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L28 custom intake flange


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I made another run, and have a few extra if someone is needing some in a hurry. Many have bought some, and actually bought all I had, so I made another run.



Price is not accurate on my site, they are 140.00 with injector holes.





If this is too much mods, delete, I am just saying if somone needs something in a hurry and cant wait for the ones initially talked about in this thread, there are more availible.

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Dealing with this machinist has been painfully slow. I haven't seen any progress or any deadlines hit. I'm going to see if I can get the money I have put down back. I will get this going with a different machinist pronto. If any of you want your money back, please PM me.




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For those wondering why the CNC guy is taking so long to produce these flanges, here is a bit of info. His wife was in a bad wreck about a month ago. He hasn't been able to work normal hours and has fallen behind. I'd like to let him finish the flanges as he has the fixtures finished. He should be able to produce the flanges quicky once he has a machine free to run the material...


This was posted by the son of the machinist on another board:

Wow very profession bashing a man who's wife has just came out of serious head on collision car wreck and has zero help at his shop anymore' date=' also what is with bashing a fellow manifold builder?


I am building manifolds at my leisure now because I have a good paying day job for hennessey and am just doing this for side fun now.






This happend November 28th, the day after my 21st birthday

both my mom and grandma were life flighted to memorial herman hospital in downtown houston tx.


My grandma is still in hospital and is still having surgery to repair her leg which had protuding bones and she had lost over 3 pints blood. My mom is about to start theoropy in another 2 months so that she can walk on both feet again, she had a shatterd ankle and has been in wheel chair since the accident.


BTW the white volvo stationwagon is my moms car, the luggage in the back slammed the seats and crushed them into the dash



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I'm find myself too quick to find fault when something doesn't go my way before I know all of the reasons and truths. Sometimes I'm right and other times wrong. That said, what a horrible set of circumstances. It is difficult to imagine what that fellow and his family are living through. I think it would be proper to pass along the best wishes for recovery from all of us here in the Z community to the husband and a post at the thread where the photos came from.

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I agree with the above statement, and I also think that it's olny right to let him finish the flanges. Everyone needs a break sometimes. Thanks for the update Justin and I hope that i didn't come off as being impaitient in the last post. Please wish the family the best from the community.

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  • 1 month later...

I've requested a run of 10 flanges and plenum bases. I may do more if there is enough interest.


For those just seeing this for the first time. This flange requires the cylinder head to be port matched to the flange. This is done to increase the port cross section and raise the centerline up for a smoother SSR.




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