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Can anyone reach Alex Costa?


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I am trying desperately to get in touch with Alex Costa. He has a good amount of my money which was to be used to build up an engine. All of a sudden he just disappeared. I am trying to get ahold of him to either get my parts or my money back before I am forced to contact authorities on wire fraud charges.


If anyone has any information, please PM me or reply to this message.



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If you look back through my posts or search for Alex you can find out what happened to me. I feel like i was mistreated and got the run around, like you I couldnt get in touch with Alex and he gave me no updates or let me know why I hadnt recieved my pistons. I was on the verge of going to the police in fact the only thing that stopped me was that he seemed to have a decent reputation on here.


Fastforward two months after i orderedthem with delivery promised one week after he recieved my money. I finally got in touch with him through his work, and after continual hounding i finally got my pistons from him. The pistons were correct but he sent me the wrong rings in the end. .... you draw your conclusions.


His work number:

Alex Costa (Speed shop)


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hurricane wiped out that area pretty bad.

my green Z was in the worse part and that area saw more then 4 feet of water.

ive also been trying to get in touch with alex but i havent been able to.

i cant get intouch with my aunt in that area too.


Alex has way WAY more of my money and my car then anybody else here, and i know he is a good guy and wont screw anybody like that.


i pray he is okay.



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This may be his "lifestyle" but it is horrible buisness practice and is a recipe for disaster, I found people tend to get slightly agitated when somebody has their money with no rush to deliver a product. He will never get any of my money again.


In fact, I didn't mind the time set back so much as the NON-COMMUNICATION. When I have to call a buisness (multiple times) to find out why I havent received my products, what the update is, and what decisions he has decided to make without my opinion, that is across the line and pisses me off. In fact if it wasnt for Mike giving me his work number I dont think I would have my pistons to this day.


Alex ordered me a new set of pistons when he found out he couldnt get the ones I wanted, the only reason I wanted the pistons he initially offered me was the promptness with which he said he could deliver them. If i had known he was ordering a new set I would have changed the specs. Horrible buisness practices. But I am done ranting. You have my opinion, ill not bring up this issue again.

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I agree, a business man au extrodinair he is not. But the days turn into weeks with hurricanes, no power, no gas, no food, no water, and complete chaos. All I'm saying is that today is not a regular day. I'd get what you paid for or get the money back, simple as that. Don't burn a bridge, you may want to cross it again and in the future don't order or pay unless you won't need it for awhile, since you know how he is.

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Sadly, I suspect there are reasons why he isn't on the board much, and isn't returning calls.


On3Go, I know he's your buddy, and your trust in him is, well, yours... But actions speak louder than words.


I'd advise anyone dealing with him to proceed with caution, based solely on recent history.



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I did business with him ONCE about 2 years ago and WILL NEVER do business with him again. I will not go into details because i dont want to "internet bash" but have documented everything from that day and even saved the 1 hour IM conversation between he and i just in case i even needed it. I hope he supllies everyone with the parts they've ordered with him, or at least some kind of compensation. GOOD LUCK.

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i didnt speak to him today but my mom did.

seems like the shop he is at now screwed him over in a big way and is forcing him to move out of miami as he cant afford it anymore.

he is also done with cars it seems.

his cell phone is been down he said for some time now so thats why the no phone calls.

i hope to speak with him tomorrow.

seems like ill be getting my green Z back in a month or so..

not gonna have the motor we planned on putting in it but i get it back.



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