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Datsun 240 VS. Viper


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Last night a neighbor friend needed to borrow my engine hoist and needed my help putting it on the trailer. After we finished loading it, I left him with the cherry picker (he was gonna need it) and walked home, it was nice out and a short walk. Between his house and mine is another neighbor with a couple of Vipers. I had always felt bad about not stopping by and introducing myself as I am a pretty friendly guy. I guess since I havent had a fast (running) car until recently, I didnt have much in commom with him. Anyways as I walked passed his house I could see he was pulling out of the garage in back.


I always like to see what my car can do next to these cars. My house is only like 3 houses away, then I started to think "hey maybe he is just out for a drive" hell it was like 7:30-8:00 on a Monday night. So I began to walk faster until I thought hey I can probably catch him, I ran in the back I ran in the house told my wife "I gotta show someone my car" She was like "What?!?!? huh What". I said "Ill be back in a bit".


I jumped in the car backed down the drive way as fast as I could, looked down the road, "Damn nothing". Zipped up to the next next intersection "Damn nothing". Down to the next, and still nothing. I got out to the first major street "Oh I think I see him". Now my heart is pumpin pretty good, partly from running back to, and thru the house, and partly from getting a chance to race a Viper again. I make my way thru traffic and there he is one car in front of me. EXCELLENT!!!! (you know like MR Burns, wringing his hands)


We are south bound on Gilbert from Mcdowell all the way to Superstition. There is a ton of traffic and even a little construction. He is going painfully slow but I understand why. In just the 5-6 miles I have been following him at least a dozen people have tried to push me out of the way to get up close to see his car, its like a rolling circus act, it really does look super bitchen. Its red with yellow decals and HUGE yellow wheels, it looks like a matchbox car come to life.


I get behind him I get in front of him I get beside him and nothing, I cant even get him to look. Im half thinking maybe he dosent even drive em fast, but I think naw that cant be, I heard thru the neighborhood gossip that he does go to the race track (but Im still not sure what he does there). Anyways he is driving like a perfect gentleman, Damn.


We squeeze thru construction and round the corner on to the superstition west, normally there would be two full lanes for us to have it out on, all the way up to the entrance ramp to the freeway, but Damn there was a van that got right in front of us and he could have easily slipped past but he was being good, and rightly so that car is still attracting a lot of attention. We continue west on the 60 until the 101 north and still nothing both times, I dont even think he looked, I do the same drill, front, back, side, left, right, still nothing but he was right to stay cool there was a ton of traffic.


Were coming up on the 202 east to head home and Im a few cars ahead of him I make my way to the right lane and head east on the exit ramp im pretty much gonna give up and we get on the 202 and there is almost no traffic and we round the past the bridge at dobson and he catches up to me. Oh Oh am I imagineing this?


Now we are next to each other I drop a gear and he finally looks we have a good clean stretch in front of us and he grabbs a gear and stands on it and DOH Im caught in the middle of 4th, S#!T I drop to 3rd quick and he gets the jump on me, IM not loosing bad but he is still beating me for most of the gear. My nose is at his tail and Damn..., Oh wait now im not loosing ground now I start to gain on him, my nose is at the back of his door and he goes for 4th and Whinn nanana He misses the shift. I zip past Damn that was fun but not what I wanted.


I stand on the brakes for what seems like a pretty long time. We cool it for a bit and he crept up to me and we slowed down again (I didnt notice the speed but Im in 3rd and right where my boost hits hard) and gives me the thumbs up, and I ask "Wanna go again" he nods and now I got him right where I want him. 3rd gear 3400 rpm's I squeeze on the brakes I stand on the gas, the boost is at max I count to 3 on my fingers and side step the brake, we are off.


We are at the left curve just past the Mcdowell exit. I have the left lane (he was in the middle) and I got the jump on him and was gaining good, Whooo Hoooo, I go for 4th and look back and he has gotten on the brakes and is in the far right lane (thats a pretty tight curve for over 100). I look around and make sure we are in the clear. I slow down and he gives me the thumbs up and now the road is straight and I ask if he wants to go again and he says "I dont want to get a ticket" I dont blame him but I really wanted to go again, bummer.


Since I was pretty confident he was goin back to my neighborhood and we would both be turning north at the Gilbert exit I thought yea, but the exit light had turned green before we got to it and there was a Geo Metro in the left lane, I got in the right lane hoping that he would follow but he got behind the Metro Damn. Oh well, I went back home, and he was pretty far back so I thought I could make it into my driveway without him noticing, but he saw where I had turnned and followed me down the back drive way and I ran in the garage and turned on the flood lights and waved him in.


He was real cool and I appologized for being a Hoodlum and taunting him and he appoligized for not wanting race again. I said "No No thats fine, you didnt go out for a race you went out for a sunday drive and I harrased you the whole way". He said "NO thats fine I would have loved to go out and do it right but there was to much traffic everywhere". we BS'ed awhile, popped hoods and he invited me over to his house/garage any time, and I will take him up on it soon.


I my opinion all these Viper guys are pretty cool. Out of 3 I have encountered all 3 were willing to GO. That makes it 2 out of 3 vipers for me now. I cant say anywhere near the same for Vettes, of any year. Thats cool though not everybody (vette guys) wants to race all the time. Besides there are tons more vettes and not all of them bought them to go fast and thats cool with me too.


Now Im positive the first Viper I happened upon was pressurized. Cant wait to turn up the boost. Im at 10 psi with it creeping to 13 by the top of the r's.

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Good story! I've raced one Viper. In my Mustang. looked like two drug dealers out for a joy ride. They got their ars handed to them.

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Guest iskone

Sweet!!! :-D


I'd get handled by a Viper!! unless it comes down to was goot more balls around a corner :twisted: Well, balls or stupidity whatever you want to call it.


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Funny, was the driver of the car named Dennis and did it have the word "Centipede" on it somewhere? Sounds exactly like a car I worked on with Erik a few years ago. Looks like a rolling hot dog stand.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 7 months later...
I heard of a HybridZ member putting the HURT on a Twin Turbo Viper this weekend . . . .:)


Wow, somehow my subscription to this thread died.


Yea that might be me, I did race a Twin Turbo Viper and a BPU Viper (exhaust and some other stuff) at the same time for a half a dozen times. Both guys were really cool. But I didn't win against the TT Viper. I decided to make a post about it here since several people have asked about it.



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