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you know you own a hybrid Z when...


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After a ride in the Z, friends with Civics tell you "Thanks for showing me how slow my honda actually is.." :lol:


People who used to laugh at you and think you were wasing your time/money stare like this :icon52: and can't believe you have a car this cool...


IF someone was to borrow/buy your car, it would take an hour or more to explain evrything you've mod'd, how to keep it up/repair it, what the proper order is for fliping switches/knobs to start it up, best RPM to shift, ect.


You hear about an old Z car 2 hours away, sitting "down this road, off to the right down a dirt road, behind a barn, ect" And wouldn't you know it, you gofind it. 2 years later, you can still remember how to get there.


And this one actually happened to me recently;


I pull into a parking lot at a bar to turn around, and there's a Viper parked out front. As I roll by it, a guy walking to his car looks over and says "Nice datsun man.. " I say "Yah well, if I could afford it, I'd probly be driving that" (Pointing at Viper) Guy says "Nahh.. your's is cooler." :D

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-when you know the exact wrenches to bring under the Z for every job.

-you ask the waitress for a different seat so you can see your car outside.

-you step on the throttle harder whenever you pass people that are watching.

-you pick on motorcyles.

-you tell the cop that you have no idea how fast you were driving because of all the unknown ratio changes between the engine and rear tires makes the speedo untrustworthy.

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if you've ever drove 6hrs to look at a Z only to get there, be able to push your hand through the frame rail and think.. "well i might be able to fix that"..

when you realize parting out your "dumpster" could give you 2 months rent.

when at times your house has more car parts inside then furniture

when you have more car chemicals then cleaning chemicals

when you see a 280zx on the back of a trailer going to oposit directions on the highway you contimplate turning arround


BTW I just got home and a screw flew from the lawnmower of my roomate and put a nice crack in my windsheild..

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1. When you tell your wife "I only spent $50 at the hardware store but I got a lot of differnet bolts I need."


She says "$50 for just BOLTS!!?!?" :toetap05:


No matter how many little brown baggies of bolts you show er she just doesn't seem to see the value.


2. You need like three sizes of bolt to get one that fits perfect.


3. You can recite every dang part you touched on the car, when it happened, have pictures of it before and after, what it costs, where you got it and where the old part is... but you can't remember a birthday to save your life. :redface: "Hi honey, just go to Tiffenies and pick out something you like, here's the checkbook, ahhh just don't spend any more than 200 and tell them you need to post date that check till Tuesday." :emo:


4. "Life is like a box of Z-parts, you just never know what you're gonna need."


5. You keep telling your family, "Yes, I spent more than the price of a new car, but this one is going to be better!"


6. Your mother-in-law won't say anything but, "That little V8 looks so small are you sure it's going to be faster now?", and "Why didn't you just fix the old engine?"


7. At least two people at work tell you you're crazy, and at least two can't wait to see it.


8. You're tired of answering the question, "Why?".


So many many more...

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Sadly... :redface:

Same here....


When you have a specific route to parts stores because some are more likely to have the parts then others.


When you say "standalone engine management" they say it can't possibly be used on a daily driver.


When you walk into a parts store and the first thing they ask is "how's the project coming" instead of "what parts do you need?".


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