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The Fence Sitter


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In the last 20 years as a registered voter, I’ve become educated to political rhetoric, politicians, and the fence they all hop in order to get elected. When I turned 18 in 1984 Ron Reagan was running for his second term. I was very opinionated, and very ignorant (RCNSC reminds me so much of myself at his age) . Because of this ignorance and lack of understanding the game of politics, I did exactly what my parents didn’t do and I voted republican. To this day I know that I did the right thing, but blindly so. Reagan spoke well, seemed grandfatherly, and just seemed “Rightâ€. My parents, devout democrats, didn’t question my decision. They just couldn’t bring themselves to vote for a republican, even though they thought he was doing well. He was “For the richâ€. Over the years I would educate my uneducated parents (Mom had a 6th grade education and dad got through 10th grade) as to my reasons for voting in every election. Most times it would be very fun for all of us to come to the realization that the candidates really weren’t much to pick from, with only two choices.


In 1992 I voted for Bill Clinton and thought I was doing right. He wasn’t Bush Senior, and at that point I was so unimpressed with Senior’s alignment to the religious right, that I actually campaigned locally to support Clinton, something I’d never done before. Having been in the agency for 8 years, By that point I’d gotten to see a lot of politics. I’d been to the White house and the Pentagon to brief the President, Vice President, and the Joint chiefs (I was an assistant to a senior Intelligence expert on Yugoslovia at the time and was only along for the experience as an observer to the process). I had seen first hand the game of politics and how an item became hot, and how quickly it would grow cold, if the wrong pressure was put on a situation or cause.


Surely Bill Clinton wouldn’t screw up any worse than Bush Senior… I mean, Senior had kicked off the biggest war in my generation (I was only 10 when Saigon fell and the last choppers extracted Marines and diplomats), and he walked away when it was first and goal. How he could let Hussein stay in power with the volumes of evidence and violent oppression of a society, it made no sense to me and I wanted him out… So Clinton was it. We all know how pathetic Clinton’s international policy was. As offensive and abrupt as we can all claim Bush Junior is, Clinton was as stiff as a wet washcloth. Nationally he was doing ok, but internationally Bill Clinton was laughed at and made the butt of many jokes. He brought us the Bosnian issue, Mogadishu, Haiti, and left Iraq to stew, as if it were to just simmer long enough until he was out of office. I was also unfortunate to bear witness to Clinton’s White house. It was equally disappointing. The amount of sheer waste that happened during the Clinton era was one that will not likely be matched again. Bill Clinton’s staff partied like rock stars, and those who live and work in DC would be able to tell many tails for decades to come about how the Clinton camp left a town pilaged, broken, and busted in their wake. There are resorts and clubs that the president of the United States has exclusive access to during his trips across the country. One stay from the Clinton clan and the group and Clinton himself were OFF the list.


So what does all this mean? We are in an election year. We are surrounded by some of the hottest, and most offensive political tactics we have seen in some time. It does NOT matter.


Bush is against abortion and so Kerry MUST be for it. Gun control? You guess. Here is the sad reality of politics in the United States of AmOrica: If Bush got hit on the head tomorrow and decided to turn over the apple cart and go “PRO CHOICEâ€, then where would that leave Kerry?


We don’t matter. None of us. RCNSC, PeteP, JohnC, MikeK, Jmortensen, You, ME, NONE of us, and NONE of our opinions matter. What matters? $$$ If you are not a part of a lobbyist group, not part of an organization that has $$$ and power, influence to BUY Electoral College Votes, then you don’t matter. Say what you will, get mad as hell at what you just read. You don’t matter… And neither do I.


I voted democrat and republican for 18 years now. I’ve been Pro-Women’s Choice (Only because I am offended that it is a political topic) and PRO GUN for as long as I’ve been an adult. Likewise, I’m equally offended to watch the issue of gays and their rights become political. These are issues that will never be resolved, and should be as much a part of politics as religion. Health care is an excellent example of a legitimate cause that either candidate COULD resolve, but won’t. WHY? If we fix the issue, it won’t be one in four years. I know, I know, Fix it and you could use it as your poster child for accomplishment… But you and I aren’t that smart… or so the politicians say. Think not? Then why is it that since I’ve been watching TV (35 years), Healthcare has been a hot topic.


So what does all this mean? Why would I type this book while I’m sitting here in North Carolina, watching another beautiful sunset in Topsail, North Carolina? I’m supposed to be on vacation, yet I can’t stop thinking of HybridZ and my Family on the web.


We don’t matter. And we won’t until we get someone who is real. Someone with dirt under their nails, and conviction for his beliefs with no fear of the establishment. Not some pathetic liar who talks about his medals, or some buffoon who sits there in the White house scratching his head every time a real decision requires serious thought. We need a man for the people… sadly enough none is on the horizon… And sadly enough, we’re left with picking yet another “lesser of two evilsâ€.


God Bless us all…


The fence sitter… AKA Mike Kelly

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i hear everything you're saying. voting for the lesser of two evils in two staright elections ( oh, he can't be as bad as...) has begun to wear on my confidence in democracy, ours as flawed as it is. what is a democracy when the final say in an election is taken out of the hands of the people?


sure what we have here beats a dictatorship by a longshot. we can all thank whomever or whatever we choose to thank that we don't live in a situation like iraq, cuba, etc... but we are in no way, shape or form what our founding fathers set out to create. and, yes, what we need is a man of the people, but the biggest killer of it all is that we need an ENTIRE GOVERNMENT of the people... the system of checks and balances would intervene and interrupt any or most of this idyllic leader's initiatives that might upset what years upon years of big brother politics have built up.


unfortunately, a big enough hole has been dug that no one election could repair the damage. we need the kind of men mike spoke about at every layer of the political system... men and women who understand what it's like to work and raise a family in the america that's left for the 90 percent. men of integrity who care about real, everyday life... and how the richest country in the world could use it's resources to make that life better for each and every one of us. but like i said, it has to start at the bottom and work it's way up, and that will never happen overnight.


so who am i voting for? not bush, his bravado has alienated us from way too much of the world community, while leaving domestic issues that you and i feel everyday on the back burner. i support our men and women and in many cases still children of the military with the deepest part of my soul but i can't help but think of where america might be if the money bush has spent on the war on terror was put into domestic programs... schools, health care, damn how many doctor visits could be paid for with the cost of ONE MISSILE? think about it...


i'm glad to know i'm not the only one out there that's a bit jaded. too bad those in charge see it so differently.



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so in essence the president is just a figure head. The people who actually decide what stamp goes where,what goes into legislation, and what the best plan of action is any given situation are the people we need to be trying to change.Until that end of politics is for the people, then there is really no sense in worrying about what president we have.


im tired, might have misworded all of that.

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"My name is Guy Grenfell, and I approved this message" :lol:


Yeah feel the same way and Im only 22. I cant stand all the B.S. thats involved with voting. Just a few months ago my health inssurance deductable when up from $500 to a $2000 deductable! :shock: So the whole health care issue is actually something meaningfull to me now. Although I know the cold harsh reality of the situation like you do Mike, it wont get fixed now and it wont get fixed later. It's just one of those things that I will have to deal with.


I have stopped listening to what the 2 canidates have to say, now all I care about is who can I stand to listen to for the next 4 years. My vote is for Bush. I personally cant stand even listening or even watching Kerry talk. He just annoyes me like you wouldn't believe. I think Kerry is more full of BS then Bush is but who knows for sure?





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Presidents wield lots of power in times of war, and this decision is important. Talking about it is important and cathartic (for me anyway).


Mike, I'm sorry you feel so powerless. That's a shame. I feel empowered every time I see a discussion going on. It tells me that people give a shit. At the very least that discussion might be a place to learn something new about a topic that is being discussed (your comments have enlightened me on more than one occasion), or even to learn why other people think what they think. Which brings me to your health care thing...


The reason the health care situation hasn't been "fixed" for 35 years is because there are a hell of a lot of people out there that agree with your bleak assessment of the govt in general, and don't want to trust that inneffective bloated bureacracy with their lives in such a literal sense. I'm one of em. You think health care is expensive now, imagine when the govt run hospitals start buying $30,000 toilet seats...


We don’t matter. And we won’t until we get someone who is real. Someone with dirt under their nails, and conviction for his beliefs with no fear of the establishment.


Didn't this guy get elected in '76? Turns out he was a sucky president...

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I couldn't agree more. My Dad held a seat back in the early-mid 60's (local district on the Big Island of Hawaii) Some young UH grad thought he might-could make a difference. He was so disgusted with his frat bros from college (also politicans) trying to buy him with "perks" and "benies" when he wrote his state senator (Dan Inoye) before (becomming a congressman) to reveal the coruption, his letters fell on deaf ears.


Health care in my home state of Hawaii is such that if you work you have health care. (HMSA) Hawaii medical service association says to employers, "You cover those employees" Dosen't matter if you work 4hrs a week or 40hrs, if you're on someone's payrole you have medical benifits.


The former Clinton administration (Mrs. Hillary) was going to use this HMSA program as an example for the rest of the country untill it was presented to the powers that be in D.C.


Similarly some welfare reform programs in other States (I believe it was Minisota or Michigan) very successfull, was also to be used as an example for how to get results. Untill, yup, you guessed it! till it hit the floor in D.C.


What dose any of this have to do with HybridZ? That Smog repeal proposal in the announcements on this/our sites Home page.


I maybe just one voice and I may have just one vote but, If I don't voice or give up that vote, what right do I have to complain?

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If you have a "fix" for health care I am all ears....


The #1 problem is getting everyone to agree what is broken.


I make good money and have had employer sponsored health care for years. Yet every year my costs go up (a lot) while the coverage has gone down (a lot). Try buying basic antibiotics for a child's ear infection.


I don't see how a government run health plan will improve that.


The only political fixes I hear talked about simply shift the cost to someone else. Guess who is going to be the end recipient of that round robin?


When it comes to health care, I think the Regan quote applies. Government is not the solution. It is the problem.


And yes, if you really want to influence the system, join some type of political group. Like the NRA. Voting is important, but sometimes people have a very naive belief in it.


BTW. Hillary's health care proposals scared the shit out of me. Thank God she never got anywhere with that.

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What matters? $$$ If you are not a part of a lobbyist group, not part of an organization that has $$$ and power, influence to BUY Electoral College Votes, then you don’t matter. Say what you will, get mad as hell at what you just read. You don’t matter… And neither do I.


Sounds a lot like medievel Europe


We don’t matter. And we won’t until we get someone who is real. Someone with dirt under their nails, and conviction for his beliefs with no fear of the establishment


I went rock climbing once with John Kennedy Jr. (OK, literal DIRT, but we know what you mean)....I was pretty impressed with that guy back then I don't think either of us was old enough to vote.

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Guest bluex_v1

Someone, please, explain to me why you think the federal government needs to control healthcare. Would you support a constitutional ammendment to make it legal?


The constitution gaurantees the right to pursue happiness, not the right to be happy.

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I think it's time to post the Bill of No Rights, #5 and #10 are particularly appropriate at this point:


"We, the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid any more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt-ridden, deluded, and other liberal bed-wetters. We hold these truths to be self-evident: that a whole lot of people are confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim that they require a Bill of No Rights."



You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV or any other form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.



You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone — not just you! You may leave the room, change the channel, or express a different opinion, but the world is full of idiots, and probably always will be.



You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.



You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of professional couch potatoes.



You do not have the right to free health care That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.



You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim, or kill someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want to see you fry in the electric chair.



You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If you rob, cheat or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big screen color TV or a life of leisure.



You don't have the right to demand that our children risk their lives in foreign wars to soothe your aching conscience. We hate oppressive governments and won't lift a finger to stop you from going to fight if you'd like. However, we do not enjoy parenting the entire world and do not want to spend so much of our time battling each and every little tyrant with a military uniform and a funny hat.



You don't have the right to a job. Sure, all of us want all of you to have one, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.



You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American means that you have the right to pursue happiness — which, by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an overabundance of idiotic laws created by those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.

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I think perhaps the nail was hit on the head with the phrase vote the lesser of two evils. There is, however, a third possibily. You could vote against the system that only gives us two choices in the first place. Other contries have dozens of political parties, yet americans seem to believe that two is enough.


Two is not enough! as was said further up, when you have two parties, they each have to pick a side on the issue. If the republicans are against abortion, then the democrats have to be pro-choice. But what if there were three political parties, or seven?


One of the biggest mistakes most people make is believing the lie that voting for anyone outside of the big two is a waste. Sure, they may not have a chance in hell of winning, but at least you are supporting the possibility that some day in the future, you might have more than two choices.


Now before everyone assumes that I;m about to voice my support for that doorknob Nader, let me assure you that this is not the case. IF you believe he is the only other candidate running for president, you have been living for years with your blinders on. There are dozens of candidates on each state ballet. And a vote for any one is not 'wasted.' Voting for a party allows that party to request additonal campaing money from both the federal government and private doners. It builds the party up, and at some point, it may even draw the attention of the media.


You say your vote doesn't count. If you vote for either of the big two parties, your right. The american people will elect the bafoon that they deserve. But that vote could mean the life or death of a small party that someday could field a viable candidate. That's where you're 'man of the people' will come from.


Right now the other parties look weak and unviable. If people hold onto the democrat or republican attitude, they always will be. But with a little support, from fewer people than you think, one of those parties might someday field a worthy candidate.


I don't care who you vote for, but at least consider finding a candidate that you really do believe in, and support them, no matter what party affiliation they have.

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Guest Phil1934

If you can sit back and look, it's amusing. This year the topic was a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and when that didn't raise sufficient ire, we moved on to 35 year old topics. The last election was a constitutional amendment against flag burning. Besides diverting attention from th ereal issues, the point of these is to make the opposition seem to be for the issue, not just against a constitutional amendment. The flag burning issue lost us Sen. Ben Jones (Cooter from the Dukes of Hazzard). Lyndon Johnson once told his campaign manager he wanted him to accuse his opponent of having sex with farm animals. When his manager said he knew that wasn't true, LBJ said, "I know. I just want to make him deny it." When the owner of our Columbus, GA supplemental insurance co. died a few years back, all his pall bearers were state politicians. Look at the biggest buildings in your town, no not th esecond biggest, those are the banks, the biggest, and they are insurance companies. And they know to donate to keep issues like this out of sight. If we had guanteed health care we would not need insurance. And a 50% workmen's comp rate after 7 years without an accident is what led me to shut down my business. I'm reminded of a speech a senator gave on why a gun bill did not get defeated and he said the NRA is just too powerful. It's not like they put a gun to his head. They just put money in his pocket. And again this election we are treated to news of $25,000 per plate dinners. If business charged for access to its decision makers like government did, they'd be jailed.

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Phil1934 and BADDRIVER BOTH get the gold star. Both of you hit the nail on the head with your comments! :shock:


Not saying I won't vote... Just saying I won't throw my support to the conventional "TWOsome". :D


The current system is to much surrounded by money, and until it topples, it won't get fixed. I hate to say that, because I'm affraid when it fails, it will likely take us all with it. :roll:


I love my country, put myself in harms way to defend it. But man, I hate elections with a passion. 8)


Mike 8)

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oh boy, do I click on the submit button or not...click - too late. My message has been entered.


Mike...you do matter, I matter, and everyone around us matters. Only when evil and its minions that perpatrate evil acts convince you that you dont matter, has evil won the battle.


This requires us to admit that evil is real and that its pawns are really carrying out evil acts.


There will always be a constant struggle against Evil -vs- Rightousness. None of us are perfect but we must stride to be righteous thru God: only when we accept the fact that evil (not just terrorits in turbins) really do exist and a lot of them are found in politics wearing $1000 suits: will current events ever begin to make some kind of since.


I believe we had a man of the people w/dirt under his nails.


Remember Ross Perot? In spite of what you thought about him he did promise if elected he would not accept $1 for payment as President. I didnt agree w/everything he espoused - but he did appear to be the best of the three running.


Also, remember when the poles indicated that Ross Perot would overwelmingly be elected? Remember the private meeting between Perot, Bush Sr., and Clinton? I remember it as I was watching it live on satelite.


There were no reporters, cameras, or recorders allowed in the building where Perot, Bush Sr., and Clinton were meeting. Then Perot exited the building and the cameras immediatle were shoved in his face inquiring to the subject matter of the meeting.


Ross Perot was ghostly - pale white and only said, "No Comment" as he walked on by. This was the same Ross Perot that up to that moment if a camera were present he and his charts were talking.


Also remember that shortly after that time Ross dropped out of the race - even tho it was obvious he was favored to win! Then by the time he decied to come back in to the race - he had lost favor so basically all he could do was rob votes from either of the other two candidates with no real hope of winning.


Sometime after the elections Perot admitted, on the air, that he was threatened by the other party's henchmen - in that if he continued, running for president, that they (whomever "they" are) were going to humilate his daughter during her wedding. These henchmen only do what they are ordered to do and were not acting w/o orders. Vicarious Liability implicates one or both of the other two candidates.


SO, what can we learn from this? We learned that Bush Sr., the ex-CIA Director/Oil tycoon and Clinton/Bilderberger "Rhoad Schollar w/secret society affiliations" - the goon from Mena that had a following of cocain thugs, sex scandals, back stabbing money deals, and a trail of mysterious deaths of his closest friends....thru their henchmen, dod threaten Ross Perot - according to Ross Perot that is.


It appears to me that the two parties will not allow a real "Man of the People" to gain the popular vote. If and when this possibility does begin to manifest - they (again whomever 'they' are) will not allow it.


I dont beleive the system can be fix'd, it is broke due to "the love of money" which according to Christ of the bible, "is the root of all evil".


I truly believe it is the individual that makes the difference and not the party. I also believe that those who control the creation of money are the ones in control of the greedy politicians.


Lincoln brought about the greenbacks that were issued w/o the Central Banks interests. Interest is debt that can never be paid back in a debt based system: this is why our National Debt will never be paid back...and Lincoln was shot for this. BTW: Lincoln's shooter was affiliated w/a secret society. Kennedy was not only going to disband the CIA but his admin was also issuing Paper notes w/o the Central Bank's interests...and he was shot. Interesting note is that after LBJ's being sworn into office - following Kennedy's assisination, LBJ's first act was to recall all those Non-Interest bearing notes that Kennedy's admit authorized into the market. I wonder who was pulling LBJ's strings?


The individual does make a difference: yet it doesnt appear the money creators are going to allow the system to be altered.




You have been blessed by God to be in the position to tickle the ears of those that form policy regardless of what policy is in question. This is a blessing if and when you have that chance. If you want answers then you are admitting to yourself that the status quo is not the answer. I dont know from what perspective you made your intial comments so I'm kind've all over the board here. Christ said to look for truth and you will find truth and that truth will set you free.


Individuals and Politicians that give their allegiance to the secret societies have compromised their duty to themselves and to America. If you dont understand the danger of these secret societies or understand the danger of interest/usery (which goes all the way back to Babylon) then you will never understand how politics are directed thru said societies...and everything in politics will remain confusing.


I never could make since of the world's current events until I personally admitted to myself that "Evil" is real and does exists and that all my attempts at understanding politics always lead me back to the creation of money & its interest. "Evil" is not simply someone who snatches purses from some old lady on the street. According to Christ, "Satan is a roaming lion seeking that which he may steel, kill, or destroy." How many of us/our families are being plagued w/debt?


I'm not going to tell you how to believe but I will tell you that things made a whole lot more since to me once I began looking at events from the fact that evil does exists and that evil will never openly admit to you or I, face to face, that "Hey, I'm evil, and this is what I'm going to do!"


IMHO, evil does exists, yet the good of God will supercede evil if we (all of us...especially the governments of the nations) bend their proud knees.


If we Americans, who always say proudly - "God bless America", mean while we Americans go out of our way to rebuke everything that God is suppose to stand for... why would God bless America? It would appear to me that the behaviour of the majority of folks in America rebuke God's instructions, and that this would actually bring about a curse on America...if God really exists(?) that is. IMHO he does.


Until we make this admittion IMHO - things will not make any since. Until then all I can say is to educate yourself on both sides of the issues, regardless of what you think and dont merely accept some soundbite from the media that is never substantiated...and do so with the slant of recongnizing an evil act -vs- one of propriety.


The Constitution does not give us anything - it is a document that restricts the Public officials in how they can come in contact w/the private sector. Govt spends almost all of its time trying to find ways around that restictive document in an attempt to tresspass against the very folks it was suppose to protect. This IMHO is the reason for the constant conflict in politics. America is not simply an experiment...it is a very real state blessed by God providing we, the people, and its politicians adhere to God's instructions. This requires us first to admit that a God does exists and is the rule of thumb by which all good is measured.


When gov't attempts to pass new law (the rule of law) I would always ask the question, "Is it going to tresspass on the private sector?" If the answer is yes then it is wrong (evil) since their only duty/responsibility is to protect the freedom/liberties of the people. If the answer is no - then it is a just law. The bible talks about a global one world and it appears that some politicians lick their chops when they have the possibility in handing us over to the UN.


Anyway - understanding and admitting that the majority of politicians are openly attempting to hand America over to the UN from which a One World confederation of whatever kind will rule - is taking place; was the first step in my truly understanding politics.


The secret societies and the politicians that join them are not America's friends. There are those who only join said societies to gain in economics, or to gain politically, or to gain religiously: regardless of the slant the end result is some manner of Command & Control over the masses of their nation.


Politics is a forum of compromise. You (you as in any of us, especially the gov't) will never be right when they first accept a principle based in compromise.


Well, there is the world according to Garp (Kevin): hope this made since to someone out there.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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"My name is Guy Grenfell' date=' and I approved this message" :lol:


Yeah feel the same way and Im only 22. I cant stand all the B.S. thats involved with voting. Just a few months ago my health inssurance deductable when up from $500 to a $2000 deductable! :shock: So the whole health care issue is actually something meaningfull to me now. Although I know the cold harsh reality of the situation like you do Mike, it wont get fixed now and it wont get fixed later. It's just one of those things that I will have to deal with.


I have stopped listening to what the 2 canidates have to say, now all I care about is who can I stand to listen to for the next 4 years. My vote is for Bush. I personally cant stand even listening or even watching Kerry talk. He just annoyes me like you wouldn't believe. I think Kerry is more full of BS then Bush is but who knows for sure?







Unfortunately, this is the sort of answer that has lead American politics to what it is today. Not to be rude, but to not vote for someone, because the sound or visual picture of watching them speak publicly is disgusting to you, is horrifying to me. I also understand that both candidates are close to the same, so its not to far off to vote for one or the other. I'll I'm saying is to just pay attention to the issues more than to how someone presents themselves (not to say that isn't as important either)

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