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Z car movie sightings?


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Ok, this thread is all about Z car movie sightings. Not ZX, or 350Z. S30 1969-1978 Z cars.


"Bruce almighty" there is a 280ZX 2+2 - Lots of scenes, even wrecks it.


"You got served" - old school 240Z (I was flippin out when I kept seeing it), lots of cameos.

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Top Gun. When Cruze is driving his bike through the lights, and the chick (name?) follows and almost wrecks her Porsche. Tom stops his bike, she pulls up behind, and when the camera changes to a close up of them talking, you can see a 240 roll up to the intersection behind them.


Also; the movie 21 grams. Benicio Deltoro (sp?) is freakin out at a kid, showing him his truck (thats plastered in Jesus stickers) and there's a flat black Z parked in front and to the left of the truck... not sure if it's an s30 though...

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I saw the one in Top Gun a few weeks ago on TV.


I'll be sure to check out the Bring it on. My sister has that movie.


LOL - Black gold commercial is sooooo corny.

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I dont remember the name of the movie nor its actors accept OJ Simpson's name.


OJ and two other actors of that time were Astronauts about to be launched to the Moon. Just prior to the launch their supervisor wisks them off the rocket ship under the guise that the rocket ship was built to less than standard tolerances, and if they stayed on the ship they would die prior to reaching the moon.


These three almost astronauts were taken to a ghost town where they were told to remain. NASA had build an entire Studio in this ghost town so that the three anstronauts could stage the moon landing. The three would be astronauts attempt to escape. The ship was launched without its astronauts.


Anyway: OJ and one other astronaut get caught while the third one, with the help of a reporter break the story to the public. This reporter uses his girlfriends car....A Brand New 280Z (the movie was late 70's circa). The Z doesnt come into the picture until the last 30-45 minutes of the movie and is shown about a half dozen times.


It appeared to me the movie's angle of approach was founded in the conspiratorialist's idea that NASA never went to the moon.


It was an interesting movie - typical late 70's B-movie. It had Hollywood's full backing and I dont believe it was suppost to be a B-movie: but that is what it looked like to me.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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