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Paint ball "Markers" or guns around $200


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I am looking to buy a paint ball marker for my 17 yr. old son Can anyone reccomend any paintball gun...around $200 price range. Seems like the Tipmann A-5 is the best buy so far...havent looked at the Trilogy composition or auto cocker trilogy ..or Black dragon yet..


Any ideas or personal experiance would be appreciated.


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The Tipman's are good guns. I also like the Spyder guns, especially the newer electronic versions. I would stay away from Autocockers if it is a first gun, they seem to be a pain to adjust, clean, etc. Just my observations. I use a non-electronic Spyder gun against Autocockers, electronic Tipman's and Spyders, etc...and a lot of the fun for me is technique. We play in a wooded area though, not speedball.

Good luck on the decision.



BTW, Actionvillage.com has been a great place to buy guns/balls/gear/etc.

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Thanks for the info. Jolane..

Yea..was told Tippmann was good. A salesman said should go with the A-5 because its alot better bang for buck as compaired to say the Model 98 ( more expensive too!). Guy says the A-5 is alot more user friendly, durable, could dissassemble/fieldstrip in seconds, and upgradeable.

What type of Spider do you have?..do you have your canister connected to your gun or do you use a hose....what lenght of barrel or do you use multi barrels for different situations? As you can see I'm trying to learn...compaired to the old guns about 7 years ago...paintball has gotten as specialized as real firearms!

My son plays a bit of speedball but I believe he will play in "wooded areas" as you...I am looking at action village to get educated as I type. After my son decides on a gun..have you tried e-bay..any deals there?

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I am looking to buy a paint ball marker for my 17 yr. old son Can anyone reccomend any paintball gun...around $200 price range. Seems like the Tipmann A-5 is the best buy so far...havent looked at the Trilogy composition or auto cocker trilogy ..or Black dragon yet..


Any ideas or personal experiance would be appreciated.



After you purchase the paint-ball gun set-up, you may want to consider a trip to Wisconson for some target pratice on the feral cats!!!

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Len.. I've been playing paintball for 6 years now. The guns i have had or have are:: Talon pump gun, Stingray 2, Spyder SE w/ 14" dye excel, Tippman 98 w/Flatline, Diablo Mongoose LCD. Used A5 one game last year.


I strongly agree with Mikelly. Tippmans are a sweet gun, kinda the ak47 of the paintball world sans loose tolerances. My opinion is go with the a5. the 98's are sob to take apart,{its not possible to field strip} but there is usually little need to.


Here are some links that might be of help


My personal favorite/ Done all of my business with them since the local store went under. Usually as cheap as they get and fast shippings:






what lenght of barrel or do you use multi barrels for different situations

Ive always preffered a 14" barrel. I think most good players will agree on more than 8" and less than 16" The ball is only being accelerated in the first 3 inches and the rest is for accuracy or to keep it quiet. personally i like the loudest barrel i can find. Keeps their heads down. i think anything longer than that and your just making it more cumbersome and using more gas to get the ball to the same velocity.


do you have your canister connected to your gun or do you use a hose

I used to use a remote line but found it to be more of a hassle than an advantage.


And probably the best pieces of equipment you could get are. a good mask{Doesn't matter how good you are if you cant see bc/ your lense is fogged} I use an olive drab Jt Spectra//harness{paintball gunz are hungry critters} http://www2.888paintball.com/888product.asp?plid=HARNESSES&icid=REDZ&scid=FLEX+TEK&csid=20938208288840421082455405805216442054085052970532&code=27%2ERDZ%2E+FT+4+UN+BLK&xt=br


Hope this helps


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That's very good information I can use....What are some "good" masks. Here in Oklahoma I guess he would need one to have the option to attach a fan?

that 888paintball.com was the first site I visited .."Jude" reccomended the A-5 "powerpack" package...$275 (mask..looks like a scott not sure how good it is tank...don't know size and a loader ) not sure of lengh of barrel...need to call to find out.

Thank you for your insight


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I have an older Spyder Extra. It was ~$79 last time I checked (I bought it when it came out). I use the stock tank mounting, and stock barrel. I have not tried compressed air (use CO2 only), and have not tried the remote mounts. Too much hassle where and how I play. Although I have this older gun, I do very well just because of technique. One shot, one kill most of the time.

The A-5's had some problems when they first came out, but I would assume that those are fixed. I am also not too sure how well the electronic stuff works for the A-5's. My good friend had a number of problems with his, but Tipmann was very good and helpful. The breakdown where I play is ~50% Spyder, ~30% Tipmann, ~15% Autococker, ~5% other. I play with about 30-40 different people.

The model 98 was always a favorite, but TheSkrich pointed out its flaws. Big pain to clean.

I would recommend visiting the place you intend to play, and ask around about guns. The most helpful thing I found was experience. We have a really spyder knowledgable reseller who is very helpful.

A good mask is probably more important than anything. I also have a JT Spectra and LOVE it.

Oh, and I will also vouch for 888paintball.com. I bought some stuff from them also and had great service.

Finally, with all of these guns, a good ball is needed. Do yourself a favor and do not buy your balls at Walmart. Find a local reseller (or order online) that sells a lot of balls. This will help with getting a fresh package, which is important. You don't need the most expensive ball, just a good quality. I personally like Allstars, and have great luck with them in my Spyder. Great American is also popular here.



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You know Joshua...$79 for the spider extra as compaired to aound $200 to $229 for the a-5 looks pretty attractive. I guess he may lose some of the good things the A-5 has to offer (or the 98 for that matter). Good point with regard to type of balls...we used to buy at wal-mart since they were cheaper.

I don't understand difference between C02 as compaired to compressed air. I just thought c02 was those little bottles you insert into the end of the gun like ones used to air up MTB's. Thought compressed air would be alot cheaper over time since I figure possibly they have Scrader valves you just air up at say a gas station or use a tirepump.

I saw a spider extra remanufactored for $49...if they shoot just as fast and are just as accurate might be an option for me to buy to play with my son. Along with my son to buy too. He just played a few times at his friends house who has a great speedball as well as bit varied terrain.

I looked for the JT Spectra could not find that item.

Keith, yea my son has played at wild west many times...he really liked it. now he is playing at his friends house.


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Keith' date=' yea my son has played at wild west many times...he really liked it. now he is playing at his friends house.



Cool. We used to have 'squadron wars' out there and always managed to have a blast. I never got to check out any other fields, though. Hope you find the right setup for your son. I, personally, really like the A-5.

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Compressed air or HPA (nitro) has a more consistent output so the velocity will stay the same and it doesn't have drop off like C02 does. C02 spikes quite a bit in velocity but its fine unless you have an expensive gun or want to spend $150 to get a little more accuracy.


I have a Spyder Victor II, a Armotech Zeus pistol and an Ariakon SIM-5N (MP5) marker. The Spyder is a good gun but it will take more maintenance then a Tippmann and are generally cheaper to buy. I wouldnt recommend a high end mil-sim type marker (Armotech, Ariakon) because they can be finnicky and need regular maintenance to keep in top shape. For paint I would suggest getting ZAP of some kind. Its cheap and isnt lopsided like Wal-Mart paint.



http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/7/web/451000-451999/451234_35_full.jpg Spyder

http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/7/web/451000-451999/451234_39_full.jpg Other markers


Im thinking about selling my Spyder so PM me if you are interested.

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