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Road Rage, How do you manage it?


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Guest Aaron

To control my road rage, I play my music really loud and try not to pay too much attention to people on the roads. Plus, I think I have Adult ADD, so I don't stay mad too long.


To control other's road rage, I have a concealed carry permit and a pistol that rides with me. No one will ever see it unless they come after me or my family.


And John, that was a good one.

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Guest Phailure
Here's my best story so far...


Two lanes merge into one lane and there's a lot of traffic moving at about 40 mph. Everyone's merging politely' date=' every other car into the lane that continues. That's until a white Neon comes up to my front quarter after I let another car merge and tries to squeeze in front of my truck. I just keep my pace and don't leave any room, the car behind me has backed off and left room for the Neon to fit right it.


The Neon is now next to me and I see a perfectly manicured and polished middle finger stuck out the window at me and she tries to pull ahead of me again. The guardrail convinced her otherwise and she finally pulled in behind my truck, flashing her lights and honking her horn. I thought nothing more of it until I got to my shop.


There was a message on my message machine (I have my shop logo and phone number on my truck). The message is from a very irate woman named Eileen who claims one of betamotorsports employees almost ran her off the road and she's going to sue the company. She also left her phone number. I immediately called her back:


Eileen: "Hello."


John: "Hi Eileen, this is John from betamotorsports and I understand you ahd a problem on the road with one of our trucks."


E: "You're damn right I did, that motherf***** almost ran me and my daughter into a guardrail. I'm going to sue you for everything you got. Someone's going to jail. You just don't do that to poeple..." and on it went fo a couple minutes.


J: "I'm sorry to hear that and I apologize. When and where did that incident occur?"


E: "About noon on Carbon Canyon road. You know, I think I might have heart problems as a result..." and on it went again for another couple minutes.


J: "Again, I'm sorry that happened to you and your daughter. Chris was driving the truck at that time and he's been going through a lot of trouble in his life, what with his wife committing suicide last year and his daughter being diagnosed with Melanoma, but that's no excuse for that kind of behavior. This has happened before and as a responsible business owner I can't have my employees risking the public's life in our trucks. I guess I'll have to let him go. I appreciate your call and thank you for pointing out this problem to me."


E: "You're going to fire the guy?"


J: "Yes, I'm afraid so. I can't risk my business. He's worked here for 15 years and absolutely loves it. Last year after his wife hung herself in the bathroom he said working here at betamotorsports was the only thing keeping him going. Its a shame but I have my business to think about."


E: "Wait. What happened really wasn't that bad. We didn't get close to the guardrail and I guess I was just venting some emotions when I said I was going to sue."


J: "No, you were really scared and I can't have that. I'll let Crhis go this evening when he gets back to the shop."


E: "No please. Most it was my fault anyway because I was in a hurry. Please, just let it go. Maybe just have a talk with Chris."


J: "Thank you for your concern, but I after what you said earlier I'm going to have to fire Chris. Too bad, he was all set for a big raise next week to help pay for his daughter's treatment."


E: "Please, don't fire him, forget I called. He's go too much in his life right now and I have a daughter too. It was all my fault and I acted like an a**."


J: "I appreciate your concern but I've made up my mind. Thanks for your call and have a good day."


I hung up the phone. She called back a couple times and left messages but I ignored her. BTW... I don't have an employee named Chris.[/quote']


Quality.... quality... :lol::lol:

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Not to mention passing someone and slamming on your brakes is a good way to either get arrrested or risk having the accident declared your fault (which it is).




Unless it can be determined that it was done as some type of insurance fraud... its the person who hits you. "Failure to maintain a safe distance."


I can brake at anytime I feel the need.

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Last night returning home from our cottage, I had some road rage directed towards me. I was driving down the x-way doing about 70-75, moving with the flow when I came up on a beater Taurus wagon with not a straight panel on the car. His speed is varying between 50 and 65 in the left lane (speed limit is 70). I followed him for a few miles (I hate passing on the right). Finally he moves over to the right lane. As I pass him a scraggly guy with a scruffy beard, long hair in a pony tail, and half his teeth missing (according to my daughter) is hanging out the window calling me an a**hole. What the...? Our response to this kind of demonstration is to have everybody in the car smile and wave. His response was more yelling a******. Some people. :roll:

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You guys are bigger men than me!! I scream, cuss, yell, gesture, get my heart rate up, and overall just get irate. I just can't help it. Other drivers are my biggest pet peeve in the whole world. Everybody should stay at home except me :D

Honestly though, I really don't get mad if it's not their fault. Only when they're purposely driving like an a$$.

I dunno, maybe I should just drive faster and keep everybody else behind me!!


Surprising enough, I still have yet to get into a fight over it. But's probably because they don't pull over. I'm usually all for it if I get that P/O'd. Maybe I should work on these anger/aggression issues.

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Road rage? What road rage?


The only thing that really gets under my skin is when someone speeds by me and cuts in front of my car with inches to spare, and that only earns them a 3 second burst of high beams, but then I let it go. I've discovered that the greater my reaction is, the more anxious I feel. If I just let it go, I feel MUCH better. The jerks in the offending cars don't give a rip how I feel anyway, so why should I get all worked up? Screaming and yelling and shooting the finger will only hurt your voice and make you look like an out-of-control idiot, so why bother?


I've also devised several strategies that irritate the offenders without costing me anything. Letting my foot off the accelerator and gradually slowing down to get a tailgaiter off my bumper is particularly satisfying, as is not letting someone cut in front of me after I let someone else in who waited their turn. Little things, but they keep me unstressed.


I have too much stress in my life already without creating more for myself.



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Unless it can be determined that it was done as some type of insurance fraud... its the person who hits you. "Failure to maintain a safe distance.


Not always true. I witnessed something exactly like this and stopped. From my statements the cop wrote up the person who slammed on the brakes for an unsafe lane change and reckless driving.

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i dont get pissed, but when someone gets pissed at me i just tell them to rock on :rockon:

my crappy story was i was with a freind and i was dropping somthing off to another friend and he lives on a dirt road. well i forgot to tell my friend to slow down so he wouldnt kick up dust cause next to my firends house there is this guy with a huge lifted ford with a flatbed that has never touched an offroad serfice in its life exept for the road he lives on. well anyway we are coming down the road at only like 10mph and kicking pu a small almost unavoudable amount of dust and their bug ford is blocking the road cause hes hooking up his boat. now we dont see him but when were about 50 feet from his truck he comes running out of the gurage and starts staring us down, now hes about 40 and were 2 19 year olds and he was physically trying to intimidate us, that was funny so i waved and told my friend to go around him and that was that. morale of the story: dont live on a gravel road if you want your car clean. also it doesnt makeup for your lack of manhood by buying the biggest truck in the world.

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I've also devised several strategies that irritate the offenders without costing me anything. Letting my foot off the accelerator and gradually slowing down to get a tailgaiter off my bumper is particularly satisfying, as is not letting someone cut in front of me after I let someone else in who waited their turn. Little things, but they keep me unstressed.


I do the exact same things. When it comes to heavy traffic I let people change lanes and merge, but in a certin order just to help keep the traffic moving (then you get the random bastard that wants to jump the queue of 1 merge then you go).

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Guest 2slo4u

John C that was brilliant! I'll have to use that one next time a customer calls b!tching about nonsense. Kinda reminds me of the experience me and my girlfriend had with a moron in a monte carlos SS a while back. HA!! I can't stop rolling! HA HA......................................... :lol::lol::lol::lol: Thanks, man that made my day!







(just for a second)


95slobaru impreza1.8


Ha Ha Ha Ha................................................................... :lol:

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Unless it can be determined that it was done as some type of insurance fraud... its the person who hits you. "Failure to maintain a safe distance.


Not always true. I witnessed something exactly like this and stopped. From my statements the cop wrote up the person who slammed on the brakes for an unsafe lane change and reckless driving.


Thank you. Made my point.


People think that rear end accidents are always the guy in back's fault. This is true if there is no other evidence. But if a witness sees you do something stupid, you are in trouble. Especially with all the hype about aggressive driving these days.


I once T boned a woman who turned left in front of me when I clearly had the green light. We were in heavy traffic, it was raining and I was in an unloaded pickup truck so my options were limited. Must have been a hundred witnesses but none of them stopped to give a statement. Somehow or the other, the woman managed to convince an arbitrator that I saw her but failed to take evasive action. The accident got judged MY fault and my insurance had to pay her. The ruling was so bizarre that even my insurance company told me they didn't consider it my fault and did not raise my rates even with the $18K in damages they paid out.


Sometimes there is the way you think things should work out and the way they actually turn out. Best to avoid the trouble in the first place.


Also if your insurance company ever says they want to take an accident to arbitration, just say NO. There is more than a passing coincidence between the words " arbitration " and "arbitrary".

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