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Interesting idea


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No doubt everyone has discovered information on HybridZ about their Zcar. Be it how to swap a V8 or a turbo, better brakes ect. I was wondering if we were to post the names of the people that helped us out the most on our Hybrid journeys if the same names would come up over and over, or if it would be a spread out variety of names.


Everybody cough up a few names and we'll see..


I'll start with Drax240z and Afshin (oh yes, there are more)

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Just out of information from what Ive read, I would say JohnCoffey, Grumpyvette, blueoval and Drax and ScottieGNZ.


Cant have enough good information out there, thanks for many hours of good reading and knowledge

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jmortensen always seems to be the first guy to answer my posts, Tim240z, skipzoomie, and johnc also help, PeterZ is helping me with welding my balance tube, lots of inspiration from 240hoke, on3go, as I'm a youngin, at 19. and sr240z, for showing me how my car is going to look when it's finished... DaEvil, for leaving 2 rubber streaks in my driveway : )


But you learn a lot from everyone just by reading their posts...thanks everyone, this is the best z forum on the net...

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Do we get to vote someone off the island, fire them, or sacrifice them to the gods?


Someone watches too much "reality"(yeah right) TV.


EDIT: I'm sorry, my sense of humor is sometimes a bit off if not non-existent so let me pay my dues.


Clunking in the rear is usually a loose diff mount, worn u-joint, or too much backlash in the gears.



I feel better now that I contributed some info.


Seriously. There are VERY FEW people on this board that are not helpful. Even people that only ask questions are helpful. They make me think.

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