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Jim McNemars car BURNED UP Today...


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I don't have all the details, but apparently the Z went up in flames today... They had assembled the interior seats (Sparcos) belts, new dash with gages and wiring, and it was done inside. John, the Fabcricator was under the car in the engine bay with the car in the air, and he was welding closed a few small holes in the floor board when apparently a spark got into the interior and hit a seat... Car caught fire and by the time it was caught, the whole interior was engulfed. The dash is toast, the seats are toast, the windshield is gone, and apparently the roof paint is blistered... This is going to be a nightmare and I'm quite sick to my stomach... I'm going to inspect the damage tomorrow.


More later...


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John, the Fabcricator was under the car in the engine bay with the car in the air, and he was welding closed a few small holes in the floor board when apparently a spark got into the interior and hit a seat..


I'm always so scared of something like this happening when I'm working on a customer car. John must feel like crap.

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I found a Dash in my stash of parts, so I think we're good to go from that standpoint...


Pics of the damage can now be seen at: http://photos.yahoo.com/dat74z Select Jim McNemar's ScarabZ pics and scroll through. You can see the intricate Cromoly cage work, and of course the damage... Pretty extensive damage to those helespensive Sparco seats... interesting note is that the Corbeau harnesses did NOT suffer any damage and could be used had other stuff NOT melted onto it.



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They have extenguishers for every bay in this shop. That didn't matter. The spark hit under the seat and smoldered for several minutes. Guy put the car up in the air, started plumbing the lines for the fuel cell and holley FI pump and filter and had no idea there was an issue... By the time they got the lift lowered enough to get the extiguishers (four of them!) to the source of the most heat, the damage was done...


By the way, this whole fire started because John tack welded a single STUD from the inside of the car, through the rear deck to hold the bracket for the filter to the body of the car. A tack weld... A very simple and small tack weld... The interior was done and the engine bay was complete. They were within a day of testfitting the motor and trans, and putting things back together.



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I apologize if the reference to fire extinguishers was the directed at that shop. Something similar happen to my neighbor welding his Mustang and would have been a total loss, except we had extinguishers. Again, sorry this was a wake up call for me.

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Wow, that's a nice car, atleast nobody got hurt and the car did not completly burned up with the shop or house. Since I did not donate any money to this site at the last calling, I'am willing to donate the door panel and the accessories for the cause.


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No need for apology. My point was to reference that even with the right equipment, things can go wrong!


We appreciate the offers of donation... If we can't get hands on the parts, I'll let you guys know and you'll be compensated.



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WOW! I dont know what I would do if that happened to me? Especially if it was at home and I did it. I would have no way of recouping the cost to fix it. Atleast the shop working on it is responsible and he shouldnt have to pay to fix it!


Man that is one nice cage in there! I sure wouldnt be affraid to get in an accident with that thing covering me! What kind of power goals is this car looking at?



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I can COMPLETELY empathize. My second 240Z I had spent an ENTIRE summer painting it. It really turned out great, especially for a garage job. The neighbor, who painted racecars said that when I get old enough (I was seventeen at the time) if I was still interested, I had a job.

Anyway, the car turned out really nice. I was finishing assembling it. Putting the stereo system in it. I remember I had carpeted the tunnel, using spray adhesive to hold it to the 'diamond' vinyl. Apparently, when I arc'd the wires as I found hot leads and grounds behind the dash (I was much better at painting than electrical), there was a seemingly insignificant spark. No biggie.

Well I finished the assembly, pulled the car into the garage for a detailing after the surface cooled, and went in for lunch.

I'm upstairs eating soup, and I start smelling this odd burning smell. I'm walking briskly through the house to find the source. Just about the last place I checked was the garage. When I opened the door I was greeted with a big cloud of chemical-laiden smoke. I hit the garage door opener, and as the smoke billowed out of the garage, I see my 240Z interior completely I ablaze!!!!

I was devastated beyond words, which is why I can so identify with how you're feeling. I still have the polaroids of the damage (this was WAY before digital cameras). I didn't even try to salvage it. Insurance raped me, and I moved on.

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