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Lasik Eye Surgery...


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For those vision impared folks out there I've recntly had Lasik surgery performed on my eyes. I don't have the card in front of me, but I was near sited, had an astigmatism, and needed glasses to drive at night. I just had the operation performed on Friday afternoon at 2PM. The total procedure took 20 minutes and I was done. The next day (16 hours later) I went back in at 10:30AM and the Dr. examined my eyes and I was at 20/20 in the left eye and 25/20 in the right. I go back in today to be checked again (For any signs of swelling or infection...Funky drops I've had to put in...) and they will check to see how much more my vision has improved.


I can't recommend it enough... I'm so happy to be without the glasses (Which I just refused to wear unless absolutely needed) and I can't believe how much better I can see!


Mike :D

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...Well I had my five day follow up this afternoon and I have 20/15 vision in both eyes... One thing I was warned was NOT to go to some "Special $999 PER EYE this WEEK only" Dr. The money is spent on the prep work for the Dr.s to map your eyes and make sure they are thick enough to withstand the surgery. You need to do your homework when considering this type of procedure, as with the case SpeedRacer mentioned... This is a SERIOUS procedure and is SURGERY... I got the best Dr. money could buy, and I wouldn't have had it done if I hadn't known going in that this guy was on the list of top 10 in the country.


20/15 guys...That is amazing!


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im a chicken also!!!! i know two people that had it done (both women by the way...i know doesn`t help my case)and everything worked out fine.but i still think eyesite is too important too mess with unless it totaly gone to the point of disabllity.just becaulse there`s a malfuntion doesn`t mean it`s broke.....besides women dig a guy in glasses. :cool:

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How you interpret vision description:


Mike has 20/15 vision; this means he sees the same thing at 20 feet what the 'normal' person can only see at 15 feet. Make sense?


Mike, glad to hear it went really well!



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i know what you mean mike. i have been wearing glasses with a very mild prescription for the past 6 years. one eye is worse than the other and, even though i hate wearing glasses, i have endured. now i cant stand it any more. it's time for me to go to the eye doctor again to get a new prescrition. i really think i will be saving in the long run by getting lasik surgery.


i've been seriously thinking about it. however, the extent of my search has been seeing the ads in the sunday paper for the assembly line shops that do it for $499 (per eye, i think) or the emory vision care center in atlanta that does it for like $4000 (i think, hopefully, this is for both eyes). my question is this: what's the best way to go about finding out who is good at this?


i have talked to people who say the $499 places are fine and others who have gone to the $499 places to get it done, but ended up having to go to emory to repair the damage they caused. i just dont want to make anything worse.


thanks, in advace, for any replies to my question.

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