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450 reasons not to be a HS teacher....


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Beauty, but no brains.


I dropped out of high school to get away from the utter incompetence that is the California (and the National) education structure. It is frightening to think that these kids are going to be the future of America...(oh yeah, and the present leaders of America are sooooo great confused2.gif )


I suppose that the pattern is always the same, the smart kids are naive, the jocks are neanderthals, and the rest are just there. It has always seemed to me that the more perfect someone was in terms of their physical appearance, the less attractive they were in terms of their personality. Though that isnt always true, it seems to take a special mindset for a "beautiful" person to also be a "good" person.


eh, I'll stop there before i go off on other tangents...




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Guest Anonymous

Holy S.hite! That's one nice lookin' HS!! :eek:


That's four hundred and fifty pieces of J.O. material! lol


Originally posted by livewire23:

Although I agree with you about the smart kids, those idiots are mostly really naive. Not all of them though...



"Oh and this one time, at band camp..." :D
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Guest livewire23
Originally posted by sopdadope:


Originally posted by livewire23:

Although I agree with you about the smart kids, those idiots are mostly really naive. Not all of them though...


"Oh and this one time, at band camp..."

roflol :D

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Guest livewire23

hey, I was a jock. I played football and was a Track runner. And Im one of those damn smart kids too. Although I agree with you about the smart kids, those idiots are mostly really naive. Not all of them though...



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Originally posted by joeinCA:

Beauty, but no brains.


I dropped out of high school to get away from the utter incompetence that is the California (and the National) education structure. It is frightening to think that these kids are going to be the future of America...(oh yeah, and the present leaders of America are sooooo great confused2.gif )

Oh well, school systems follow the society. We moved here in about 79 or so for the schools, just about that time is when the budget cuts kicked in and CA started sliding schoolastically.


I was never a big fan of school, but occasionally you come across a really good teacher, and then sometimes the really crappy ones that dont belong there. I like the idea of school/college, but have a hard time going back, because EVERY time I do I am dissapointed. Good students can follow instruction, A, B, C, memorize things for tests, and allow themselves to sit through hours of slow moving crap that you covered last year already. I guess this is what makes them perfect for the biz world, meanwhile Japan is still kicking our ass.

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