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Great parenting/mother of the month *semi-warning*


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Early one Sunday morning in the 60's before church services ol' Pep and I with no particular place to go was walking down Sether Avenue. We did not see any pressing need to attend Church on a regular basis anyway. We obseved two children playing around an American Motors Rambler. Despite being rather unpopular with the American public, Rambler rolled on with television ads featuring the young happy economy minded couple cruising the American countryside and roadways in a vehicle that operated effieciently on one cent a mile and was equipped with standard fold down front seats so an entire family of four could comfortably bed-down at night in their gas mizer of a car. Our attention was suddenly drawn to the top of a female head rythemitically moving to the beat of a music that we could not hear. Fifty feet away,a woman's head and hair visably going up and down with careless abandon to delight our senses. I thought I heard ol Pep say something like, "oh boy, oh boy" or something similar in an excired utterance. Without words but much heavy breathing, we covered the last forty feet to the Rambler in about one heartbeat that took anywhere from 5 to 6 years in a teenagers realm of time and thinking. We were not watching a clock and were too busy for words with undivided attention on a very furiously active young woman in an unuasual position on top of something taking advantage of the highly advertised fold down seats in a penney a mile car perfoming an act not available at the local Glenda Theatre. An activity not even allowed in the back row seats of the theatre. Or something like that, which we did not take time to discuss on any philisophical level. We stood eventually at full attention without visible motion intently focused on a life drama usually practised at night behind closed doors for the sole purpose of pro-creation. The time was broad daylight early Sunday morning on Sether Avenue in Glendale Oregon in clear view of Justice of the Peace Al Mohr's residence who was most likely still comfortably sleeping in his own bed while such scadolous activity was being displayed before our young eyes on a Rambler fold down front seat. We had in doing our civic duty or performing a citizen's arrest in preventing this attravctive nuisance being acted out in our little comminity. You just do not think like an adult in that type of situation and we obviously saw no good sense on seeking out a responsible adult for guidance and/ or assurance. We were fortunately unsupervised on our own and to be honest more of excited than shocked at the fondling scene folding-out on those fold dewn Rambler seats on Sether Avenue on a Sunday morning . We never saw that in a Doris Day movie with Rock Hudson at the Glenda. After sime time,the young woman must have caught a glimpse of Pepi' and me. With some difficulty she managed to stop her movments while her partner was still desparetly trying to encorage continuance of the close encounter of another kind. Words were whisperd between the couple without consideration of our rights in the matter and no more activity was forth coming. Pepe' and I took one more oppotunity for a last long look at her while she smiled shyly at us. Both of us later determined that our first car would be a Rambler that got a penney a mile and all the cheap thrills and delights imaginable. All that American Motors advertisement began to make good sense. Pepe' never bought a Rambler but my first family car was a Rambler that came standard with front fold down seats.

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Guest tony78_280z

Where as I do not believe in hiding sex and physical intamacy from the children, I do think this is a bit more extreme.


In their defense, perhaps they thought the kid was asleep. Honestly now, how many of you with children have tried to sneak in a quicky while the kids napped? I have!

One day my wife thought she locked the bedroom door, only to be disturbed by the four year old asking by the bedside, "Mommy, why are you making that noise?" Talk about killing the moment! It makes for a funny story though.

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In their defense, perhaps they thought the kid was asleep. Honestly now, how many of you with children have tried to sneak in a quicky while the kids napped? I have!


Oh man. No way. Gotta call you on this one.


Are you trying to tell us you and the wife have had sex in broad daylight while parked on a city street with an 8 year old in the back seat?


I don't think a beating with a coat hanger could f up a child's outlook on reality worse than something like this.

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Guest tony78_280z
Oh man. No way. Gotta call you on this one.


Are you trying to tell us you and the wife have had sex in broad daylight while parked on a city street with an 8 year old in the back seat?

Well, not quite that extreme I must admit. (I am NOT an exhibitionist. That is why I'm not a male stripper.. well that and this beer gut.) That child definatly looks younger than 8 years old. I bet he is about 4ish. And he was probably napping when the couple started getting frisky. And you can see more from our angle than the kid can from his. But like you said, in a car? with child present? in broad day light? Not one of the best judgement calls.
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Having sex in a car in broad daylight with the kid in the back seat is not good. Nobody is arguing that. Both adults in the car are seriously lacking morals.


What Tony was talking about is kids seeing their parents have sex. Outside of the last 2 centuries it's a pretty safe bet that MOST children saw their parents having sex. They were probably in the same bed AT THE TIME in many cases.


Funny story. My uncle used to breed dogs when my cousins were very young. My cousin Mark was in 1st grade and the teacher tells the kids about how the stork brings babies home and all that crap. Mark tells the teacher "That's not true! The boy puts his thing into the girl and they move back and forth and then the girl gets fat and then babies come out later!" Needless to say he was sent to the principal. They called my uncle down and told him what Mark had said, and he looked at the teacher and said "OK, its obvious that we have 2 versions of where babies come from. Which one do YOU believe?!!" I guess I just don't understand why people are so hung up on sex. It's almost a Victorian attitude.

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Guest tony78_280z
Having sex in a car in broad daylight with the kid in the back seat is not good. Nobody is arguing that. Both adults in the car are seriously lacking morals.


What Tony was talking about is kids seeing their parents have sex. Outside of the last 2 centuries it's a pretty safe bet that MOST children saw their parents having sex. They were probably in the same bed AT THE TIME in many cases.


Funny story. My uncle used to breed dogs when my cousins were very young. My cousin Mark was in 1st grade and the teacher tells the kids about how the stork brings babies home and all that crap. Mark tells the teacher "That's not true! The boy puts his thing into the girl and they move back and forth and then the girl gets fat and then babies come out later!" Needless to say he was sent to the principal. They called my uncle down and told him what Mark had said' date=' and he looked at the teacher and said "OK, its obvious that we have 2 versions of where babies come from. Which one do YOU believe?!!" I guess I just don't understand why people are so hung up on sex. It's almost a Victorian attitude.[/quote']:2thumbs: Well, I wish you would have gotten this post in before my last one. I just hit the submit button and there you were.


I like the comment about in the same bed. Napolean passed a moral law limiting four to a bed. Think on that. Everyone used to share a single bed, I'd say primarily for warmth, but there were other social issues involved as well. Our technology has advanced in the past few hundred years, but I feel our society has gone into a dark age.


Not to condone that particular act of sex infront of children, but our society frowns on some natural aspects of life, and try to protect children from these things thinking they are not ready/capable of dealing with them. "Uncle Herbert died, but we shouldn't bring the kids who dearly loved him, because they don't understand death." How else will they learn? Well, who do you want to teach them about death. Your selves and your particular religious representative (who will be present and giving the services) or TV.


Same scenario with sex, who should teach children about sex? Mom and Dad, or TV? Now I'm not saying you should present a demonstration of your favorite techniques and positions, but when you do get busted, that is the time to have that little talk.


Lets all just blame St. Augustine. How do you revoke saint hood?

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^ - In responce to the off topic rabbit trail some are trailing. I think most people would be surprised at how young kids can understand things. Many parents think kids can't deal with death, but any boy that's killed a bug on purpose understands death. The issue with dealling with death is a different matter. Kids shouldn't be left to make thier own assumptions about dealing with death, all the more reason not to hide it from them.


Sex is very much the same way. Kids can understand the "concept" of sex at a very young age without harmful psyche side effect. The actaul details are a different matter though. Kids imitate what they see, what they see eventually makes it into thier imagination and they make up thier own meanings about life. So let them make up thier own concepts of sex and leave the details to a later age. But shielding them from it completelly only creates curiousity that can't be quenched.



On the topic of the picture... A senario I don't think anyone has mentioned is that maybe the kid is her son. That could be sick too. And under certain societies the idea of a kid being there might not seem that weird. In japan nudity runs ramant across tv. Sure you can say it's rarelly in "sexual" senarios but if you really look at them unbiased you'll see much of thier media is focused on sexual/death related subject. You can either call them more "enlightened and advanced socially" or you can call them "perverted", you can take your pic.


I find the picture quite funny for my own reasons, but just becuase I find it funny doesn't make it right. It's still a sick thing to do to a child.

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