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Anyone else read the Internet Z Car Club (IZCC) email list?

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A former member is saying not to nice things about a current members manual on Z car V8 conversions. I won't post it here since that goes against the IZCC list charter. Its this version of the digest:

Monday, February 7 2005 Volume 2004 : Number 1173


I don't mean to make trouble, but I believe what this guy posted is uncalled for. He's making the JTR swap sound like a very bad design, and saying his Scarab placement is the only right way.


[New: I posted a LONG point-by-point reply - lets see if the list admins let it through - I wasn't nice, but I was decent about it.]


Anyone can join the IZCC list from here: http://zhome.com/IZCC/izcc/mailinglist.html.

You can then get archives from the server (after you're a email list member) by using the directions at the bottom of the page just linked.

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Yeah, I saw that this morning as well--I agree it was kind of uncalled for; Carl Beck usually puts a quick stop to the vendor-bashing over there, I'm surprised that message went through, because I consider that to be one hell of a bashing


Also, for those who may not want to sign up for the mailing list, the guys over at z31.com archive all the list traffic:



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After reading Kim's post, and recalling similar posts made here years ago, I think it comes down to Kim being ego-offended that the JTR modifications have become wildly more popular than "the conversion he engineered twenty years ago". It breaks his heart to see someone else's idea better received than his.


With all the different uses, different combos, and different owner preferences, I just don't see how anyone can make such blanket statements condemning one method, yet he acknowledges those differences, then makes those condemnations.


It's a shame his ego is so fragile.



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Well I recently deleted a BUNCH of private e-mails back and forth where Kim Blough basically threatend me, stating "The community is to small to make such enemies as I"... The man is a legend in his own mind.


Far as I'm concerned I have washed my hands of him and anything associated with him. As I stated in my responses to him elsewhere, there will be a few tense moments if he and I ever meet face to face.


What some folks may not be aware of is the fact that Kim was sued over something to do with a JTR or Scarab conversion/ install some years ago and he still is smarting from that courtroom loss.


Life has moved past the past, but it appears that Kim has not.


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Last time I got into a discussion with Kim I was repeatedly told that R200's have crush sleeves then finally told that the conversation was over when I continued to try and convince him otherwise.


Thanks again Steve Golik (zcarnut) for finally setting me straight on that one.

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Well, Kim rebutted that I had really bought into the hype. Then went on

to say his racing record of Scarab vs JTR proved his point that JTR

setup cars handle worse.


Kim obviously knows all. How could I have dared question is undeniably

superior intellect?



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Kim says,


placing literally all the weight of an

engine and transmission BETWEEN the front and rear wheels. Like I said

before, MID-ENGINE 240Z. If that fact alone doesn't strike you as

significant enough in its own right, then perhaps we need to go over

handling stuffs,


He is making a great case for the JTR swap. Funny stuff.

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I find it funny that the real reason that Mike moved the engine back is because:

The set-back position came about because I wanted to fit the Camaro T5 overdrive transmission into the car, and I wanted the shifter to come out of the stock shifter hole. That is the primary reason for the design of the motor mounts. I also wanted to run a big engine-driven clutch fan because I didn't trust electric cooling fans in 1990.


This was taken from here: Click Here



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Speaking of idiots' date=' did you guys read this little gem of wisdom?




What a freaking crock!


I can't believe this guy. SR20DET more tunable than a Chevy V8! Once he's done throwing 45 psi at it, I want to see what he thinks. Cubes will alway allow for more power and more tunability, if you use the same power adders (turbo in this case). Tony will not get the only word on this, I assure you.

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I find it funny that the real reason that Mike moved the engine back is because:



This was taken from here: Click Here




Matt, I don't find it that surprising.


After the really, really long thread we had on this topic was done (with the undoubtable Kim involved as well) we really did come to somewhat of an agreement - that the shifter location when using an internal shifter manual transmission - was the one very good reason for setting back the engine.


Kim will continue to bitch about oil and trans pan clearance, "worse handling", etc., but these are all minor points compared to the fact that if you use the Scarab placement and don't use either an automatic transmission or an external shifter trans with a special bracket for the shifter, etc., you're hosed as far as shifter placement.


I'm also trying to fit a Hilborn injector and short stacks under the Z hood with my 406 (have the parts, not working on it yet). Any less hood clearance than the JTR position affords means less stack length, which I don't want (makes the induction tune wrong for the rest of the engine's powerband).

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