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Jacko NOT guilty on all accounts.


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This case was botched from the beginning... LA County Persecuted JAckson for showing "odd" behavior. Do I think he is a kid toucher? I don't know. Did he touch this kid or get him drunk? I don't know. However, Much like the Robert Blake case, These Grifters who seek out the famous to extort money, whore out themselves or their children as bate, should be the last credible "victims" The state of California ever tries to exact justice for.


Sad state of affairs, especially after botching the Simpson case and then the Blake fiasco. :roll:


Mike :cool:

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I'm glad to see the justice system is being honored. Michael Jackson is a proven weirdo beyond reasonable doubt. Definitely not proven criminal though. I'm offended by the idiots who have called this "another OJ". Sorry guys, no blacks on this jury to pull that card. Hopefully Michael has learned this costly lesson. I actually think though that this case benefitted him because there was no payoff. People don't like when a guy doensn't face the music. The evidence was layed out on all prior alleged acts, jury deliberated, Not Guilty

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Guest Phil1934

And how many hours of news on this did we get? At the same time the Downing Street memo appeared in England of a meeting between Blair and his intelleigence chief telling them Bush was going to invade Iraq and would fabricate the intelligence to back it up. So it wasn't faulty intelligence. It was a lie. 100 Dems called for Bush to explain to congress today. (Wouldn't it be nice to see one politician do something based on his own character and not solely on political party?) Anyways here's the smoking gun. And I wonder how colin Powell feels since they picked him to deliver and shoot his credibility and political hopes to hell? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/05/12/AR2005051201857.html

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And this has WHAT to do with Jacko the Wacko??? :shock:


Phillie, Let it go... News flash, democrats lost, my friend... :lmao:


Only two more years and we can see what Hillary has lined up for us, no? :shock:


Mike :cool:

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Jacko might be a wacko, I don't know him so I don't know, but I do know that the justice system is wacko, and Jacko's case is prime example of a prosecutor who can't see the truth and doesn't care because they have the power to screw people over at will. At least that's the way the jury saw it anyway, isn't it, and ALL that matters is what the jury thinks! Hail, rejoice, for the PEOPLE can right wrongs of the out of control prosecutors and hell bent women scamming money out of people who are "high Profile". Just remember your butt may be in the hands of a jury and you can only hope that common sense will rule over the twisted rules and logic of our injustice system.

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Guest Phil1934

How's this for a tie in?

is prime example of doesn't care because they have the power to screw people over at will.

We also had a big news story that Paris Hilton led the Gay Pride parade and Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes appeared at separate premiers. Enjoy your news.

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UH Phil, You may want to research some of our "pre-election" banter... I believe I mentioned quite a while ago how pathetic journalism has spiraled in America. We don't have journalists reporting facts... Hell on the locatl new radio station I get my traffic reports from every day I deal with sensationalistic reporting, just to keep the listener "tuned in"!


Reporters and journalists are starting to rank right up there with lawyers... :roll:


Mike :cool:

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Was Jackson at the meeting with Blair and his Intelligence Chief? If he was I could see the correlation. Just messin dude :)


Backo to Jacko...

... It was killing me yesterday to listen to the jury speak about the trial... OMFG. One of the older female jurors [John Lequizamo impersonation]: "Choo don't snap yo fingers at me lady." Jackson must be innocent.


Juror #1 felt that Jackson had probably molested young boys, and he was leaning towards guilt, but he felt the prosecution did not do enough to dispell reasonable doubt. Unfortunately he can't act on his gut instinct and had to vote for innocence.

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