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Kids today are pussies


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Speaking of, anyone who doesnt believe we are descended from monkeys needs to watch that. Heh.


That reminds me of back in the day when we played Doom for the first time with the lights off, and the speakers cranked up, on my friends shitty 486 33mhz. That was some scary shit. That's what made Doom so popular, not just that it was breaking new FPS ground, no - it was the first game that would scare the living hell out of you when you got into it. It was so dark you couldnt' see hardly anything half the time, even cranking up the contrast to the max.


From what I saw of the doom3 alpha a while ago, ID software may have done it again. (Not saying that that video is not completely rediculous, of course.) But with the right environment it looks like it will startle the hell out of you.


Too bad I have way too much to do on my car to play video games. :)

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Guest gtmattz
Yah man.. the first doom was a little freaky.. I thknk it was the 'boss' at the end (Hitlers head on a big robotic/robo cop kinda thing with big gatling guns.. :lol: ) "Comin for ya!" heh heh.. thats great. :-D




you are thinking about Wolfenstein 3D there.. http://www.wolf3d.co.uk/HITLER1.GIF


the 'Boss' in doom was the cyberdemon, HUGE dude with horns and a rocket launcher for an arm... which, happens to be the same 'boss' in Doom 3.



http://www.gtmattz.com/doom3cdem.jpg (a little dark, sorry)


anyway, back to our regularly scheduled programming....

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I played doom2 again a few days ago with a few mods so I could have mouse look and jump. The game was so fast but still freaked because of the ammount of times a random monster was @ my back wanting to rip my heart out.


I got doom3 and loved every minute of it. And I will be playing it again very soon.

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Guest goldraven
hint: never admit you've been to a lan party.






I've organized 200+ people LAN parties. They are a total blast. You guys should check it out sometime.



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i've been to lan parties, and yes, some of them can be quite fun. however, when my friend calls me up and says "hey, bring your PC over on saturday, we'll do a lan party sat and sun"... I'll pass on it, because I'd rather not sit indoors playing on the computer on a nice day.


I guess I grew out of that. Plus, I live on the 3rd floor - lugging around a full tower case + 19" monitor ain't my idea of fun

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Could somebody explain to me what a LAN party is? I have a mental image of people PM'ing each other even though they are sitting right next to each other. Is it like one of those internet cafes where they play shootem video games online with a lot of people except in someones house? Ive been to almost every other party (gangster, writer, hip hop, punk, goth, club, hipster dufus, etc etc) but no LAN parties though. Crashed two hipster dufus parties over the weekend, god the vespa crowd is gonna get me one of these days....

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Awwww, the link doesnt work :(


I remeber in 9th grade we used to play Ghost Recon online during class with the laptops the school gave us to take home (that didnt last too long :) ) I would own everyone... We didnt learn a damn thing that year, but it was fun :D

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