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My Final Word On the Election


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Guest Phil1934

So it's back to where it was two years ago and still 10% behind where it was four years ago. And it will be back below 10,000 shortly. It's shown about as much direction as the subjects of the song.

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It's funny because it's TRUE!


Mike, calling others sheep (sheeople, anyway)?

Those in glass houses...


BTW, I totally agree with your assessment of "the media says it, therefore it IS" for a lot of people. But you're mistaken to believe they were slanted against W, quite the opposite, they gave his administration a remarkably free ride despite obvious poor judgment and major screwups of the highest order.


LIES?! How 'bout WMD in Iraq? How 'bout Iraq as a real threat to us? how 'bout "we'll only need 40,000 in post-war Iraq"? OK that last one might just have been willful dismissal of any pre-war assessment that was less than outrageously naively optimistic.


I put lies that get our troops and 10s of thousands of innocents killed for no good reason in a different category from whatever lies you're ascribing to the Democratic ticket (not that I am or was *any* kind of fan of that party or that ticket).


I didn't need Michael Moore to know this administration was and is full of SHIT.


They ARE assholes. Plenty of sheep that will continue to worship them now matter WHAT they do. Unbfrickinglievable.

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you Bush hatters are right.... we should have hid our heads in the sand after 911, and continued on with status qoue. Everybody knows from all the previous hits we took, that the passive approch would some day win their hearts... :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:


I don't think so..... I say we haven't took out enough of them yet....

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you Bush hatters are right.... we should have hid our heads in the sand after 911' date=' and continued on with status qoue. Everybody knows from all the previous hits we took, that the passive approch would some day win their hearts... :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:


I don't think so..... I say we haven't took out enough of them yet....[/quote']


I'm not really a Bush hater, I just think he has no business in the presidential office, I feel the same way about Kerry. I do take issue with what you said though..


"I don't think so..... I say we haven't took out enough of them yet...."


Who exactly would 'them' be? It certainly wasn't Iraq, hell it wasn't even Al Quida (sp?), so far as I know, responsability STILL has not been issued for the 9/11 attack.

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MrWOT, are you kidding???


From BinLaden's tape from the Friday 10/30: http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/10/29/binladen.tape/


In the video, bin Laden said he decided to attack the twin towers of the World Trade Center in 1982 after the invasion of Lebanon by Israel, which he claimed was backed by the U.S. Navy.

"And as I was looking at those towers that were destroyed in Lebanon, it occurred to me that we have to punish the transgressor with the same" he says, "and that we had to destroy the towers in America, so that they taste what we tasted and they stop killing our women and children."


EDIT--I thought the video was funny! :lol:

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Guest Phil1934
"them" is for anyone trying to take away what we have and belive in, and/or any of the slime killing our brothers, sisters, moms ands dads whereever, fighting for above stated.


Now look at that quote from an Iraqi point of view. They were not involved in 9/11. They had no WMD. I think our administration believed we would be welcomed as we invaded their country. Yet we still do not have "Mission Accomplished". We still don't know what that mission was.

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Say what you will but it boils down to two things...


Are you better off now than four years ago???


Four years ago I was making about $78K per year, driving a 1993 truck and a 90 Honda Civic, no exterior garage, and squeezed into my little (No Familyroom) garage...


Today, four years later, I have DOUBLED my investments, have a LARGE two story garage behind my house, added 550 Square Ft. to the living space in my home, drive a 1999 Corvette and a 1998 Chevy Silverado 4X4... and I'm sitting ontop of a $44,000 pay increase... :D


GEE, I guess I should be upset with my PERSONAL growth under the Bush regime???? :roll:



Most people voted their conscience and most likely sat down and looked at where they are today vise where they were before... and MOST probably didn't want to change leaders under the current circumstances with our country. :shock:


Interest rates are lower on homes, cars, second mortgages... People are paying less for more... my home mortgage is $1070 per month... It rose more than double in value in less than 5 years, and costs THE SAME as it did when I bought it...


No, Sorry, But my world is MUCH better than it was four years ago, so I'm happy I voted for the AZZHole. :lol:


Just my opinion... :wink:


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I think it's generally agreed by those that do, as well as those that don't, understand economics, that this administration had little to do with our individual economic situations, for better or worse. Where I feel we are worse off is our standing in the eyes of the rest of the world, our environment, sciences, national budget, and corporate ethics, all of which has taken a nose-dive in the last 4 years. The war on terrorism is tunnel vision, which is what W wants.

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Where I feel we are worse off is our standing in the eyes of the rest of the world, our environment, sciences, national budget, and corporate ethics, all of which has taken a nose-dive in the last 4 years.


Would have to arque the corporate ethics part. Remember those corporate accounting scandals (i.e. Enron) that happened on Clinton's watch? Not that I blame Clinton for that, but makes it hard to argue things are worse now than 4 years ago.


As for the economy, anyone see the job reports released today?




In terms of shear numbers more Americans are working today than at anytime in our history.


I do worry a good deal about the deficits (budget and trade) and wish Bush would take a more fiscally responsible approach. But I don't see how electing Kerry and his entitlement programs would have helped that. Guess his "tax the rich" programs might have made some short term differences (assuming he could have gotten them through congress). But that could easily result in a recession wiping out any revenue increase.


I simply do not agree with all the economic maysayers. Things simply are not going that badly right now. In fact, for the majority of Americans, things are going pretty well.


And what do I care what the French think of us? Can't be any lower than my opinion of them.

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In terms of shear numbers more Americans are working today than at anytime in our history.


Aren't there more Americans alive than ever before as well?


Stats can inflect any meaning. The phrase "median income actually grew during this period" sounds encouraging. But closer scrutiny reveals that the very large gains by the very upper income bracket, combined with modest losses by a vastly larger majority, show how a statement like this can skew the uninitiated.


Last comment: I was very glad to here W "welcome" those that opposed him in the polls and how he wants to work with these same people. I pray he does. I pray he narrows the divide he helped widen, and I pray the precedent he set in the 1st term ("my way or else") will be forgotten in the next 4 years.

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That video was hillarious.

I'm glad to hear that Mikelly went from making $78,000 a year to $122,000 a year, which basically supports my theory that the rich love Bush for obvious reasons (no offense, Mikelly, really, I'm just trying to illustrate a point). Meanwhile, I come from a very humble (ahem, I mean poor :oops: ) background, so I have it hard enough, and I lost my job during the Bush years. This forced me to take a much crappier job. I was way better off 4 years ago. Now its almost impossible to afford tuition, healthcare, let alone payin to fix my Z, when I'm getting paid 76% of what I was 4 years ago (I went from $12.50 an hour to $9.50), and the costs of afformentioned things is going up. I DON'T blame the economy crash directly on Bush, because I believe 9/11 was really at fault, but I DO blame him for not doing enough to help us through these tough times. He could be giving tax incentives to companies choosing to stay in the U.S. It won't solve the problem, but at least its a start. His tax cuts for the wealthy are good for spurring investment, but in the end, the only people they end up helping are investors. You think I can afford to invest? If Bush is the "compassionate conservative", then where is his compassion for people like me? 4 MILLION more people are in poverty now. So I'm glad to hear some millionaire doubled his portfolio. Bush's priorities are backwards. This is the hypocritical crap I hear from Bush all the time: he claims to be a devout Christian, and that he does God's work. That is B.S. I know, I went to sunday school. I know Christian values. I try to live by those values. If he was a moral person, he would make it easier for people on the bottom to work their way up, instead he decides to help the rich get richer. Christianity teaches that greed is a sin, and that it is noble to help those in need. Bush won't raise the minimum wage, because it would "hurt business". Thanks, George, at least we know who you care about. He doesn't want to give universal health care a try. That's nice, considering all of the people who have lost their health insurance, and can't afford to cover their children. It seems to me the only "values" of Bush and the other conservatives is the value of money in their own pockets. And since when is going to WAR a Christian value? People have used God to invoke war many times in history, and they were wrong. GWB says he is "a war president". What do you think Jesus would think of this? Last time I checked, Jesus was anti-war. So maybe we should concentrate on capturing the people responsible for 9/11 instead of causing another 1000 American casualties for a nonexistant threat. And maybe we should have elected a leader who actually gives a crap about the American people. I am truly sorry if I offended anyone, honestly. But this election affects my life in a big way, and I feel passionately about it.

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Nope, No offense taken, But all these arguments won't work...


See here is the problem with politics in general... Clinton Ran and everyone of the republicans under the sun said "Draft Dodger", and every democrat I knew said "Shouldn't matter"...


This time around Kerry is the war hero and EVERY Democrat I know was screaming at BUSH for being a... WAR dodger...


Big Corporate America... Yea, and We could break down EVERY asset Kerry and Edwards invest in and tie them into some questionable (Not really, but the spin machine could do that as well...) corporations..


You guys need to just back away from this whole politics issue, as it is just leading us all to finger pointing and DRAWN LINEs... We all know who we all voted for, and for their reasons... Enough said...


And for the record, I came from an EXTREMELY POOR FAMILY... My parents STILL live IN the trailer I was raised in. Their pride won't allow me to help them as much as they helped me, so all I can do is buy them things here and there, pay their perscriptions and their utilities when I can, and be there for them... So I'm not "One of the rich getting richer"... I've been on welfare... and I've had food stamps and government cheese.


Cast those stones elsewhere... :roll:


I'm doing VERY WELL now, and I appreciate it, but I'm under no illusion... it could go away tomorrow... and Under Kerry, in my line of work, it very well could have... Clinton did away with thousands and thousands of government jobs, and I saw the cuts run deep... You want to talk intelligence failures??? The lack of manpower to review all the intelligence we gather, that can be traced back to 8 years of clintonian politics...



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Guest Phil1934

Yep. I'm finishing the welding today. Still have to swap the 180 for my 200 with 300ZXT axles and fix 15 years of sitting idle. I plan to be at the next SE drags and will be disappointed if i don't get at least a 12.0_.

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