was an Early Scheib paint job... a blessing and a curse at once. When the car was first done it looked GREAT. And the paint seems to have held up well...



but DAMN having a painted car is stressful, especially if it's your daily driver like mine is.


For one... it pisses me off how hard it is to keep clean. Washing it is good for one or two days tops before condensation or the leaf blower idiots that clean our parking lot get it covered in waterspots or dirt (I keep TELLING them to leave my spot be, easy enough as it's the last spot at the very end of the lot and is seperated by a wall, but they bastards wont LISTEN!!!!). For two, the paint scratches SO easily. I guess this is because it doesn't have a clearcoat? Or is it just the paint in general is just cheap? or both? And man... lately the birds have taken a liking to using my car for target practice. And again, I think because of the lack of a clearcoat... this stuff will NOT wash off. Even if I get to it relatively quickly it leaves permanent marks. I look at you guys with these great new paint jobs and wonder how the HECK you guys keep your cars looking so nice. Even after a wash and wax my paint already looks like it's years old. I've tried to follow lots of tips from this board about what products to use and such... but it just keeps getting worse. Every wax I've tried has left streaks, every waxing cloth I've tried has added tons of hairline scratches... stuff like that. I must really be retarded when it comes to this stuff I mean I must be doing something wrong??? And god forbid I'm in a restuarant or something and I see someone park even the slightest bit too close to my car... STRESSSSSSSSSSSSIN sitting there watching to be sure no one dings my doors and have even walked outside to check and see, in the middle of my meal, and be sure the didn't or I"m takin plate numbers.


I know I shouldn't have expected much nor shoudl I really CARE about this since it was only a $200 Earl Scheibb job... but DAMN it looked so nice when I got it back that first day.... was it too much to hope for that I could keep it clean like that? I'm getting sick of trying to maintain it....


Lately I find I am very tempted just to sand it down and reprimer it in black. At least back then I never really stressed any of this stuff... I washed it like once a month (if that!) and didn't care what happened to it. If I somehow knew what I did wrong the first time I primered it that made it look so bad... so that I could confidently do it again but have it look NICE (I've seen some very nice, clean looking primer jobs....) I'd probably have done it already.


Well, I'm done, thanks for hearing me out :)

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Cheap paint will do that to you,but then think about how much more stressed you'd be if you spent $1500 on a paint job......


It's only a car dude......drive it and enjoy......sometimes I wish mine were not as nice....you think YOU are paranoid!!!

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Well at least you didn't pay $2500 to have it stripped to bare metal and painted, then about 2 years later get some chips and see the original red underneath, then start to see rust bubbling up, then notice that they never painted the leading edge of the hood underneath, then have a chip on the driver's fender and see the fender crack where the chip was, then have the roof start spider cracking under the clearcoat, then see the leading edge of the doors crack, then see clearcoat flaking off, then... oh, nevermind... :cuss:


I'll never pay a shop to do bodywork again. Next time I'll do the work and take it in and have them spray it. But there probably won't be a next time. The more I drive it the more I think that the paint job was the biggest waste of money I've made on my Z. But it was a daily driver for my wife at the time, and she couldn't handle the badly repainted red with the black hood all oxidized and crappy looking. Women...



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As another option to FLAT PRIMER, Try Imron industial paint. It is nearly indestructible.

It doesn`t flow out a smooth as typical automotive paint, but you won`t have to worry about scratches. From what I`ve heard, even BATTERY ACID poured over it will only fade the paint a little.

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Guest bastaad525
Well at least you didn't pay $2500 to have it stripped to bare metal and painted' date=' then about 2 years later get some chips and see the original red underneath, then start to see rust bubbling up, then notice that they never painted the leading edge of the hood underneath, then have a chip on the driver's fender and see the fender crack where the chip was, then have the roof start spider cracking under the clearcoat, then see the leading edge of the doors crack, then see clearcoat flaking off, then... oh, nevermind... :cuss:


I'll never pay a shop to do bodywork again. Next time I'll do the work and take it in and have them spray it. But there probably won't be a next time. The more I drive it the more I think that the paint job was the biggest waste of money I've made on my Z. But it was a daily driver for my wife at the time, and she couldn't handle the badly repainted red with the black hood all oxidized and crappy looking. Women...





I'd have killed somebody....


And yes I AM paranoid, too much so for such a cheap paintjob, and probably not far off from guys with nice paint like you Tim... out of proportion, I know. Working on training myself just not to care anymore


I wont let it oxidize... at some point I will strip it back off and just primer it again.

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sbc 400, If you don't mind, I would like to see what your roller job looks like. I am very tired of my very cheap, crappy looking, white paintjob, and could go for a flat black paintjob that wouldnt cost me much. Thanks.

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Guest bastaad525

yeah I'd like to see that as well. I originally primered my car black with spray cans and it came out looking pretty badly, very patchy and uneven... I imagine I could to a much better job with a roller...

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Guest bastaad525

yeah a friend of mine brought his '60-something nova by my job today and his was just in grey primer.... it was REALLY smooth though and he mentioned about the wet/dry sandable primer that he used. Looked and felt very nice. Gonna see if I can get this guy to do my car :D



Earl Scheib paint job your days are numbered!

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Hey SBC 400, if you wouldnt mind, can you post some details on what you did for paint? I have been considering flat black and something unconventional for a while.... Did you sand after roller, any kind of seal or clear coat, ect? I am considering a new rust proofing and heat insulating product, but I have to plan carefully, as some combinations of this product dont allow for much paint afterwards... I think your primer/flat black look is beautiful.... in a menacing, MadMax/Thunderdome, If you have to ask-you dont need to know kind of way..... 8)

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All I did was to prep the surface (i took care of all the dents and nicks and bad spots in the old paint) and primered any where I burned through the old paint, or put a little bondo, then re-sanded to blend all the spots.


final all over sanding with about 1000 grit wet sand paper. (I know it is over kill for a roller job, but I am used to preping for real paint jobs)


then I layed on satin black rustoleum. The key is to use satin black and not flat. flat will not seal any of the undersurface and will hold all kinds of dirt and dust in the poors, satin will seal the car and be washable, and give it the oldschool rat rod apearence. also us an enamle with a fine nap roller. the longer drying time will give the paint time to flow and blend into itself.


still looks like a roler job up close, but nice and smooth at a glance, and the roller gives it a nice orange peel texture which helps to dull and blend it all togather at a quick look.


and all the little details help it too look better than just a quick roller job

(I realy do know how to paint, jsut look at the red 190sl in the background, that is not painted with a roller)



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