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I messed up my hand yesterday :(


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sorry if my typing sucks, i have to do it wioth my left hand...



i had been cleaning my airsfot barel with some paper toiwels, aqnd one got stuck in it. it was jammerd in there really tight, and i coulnt get i6t out. i had to resort to tryibg to piund it out with a screw driver. So i was, and it was almost out but then i lifted the barrewl off thre vertical screwderiver too much, it slipped out and i slammed my hand diwn oln it :eek: . I had to pul it out ,it wasin a good 5 inches, from one side of mu palm to the other, nearly cming out the other side. in that moment i wasnt sure if i wasd goingt o tell my parents abou it , i didnt know how bad it was, then thr blood started flowibg out and i raninside. i ened up getting to thte er in 15mins and they gave me something to disinfect it and an xray. by that time the terrrible pain had gone away. i hav eto take anti biotics to make sure it doesnt het infected and icould lose the use of my finbgers if thre infection ets bad. ill hae to waity until sunday to see if tyhere are any warning signds of infection. thanbk god it wads a new clean FLAT head scrw driver. if it was philps head or it was turned th other way i woulkd be reallu messed up. lukili it missed everything, my trigger figer is stiff, but it should be fine in a week or so



u can see the puncture on thr bottom. the tip sdtpped where i cicled, the camera sux so u cant see the recytangular blue briuse made by the head. man, it almost went all the way thru. now im stick usdig my laft hand for a while, for EVERYTHING :P . this hasppenned yesterdy, and my hand was pretty sore this morening, i dont want to know abut tomorrow :(


ARG .i bet my old shop teacher would be opissed since i was beibg suc an idiot :(

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OUCH. Damn man,



Good that no nerve damage was done and nothing broken. You said it should heal up fine with a little time.


Many years ago, when I was about 15 my step-dad slammed both my hands in the car door of our Crown Vic. Punishment for "slamming" the door, heh. Talk about pain. I wish I had the x-rays of that. I managed to end up with like 6 broken fingers, several cracks in the bones in the back of my hand (I dont remember the name anymore) and substantial muscle and nerve damage, as when some of the bones broke they ripped muscle and such as well.


Its been 8 years and my hands shake and always will. Any fine motor control was supposed to be totally lost but I've fought for a long long time to regain what I've managed to regain. Its not much, but with alot of patience and painkillers I can do detail work, lol.

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"Oh my god... Did you permentantly damage any of the motion in your fingers?!?"


thankfully, no. while i was standing there bleeding in the garage, the 1st thing i did was check to see if i could feel asnd move my fingers. they are still sore/stiff, especially my index finger, but the doctor says that since i can still move it forward and back its a good sign that my tendons werent torn (it was easier yesterday, now hurts to move it more then a little). i'm going the the hand surgeon on monday to get an mri to see if any were nicked ect.

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Holy sh!t man, I bet that felt great, well hopefully you dont have any nerve damage. My friends car over heated and he opened the hood and forgot to use the support that holds it up and the hood fell on his hand and something under the hood went through his hand and he had nerve damage and got surgery for it and after surgery it got infected and he was hooked to an IV for about 3 weeks and luckily his hand is fine now.

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Many years ago, when I was about 15 my step-dad slammed both my hands in the car door of our Crown Vic. Punishment for "slamming" the door, heh.


He did it on purpose?! Holy crap, if that was me once I was big enough the old man wouldn't have any hands to worry about ever getting slammed in a car door. That's personal right there.

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At first I was looking at the pic thinking "that doesn't look too bad" but then I scrolled down to the bottom of the pic and I saw the entry wound at the bottom... :puke:


As a guitar player, bowler, golfer my hands are vital. I can't imagine not being able to use them. I play lots of video games, but I've never had anxiety about not being able to play video games because of hand injury. Maybe I SHOULD worry...


I'm sorry man. Looks like it hurt a crap load to say the least.

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"it's just a fleshwound... I'll be ok..." :lmao:


Damn' date=' man! Looking at it was almost as painful as reading through the (understandably) poor typing! :lmao:


Mike :cool:[/quote']


lol im starting to get used to the left handed thing, i'm sure you can tell that my typing has improved since friday :P. my writing still sucks though, looks like a toddlers :) . Going to school tommorrow should be interesting...

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