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so what we as a group found out was..... everybody on here can build a badass car but nobody can read.


awesome :D


well.. Tim can but thats because he has like 100 years on most of us.



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Somewhere years ago on a back road and probably around 2:00 AM on a Saturday night, one fellow would lay out the first and about the only rule, "On three, go " Usually the fellow to lay down the rule would have the honor of screaming, "ONE, TWO, THREE" and the coversations for the next week was who got there first.

see he gets it :D lol..


its okay.. atleast your not the guy who came up to me in person and said "your One Tree Good right"... hahahaha

i said "i think you have me confused with the tv show "one tree hill.. see ya dude".


although i think Pop N Wood beats him with Oingo Boingo.... WTF i that! lol



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i really find this thread so funny.

makes me feel like im special... Not Alex or Tim special but close :D


i still have no clue what Poop N Wood is on though.

that guy sounds like he would be funny as hell to hang out and drink some beer with! lol



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He's only a lad....


I'm the type of person who doesn't see the letters when I read. Only the whole word. I just sort of register the pattern and keep going.


Besides' date=' who takes internet screen names too seriously.[/quote']

true that :D


so funny though.



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A couple years of counterstrike and 'leet speak' have screwed me over. A 3 used in a word can only be an e, nothing else, no exceptions, its the law.


I do the same thing, I knew it was on 3, go, but every time I saw it I thought onEgo.


LMAO j00 g0t ur a55 pWn3d!!!!!!!11

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A couple years of counterstrike and 'leet speak' have screwed me over. A 3 used in a word can only be an e, nothing else, no exceptions, its the law.


Same here as well. First time I saw his name I was like "who makes thier name one go? Maybe on ego? I dunno" then like 2 hours later it hit me. I felt dumb. That one tree hill crack was pretty halarious. So i'll make sure to call you mike if i ever meet you.


Honestly though, I've always called people by thier handle, and sometimes it's easier. For instance, my buddy 3Ksage runs a CS team, and recently moved in with two teamates whom i've always reffered to as V3NOM & Linkx (pronounced venom & links) but come to find out they want me to call them thier real names in person, wich gets confusing because they're matt & pat. That's just messed up man, what are the odds that thier names rhyme like that?



I'd like to petition this thred to become a sticky. This is the funniest thred I've ever seen here.

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I'd like to petition this thred to become a sticky. This is the funniest thred I've ever seen here.


lol the famous Oingo Boingo i mean ON3GO thread :D...


haha i love this site :D.


thanks guys!



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Curiously, the older members (either by physical age or number of years of membership, or both) have on-line names closely resembling their actual names - or in somecases use their actual names directly. for instance, i'm "Michael" on HybridZ, and that's my real name too. Whether by shift in fashion or explosion in creativity or desire for anonymity, now it seems that people's on-line names have nothing to do with their real names. No judgment here, just an observation. Would some one care to explain this trend?

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Cuz young people hate thier names. Older people are just used to them. (obviously this is the joke answer, if you want a most serious and philisophically deep answer read on)


You see, every generation in history has tried to be different in some form or another from thier ancestors. We're living in a day in age where people can life thier life as anyone they want to be. The find refuge in coming and ideal instead of just being "thier father's son". The real question is what is the next generation going to do, becuase i've already beaten the handle idea to the "dead horse" status. It's almost a joke now.


Now, I've been Gollumandsmeagol for... 11 years now. I remember upgrading to AOL 3.0 and my computer not being able run it.... So i had to uninstall and reinstall 2.0. My handle is an outward expression of who I am. If you just use your real name or a variation of it then you either 1) don't care 2) Have no desire to be anything you aren't 3) don't understand the idea of expressing yourself via handle or 4) or think having a handle is stoopid.


Knowing that i'm 18 and I've been known as Gollum for 11 years on the net, you realise I was only 7 when I came up with that. If I was THAT into books back THEN, how much more so am I now? You can tell alot about a person by thier handle. (sometimes. depends on how serious they are about thier handle creation). Some people also have multiple handles. Some of my other ones are smeagol, Poseidon, & Architeuthis


Hope this might bring some light to the odd minds of today's youth & computer people ion general.

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ON3GO has been my handle every since i started street racing.

i was the one who always said "on 3 we go okay"..

everybody in town started calling me that, and then ppl saw my 300zx or other cars and said "ahh thats just on3go".. so it stuck.

i already bought http://www.on3go.com and one day ill have a shop/biz with that title name.


a man can dream right :D



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