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Presidential debate opinions?


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I'm surprised no one has posted anything on this yet, seeing as how many politically interested people we've got here.


Anyway, I thought it was actually pretty good. I expected less direct confrontation between the two. I thought it was going to be one of those ignore the question and make your little speech deals, and it was to some extent, but a lot less than I expected.


Bush scored when he said asked Kerry how he planned to get Europe to commit troops to our "failed diversion." I thought Kerry scored some points when he actually said that he would hunt down the terrorists wherever they are.


Bush's biggest mistake was in saying "I know OBL attacked us... I know that!" It's real nice that you know that W, but saying it like that makes it sound like you're proud of the fact. Kerry's biggest mistake IME was what Bush nailed him on, his nebulous I'll deal with Iraq better and I'll get Europe to come along with us. As if his presence in the White House would lead France and Germany to do a complete 180 and send troops.


Pretty much a draw in my estimation as far as a debate, but Kerry scored some big points for not coming off like a blueblood prick which is kind of what I expected... :lol: Bush held his own, but didn't really take it to Kerry.


What did YOU think?

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I completely concur with your assessment for the most part. However when someone publicly beats the crap out of someones efforts while they themselves havent done anything but bitch,while the bashed continues to run our country,I for one ,have a hard time listening to them with an open mind. Something about "respecting effort" goes a long way for me !

Kerry's scored points did nothing to aid in making me a believer in his abbilities as any type of "REAL" leader.In fact, I think he'd "FOLD" under the actual responsibility before it was all done with.

I bet GW is amazed that the race is so close,considering that he doesent give a darn about how his efforts make him LOOK,as much as how he FEELS he is doing.

I have a gut feeling Kerry cares only about making a mark like a dog that pisses on every bush and pole just to say"I did that " ! :wink:


I've worked with people who behave like Kerry,they are careless with other peoples time and concern and quick to point fingers to the "nose to the grindstone" types.


oooooh,yes,........I DO feel better now.


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I'm not sure which debate you guys watched, but the word on the street is that Kerry won by a landslide. Bush's came off as a bumbling simpleton who sighed too much and who only had 30 minutes of material for a 90 minute debate. Fox news even gave him a bashing for his lack of professionalism. Oh well, Bushies will just blow it off. After all, if you're willing to overlook his abyssmal record then I guess pretending like he was anywhere near Kerry in the debate won't be much of a stretch. Who knows, maybe bumbling, stumbling, and generally sounding unstable will help bring honor to the presidency.

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I'm not too proud to admit that Bush is possibly the worst Presidential speaker I've seen in my life time.No doubt about his inability to speak publicly as smooth as Clinton or Kerry,certainly could be viewed as a BUMBLING IDIOT. But a smooth talker does not a task finisher make.(Yoda speak)lol. My family and friends have all lost lives due to the attacks and this war,I'm as angry as the next guy........but considering I'm usually politically alienated,I have to say,I just cant find the proper REAL CHARACTER values in either candidate,but even less in Kerry's shiftiness.

I realize Political views for some are VERY passion filled ! I'm sure rightly so in their eyes for what ever reasons too ! Perhaps expressing our opinions on this site doesent present a healthy relationship for members,unless they remember"don't hate the voter,hate the voteless"

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Guys, what we watched wasn't a debate at all. It was co-ordinated campaign sound bites and a person's (or media's) perception of the winner is completely dependent on their bias before this event.


If you check the Iowa Election Market it shows only a mild dip for GWB and an equally mild bump for JFK. Both results were predicted.




I actually enjoyed watching the post debate spin and spent a lot of time comparing CNN's (Wolf Blitzer) analysis and Fox's (Britt Hume) analysis. As expected, each network spun the analysis per what their bias was before the event. Wolf Blitzer was completely befuddled and had the "deer in the headlights" look when the Mike McCurry feed failed and Wolf didn't have a counter to what Karen Hughes spun from the Bush camp.




Bush started out strong during the first half but struggled at the end. Kerry appeared nervous and rushed at the start but settled down and became more "Presidential" as the event finished. I think both of their closing statements were good but the "content" of what GWB and JFK said was just a rehash of existing campaign statements. It added nothing.


Unfortunately for Kerry, I'm willing to bet most folks watched the first 1/2 hour and then switched over to football.

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I thought the whole thing was pathetic, just pathetic!! :shock::shock:


Kerry did his usually self-contradictions which is what I expected but Bush was horrible.


President Bush looked and acted like he was totally somewhere else in his head. If I was him I would fire whoever gave him advise about what to concentrate on during the debate. Kerry flip-flops so much we don't need Bush to remind us. He also looked very un-prepared with long pauses trying to figure out what to say and then when he got going the response was under-whelming to say the least.


Kerry came off "looking and sounding" more professional but he is conflicted with himself and I still don't know what his plans are for dealing with Iraq even though he was asked point blank to outline them for us.


It's a good thing the measure of a man isn't how well he does in a debate or this country would be in big trouble.


I will vote for President Bush because I believe his policies regarding the war on terror are correct but he definitely leaves a lot to be desired when the whole package is examined. To much spending on programs I dis-agree with.



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well i can agree with all of you in some ways and etc.

but i just couldnt stand how Kerry said one thing and then the next time he contradicted (sp? i suck at spelling) himself.

and i dunno, i just think Bush cares about us more, i think for Kerry all he wants to do is say he was the "President"..


i dunno


Bush has my vote..



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I watched the whole debate, if you want to call it that. Not much substance. I tend to be conservative and was suprised how bad Bush came off. Kerry seemed much more in tune but said nothing new. No new answeres so what else is new.


Kerry could have spelled out his plan and really hurt Bush but did not and that makes me wonder if he even has one or is just spinning his wheels.


All in all it makes me want to vote for none of the above!!!!!!!! Can't we find a President that is worth a darn :oops:


I do think we are in very deep doo-doo as far as Iraq is concerned. There is no easy way out now.



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My "personal moment" of the so called "debate" was when Kerry addressed the "flip flop" issue. Direct and to the point. I always felt that if I had two guys with guns approach me, and both of them point their guns to my head: one gunman waffling on whether or not to shoot me, verses the other guy that simply walks up and pulls the trigger; I'd pick the guy who's at least going to wrestle with the idea of whether to shoot or not verses the guy who simply walks up and pulls the trigger regardless of any possibility he might be wrong. Decisiveness is good, if its the right decision. But I don't want to get this headed into whether it's right or wrong (that was covered in another string). I was just FINALLY happy to see Kerry address this "flip-flop" issue directly.


Now I'm ready to get off the Iraq topic and head home with the domestic problems at hand.

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Neither one is worth much in my view. Bush says support our troops and cuts veterans benefits for our older Vietnam, Korean and WWII vets. A Flip Flop? Kerry cannot figure out what room he is in. Kerry is the used car salesman and Bush is the spoiled brat, "My way is the only way or else."


The debate is as said above just a show. They know the questions well in advance and have been practicing for a month on what to say.


I am one of the millions on people who are middle of the road, conservative on some points and liberal on others.


Who is the lesser of the evils is the question?

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Guest Z-rific

This is Amercia, and we love to have "winners" and "losers." And the general consensus is that Kerry did a better job. Even Scarbrough admits that.


I don't think Kerry contradicted any statements last night. Prior to last night, sure, but not last night.


The whole notion that "At least you know where Bush stands," bothers me a little. I know where Saddam and OBL stand on issues, so what? Unwillingness to change is not always a positive characteristic. Over-willingness to change aint so great either.


I for one, don't want "more of the same." The situation in Iraq worsens monthly, and now daily. So obviously Bush's 'plan' isn't working. Our economy is down and is NOT improving or strong, despite Bush's weak assertions. Healthcare and education are no better than they were 4 years ago. OBL and his top cronies are still at large. I think Reagan said it best when he asked, in a debate, are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?


The next debate will be on domestic issues, where Kerry polls higher among American voters. He has a chance to really hit Bush hard in almost every domestic issue...economy, healthcare, education, illegal immigration, oil prices, etc.


This race could get real close.

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Guest 77vegasz

One thing that bothers me is that the same people that were say"What are we going to do to stop terrorist agression" after September 11, are now saying, " we should have never been involved in military action, pull out".


Has there been any further action in this country to date? I am not saying it will not happen again, but Bush has made a dent in their network and has pushed them from all angles. We do have a long way to go, but we need to stand united as a counrty behind our leader. The way our media attacks our president gives these radical organizations the hopefully false belief that our resolve is failing and that we are indeed a nation of soft complacents that lack the stomach to fight.


Bush is not the best speaker, he is not the best president, he has made some decisions that I dssagree with, but overall, we know where he stands, and so does the rest of the world. Kerry's history of flip flopping, of lack of support to the miliotary and just his whole money grubbing self riteuos prick attitude tell me that he is the wrong man for this job.


Is Bush the ideal candidate, no but he is far lesser of the evils.



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Its all spin... And as was mentioned before, I'd not get to excited over what the media analysis was on this one... Both men should be ashamed at their performances... Bush did tenfold better on the O'Reiley factor, and Kerry, Well...


Terry, In a reverse of your analagy, Let me put it like this... If Im on deaths door because an attacker has got me on the ground and is ready to do me in, I'd MUCH RATHER not have the flip flopper debating over the moral dlimema or if he might get sued by the guys family... I'll take cool hand luke, 'er Bush...


Sad that THESE are my only choices... Good thing I carry a Glock and rely on NO ONE to get me out of a jam! :wink:


Mike 8)

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Wow.. time for me to get flamed.. here is my opinion:


Many people thought President Bush did not know what he was talking about or did not have enough material. The truth is, he knows exactly what he was talking about and even corrected Kerry in several situations concerning our current allies in the war and other things.


I personally like the fact that Bush is not the most eloquent speaker. We don't need a "sounds-good" president for our country. We need somebody who has the experience and the willpower to keep America going strong. I like the fact that he is real and down to earth and doesn't try to sugar coat anything. He simply tells it how it is and as you could see in the debate, he was getting annoyed while Kerry was bashing him as anybody would.


I do think Kerry was more prepared to attack our President's positions and he made it very clear that he wants us out of Iraq even though he said we should stay in Iraq until the job is done. I know several people in the Marine Corps that have told me that the Iraqi people would run into the streets and hug them and thank them for helping them. These people will be a valuable ally in the war on terror and our presence in the middle east. It might take the simplicity of a young child begging for just a piece of gum from a soldier in Iraq to make this point.


Just my .02

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