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Today's funny

Mike kZ

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A blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station. She tells the mechanic it died. After he works on it for a few minutes, it is idling smoothly. She says, "What's the story?" He replies, "Just crap in the carburetor" She asks, "And, how often do I have to do that?"

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...The same blonde brings her car to the auto body shop after getting caught in a hailstorm. The body shop guy says, "Save your money and fix it yourself by blowing hard into the tailpipe. The dents will pop back out." So she goes home and starts blowing into the tailpipe. Another blonde walks by and sees her blowing into the tailpipe and says, "What are you doing?" She replies, "Blowing out the dents." The blonde passerby replies, "Silly, that won't work...unless you roll up the windows first!"

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:lol: so the blond walks away, and ends up walking down a country road. Off to her right in a corn field, she spots a blond in a rowboat trying to make her way across the field. She yells to the blond in the boat; "You idiot! It's blonds like you that give us all a bad rep.. and if I could swim, I'd come out there and kick your A$$!!!"
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There were two blondes running to the drop-top 300ZX, the one said "hurry up, i locked my keys in the car and i can't get in, i need to put the top up before it starts raining"


Well and her blonde frend went for a walk.........they saw sum tracks "those are deer tracks" "no, those are moose tracks" - They kept fighting until the train hit them.

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The blond was speeding and got pulled over by a blond cop.


Blond Cop: May I see your drivers licence please mam.


Blond: Drivers licence? What's that?


Blond Cop: The rectangular thing with your picture on it. Look in your purse mam.


The blond searches and finds a mirror in her purse. She looks at it for a moment then hand it to the blond cop.


The blond cop looks at the mirror for a moment and hands it back to the blond and says "You can go mam, I didn't realize you were an officer too".

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