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Believe it or not, there was a ZCAR parade at the Virginia State Fair last Sunday. Seems the ZCAR club in Richmond was going to the drive-in movies last Saturday, but the drive-in is closed for the season. So a hastily-prepared event brought about 12 Z cars into the parade between antique tractors, Junior-Miss-pageant queens, and classic Military vehicles. A very nice showing of all Z models (or was the Z31 not represented?) from 1970 to 2005 rolling along in chronological order. Mr. Green's SBC-powered 240Z gets my vote for best exhaust sound.

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WHAT RON?!?! I live in the bay area and see AT LEAST 3 z cars S30-83' per day.


Saw a HOT N' SEXY black S30 the other day up in a residential area by san pablo dam road. Had dual side exhast (i was assuming V8) roll car/cage (it was night, i could see the V) no passanger mirror. Looked clean. Looked serious.


I saw/raced (not sure if it was REALLY a race, but he seemed to be going all out) a S30 that needed "brightening" if ya know what i mean. Had decentlly loud exhast. I pulled away in top of 2nd. I figured either I own 5 speed over 4 speed or he wasn't really going all out. Shouldn't a carbed (sounded carbed) S30 beat my ZX with ease?


I wonder if anyone on here will spot me sometime. I was out in haward today. I'm usually just in the easy bay area though pinole, hercules, richmond, san pablo, el sobrante.


I'm still wondering if the guy I bought my Z from is on thier board. Owes (don't know if he still has, he was talking about selling it) a 79-83ZX that was painted red and the first night I went and looked at the car he has just put on side pipes. Sounded GOOD.


Up by my friend's house in el sobrante there's this NICE oem looking Z but I never get a change to look at it up close because the guy always goes right into his garage.


There's a black ZX turbo up the street from me. I'm contimplating going an overnight motor swap and seeing if he notices ;)

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  DaleMX said:
Saw an orange 240 or 260 next to Home Depot off of Windward Parkway in Alpharetta, Ga.


the owner of that 240 must work at home depot. i see it there too often. i saw a yellow 240 around noon today on windward in alpharetta and a brown 280 on north point parkway in alpharetta around 5:30 pm.

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I always see a white 240z with black wheels passing through Fairfax (north bay area) going to and from the valley. I've exchanged waves with the guy a couple times. I once tried to get him to pull over but he didn't get it. Is this anybody on here? BTW I drive a silver/grey 240z with mags (needs paint badly though lol).

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I just saw, an hour ago, a replica of Ferrari GTO(red) with Texas license plate, I'm not sure if its a 240Z/260Z/280Z but I'm positive its an S30. It was parked at a Holiday Inn hotel parking lot at Santa Monica, CA next to the 405 freeway. Too bad I didnt have my camera at the time with me.

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I know this is an old thread... But I've been wondering why I haven't seen more of these.


The car that made me decided to build a Z was a lime green 240z with beat up paint that looked lowered that passed me on my way to school on sir francis drake blvd. right by TCBY.


I also saw a white s30 (not sure which) on D street in san rafael with an MSA type 3 body kit, just before it turns into wolfe grade. And there's a darker green 240z I've seen in fairfax a few times, and a yellow one I've also seen in fairfax.


Anyone on here??

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