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Selling everything!!!!


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Well to be honest the whole deal infuriates me still. I need some prozac or something.....


Either way, I just couldn't turn down $1,000 bucks cash ya know....


Anyway, I'm leaving for Cuba on Tuesday. I should have some time to decide what I'll tackle next, or who I'll pay a visit to when I get back... Either way I'll keep ya posted. Maybe I'll send some nice action photo's from inside the prison :D J/k .....

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I will kick you now..... :evil: How many of us here would have paid $2000 for that, with an option to sell it back to him when he was ready?? I certainly would have, and figured out how to get it here afterwards. The only reason I didnt even inquire is I felt certain that beautiful car and warehouse of parts would go for more than that. Damn it all.... life sucks sometimes. Sorry, PoundZ

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ok ok ok, the charade has to stop. Yeah, I think I would of had to hang myself for that one........ :D


Add a few zero's and a decimal point (for change) and that's what I got ....... I just happen to catch a guy looking for exactly what I had and obviously he had some money to spend :D .. Apparently he was the type of guy that had an original close to when they first came out. The nostalgia and the fact it was going to be a father/son project I think put him over the edge. Well that and a little embelishment of the high offer at the time...... Rest assured guys, I may be dumb for buying some crap parts, but I think I would have had to slap him if he came at me with a 1k offer.......


Anyway, I'm heading to the strip club (don't tell the wife), if I get there in time I can make the free wings deal they got going around this time of day.....

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Dude it's a good thing you didn't sell it for 1k because i think everybody on the board would have kicked you so hard, you would have landed already in Cuba. Glad everything worked out, be careful down there it's still hurricane season ya know. 8)

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Guest Chris240turbo

Free advice, from me to you. no matter what you sold your car for, you obviously have the skill to construct a rig that many (most?) would be envious of, regardless of the "if I had only known", or "jeez I'd have given XXX dollars for" you have a talent, my advice is, learn all you can from our armed forces, and please, come back in one piece... when you walk out of your quarters, even if you're not in a "hostile" area. have your game face on, every time. I spend many hours thinking of the sons of america, such as your self...


Go out and do your job to the best of your ability, and make OUR country proud of you, and rest assured, I already am. 8)


If I were 15 or so years younger, I'd be right there, finger on trigger, and I'd have your back! cars come and go, true warriors are rare. come home safe!



And if you see my little brother, go easy on him!


All my Best. Chris

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Oh that is so sad..... I know the feeling all to with with previous projects. Thats a SWEET 71' 240Z too..... They are getting hard to find and don't even exist anymore where I live in Minnesota winters.

Please try to keep it or take more time to think about it.


If you have to sell it everyone has seen the history of the work you have done here. Thats worth much $$$ when buying one of these V8 cars. So everyone take note.... .someone here will benifit a great deal of knowing the owner... and History of this car! But on top of all of that again I would hate to see it go.

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