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Virginia guys....

Guest ON3GO

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Hey guys..

wanted to see what you guys views are on this.

i MIGHT move to Fairfax, Virginia...

right now its a possiablity that it could be my new home..

im visiting there i hope at the very end of this year.


anybody right near there? would be cool to have some Z guys near me to hang out with.

ill be moving there not knowing anybody but the main reason for the move... which is a girl.

1st i wanna test it out and see the town and near by towns.


what kind of place is it like?


thanks guys!



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Oh god, another young guy moving across the country for a girl. If i see another one of these cases, im gonna shoot myself dead. We just had an 18 year old family member move to Podunk texas to be with a white trash girl with a white trash family who cant afford to pay $300/month rent. Now he cant find a job and they live 50 miles from the nearest TOWN, not city! The reason for him moving from SoCal (who the hell moves from where everything is at?)....because they are "made for each other", and they "understand each other like nobody else does". They met each other on a website called Gaia Online.


PUH LEASE :rolleyesg Dumb kids.


Dont do it man!

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They met each other on a website called Gaia Online.


PUH LEASE :rolleyesg Dumb kids.


Dont do it man!


Holyl SH**! That's a little kids/teenager's website that both my younger sisters frequent a lot.....

It's about japanese anime/manga and stuff....


Well, good luck to him, and good luck to you to Mike.


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Fairfax is in the DC metropolitan area. Living there you would be an hours drive from Mike Kelly, and hour and a half from Pete Paraska and an hour and a half to two hours from where I live. Double those numbers during the work week. There are quite a few others, but I think most I know of are spread out a bit.


Fairfax is an hellasously expensive place to buy a house. $500K condos type expensive. Very dense population wise also. But maybe you are use to that from Huston. A lot of government workers and contractors in that area. A lot of high tech defense work.


If you don't mind a commute, you could live out near Manassas. Hillbilly country out there.

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Mike, There is a lot of opportunity for work in the region. There are a lot of tuner shops in Manassas (About 15 minutes from Fairfax with no traffic) and the car scene is huge (Pop needs to go out there... No longer hillbilly country, but a metropolis!). Incomes are higher because cost of living is higher, and the traffic and congestion is pretty bad.


Many of us travel quite a distance to get to the business hubs around the tech industry and government. And competition is fierce for work. People can be ruthless or your best friends... Just depends on the circles you run in...


If you move for any reason at all, make sure you are prepared for what you're getting into... Girls come and go, and you've been through a few heartbreaks, so guage that move on your experiences.


Traffic for me from my home to Reston, Va. which is 72 miles was taking 1hour and 5 minutes in the pre-dawn hours and an average of 1 hour 45 minutes to get home. From my home to Springfield is about an hour, or fortyfive minutes with zero traffic... Holiday weekends and Friday Beach traffic is horrendous and can pretty much guarantee your weekend planning will be localized, or traffic hell.


Mike Kelly

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I was referring to Manassas as hillbilly country in a good sense. Meaning it is still possible to buy a place with enough land to work on your cars. Might be a little harder to afford such a place in Fairfax. That area is pretty built up.


My wife’s cousins live in Manassas. If you go to somebody’s house for Thanksgiving and the first thing you see is a freshly shot bear hanging from the bucket of a front loader 10 feet from the front door, a 10 year old sitting on the couch watching football through the scope of a 30-30 while all the men are out on the back deck shooting the kids toys that are in yard, then you just might be in hillbilly country.


Actually I thought it was kind of cute seeing my 3 year old sing Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer at the sight of the bear’s dripping red nose.


True story.

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thanks guys!

ya i know what i can get myself into thats why im gonna visit there soon to see how things work out.

Ya ill be taking all my cars.. well atleast the 3 Z's, Scion and maybe either the RX7 or the VW Rabbit.. not sure yet. Z's are a 100% though.

i heard it was price to live there, thats okay just more reason for me to work harder and make more money.

the traffic i dont care about, Houston is SOOO bad right now and anything like it i can adjust to easily.



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A year ago I lived in Clifton, Va. near Manassas. Its a min 45 commute to the DC area, about 27-30 miles from where I lived. Can easily be a hour and a half to two hours if you get stuck in Rush hour. I averaged a little over an hour to go 20 miles at 5 am, longer if i waited till 6am.


Like others have said housing is exspensive as hell even in Manassas. 1200sqrft fixer upper for 350+K in the Fairfax area. For decent prices id look father out like Wellington or Gainesville for a house.


5 years ago when I moved there I lived in a hotel for 4 months because the housing market was starting to pick up and there were NO houses on the market. A house would be listed for only a couple hours and be sold for up to 50K above the asking price. The price of living is also higher.


Of course you may not be looking for a house. Apartments ares exspensive too. My friend in Fairfax is paying $1300/month for a 1 bedroom right now.


I also found the people to be a little stuck up with two much money for my taste.

There are a lot of things to do and places to go in the Metro area. It is a nice area to live just not my style.


No girl could get me to live there again, thats why I brought my last girlfriend from Fairfax to here (Tucson) :twisted:


Good Luck!

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she is a christian girl.

she is into music and plays gigs at churchs and other type places.

she is very close to her family and she has been down a few hard roads in her life.

all of which made her a stronger person today.

she is a sweet heart, dont talk sh!t to anybody, so thats gonna be a change from me lol..

she isnt into cars but thats okay.. she said she will be willing to learn.

the fastest car she has been in was a 2006 vette.. so that has to change.

she said she was so afraid when her cuz who owns it got it up to 90mph.. sooooo thats gonna be werid for me.

she is pretty damn funny and sarcasic (sp?) as hell.

i think she is beautiful, plus she makes me laugh so thats a good thing.


she drives a new jeep liberty.. that will change if anything ever happens with this.. will deff be something like a typhoon or something that i wont mind driving :D.



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she is a christian girl.

she is into music and plays gigs at churchs and other type places.

she is very close to her family and she has been down a few hard roads in her life.

all of which made her a stronger person today.

she is a sweet heart' date=' dont talk sh!t to anybody, so thats gonna be a change from me lol..

she isnt into cars but thats okay.. she said she will be willing to learn.

the fastest car she has been in was a 2006 vette.. so that has to change.

she said she was so afraid when her cuz who owns it got it up to 90mph.. sooooo thats gonna be werid for me.

she is pretty damn funny and sarcasic (sp?) as hell.

i think she is beautiful, plus she makes me laugh so thats a good thing.


she drives a new jeep liberty.. that will change if anything ever happens with this.. will deff be something like a typhoon or something that i wont mind driving :D.




How long have you been going out? Im not a jeep guy personally but I like girls who drive trucks.

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were not really...

she was my highschool sweetheart that never really came to be for some odd reason.

we hung out and etc then she moved away and then i did to houston.

weve been talking to each other for along time now and im gonna give it a shot and go there and spend a few weeks with her.

its a big risk but the visit is a smart idea i think.

i kick myself for not getting really serious with her when i had the chance and she does too.. or atleast thats what she says.


im not a jeep guy either, but i do like them abit... im not really a truck guy at all but ill be buying a syclone in the near future i hope from a forum member on here :D



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So is she rich? I'd have to REALLY be head-over-heels to move unless she was making enough money to support me (not looking for a full ride, but the change to be sustained while looking for career work, not burger joint crap).


My only advise is to make sure you two are on the same plane. Is she down to earth? Easy to talk to, ect, ect.


But testing the waters is a good idea. Smart move, just try not to get caught up in emotions. Seek wisdom, not will.


And the lanuage thing shouldn't be to give of a deal. My vocabulary seems to almost entirely depend on who I'm with, it's a skill you can learn. Just think before you speak.


Good Luck! And show her what 150mph feels like (on the track of course ;) )

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we are deff almost the same person.. its nice to have somebody to talk to and its not about cars.. lol.


im a easy going guy and very down to earth... ask anybody who has meet me on here or knows me very well and they will say im too friendly most the time.

she is like me but double.. you cant even tell she is mad when she is mad lol.


i dont really think she is rich but i dont care.. if i wanted a rich girl i would be with my ex/gf.. had a 26K sqr foot home with a hella pad, 12 car garage, ferrari's and vettes, frick boat bigger then anything ive seen before and a damn movie theater in the lower part of the house or shall i say palace!... too bad she was a bitch!



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I'll give you and anyone who cares to take it some valuable advice, based on what you just typed about her...


The following words ring warning bells:


"But that'll have to change (lol)"


If you don't like something about someone, or prefer it to be different, Best recommendation is to RUN away... Changing someone else is, well WRONG... This is the same BS guys complain about women, when they change them and make them sell their hobbies and "change".


I know you were joking in some of your posts Mike, but taking someone above 90mph is something I'd not want to change, unless they were the one's in the drivers seat and it was them in control... Lots at risk there...


There are obviously things in the comments you made that lead me to think maybe this is all way premature... Take your time and make sure you're doing it for all the right reasons... I waited until I was 35 to get married, and I'm so thankful I did... I got to be single and play for a LONG time, with no regrets, and met someone simply wonderful in the end... Never has a woman impacted my cars or other hobbies.



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i dont want to change her at all.. why should i? i dont want to change the woman i have feelings for.

she told she wants me to get her into my hobbies and i told her the same thing..

she asks me all the time about car questions and etc, and it makes me happy because mostly i know the answer. best part is i ask her about things that i dont know.. which is ALOT and she always has the correct answer.


mike.. thanks for the insite. i always take yours or anybodys advice who has more knowledge on a subject then what i know. so i take all things into mind.



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Mike, your going alittle fast, go in the bathroom, relieve yourself and you'll have a better view of the big picture.


Two things guys don't do, 1 of which is move for her. If she luff's you that much, she'd be will come your way. I said luff cause that's what it is right now.


The other thing guys don't do is try to change what they like, cause we all know that won't happen in a millenium, well, it might, cause they'd be dead so they won't like much after that, but while they are breathing, they won't change nada.


Anyway have fun in Va. I'm sure it'll be nice!!!!!!

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