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More crazy saudi driving


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These guys are nuts and it looks like sheer luck they aren't plowing through people on the side of the streets. Well they probably aren't showing the videos when they crash. I did see extensive front end damage on one of the cars.

There was a previous middle eastern video posted maybe 2 years ago where a car drifted straight into a crowd at ~100 mph. Anyone else notice the one driver wasn't even wearing a seatbelt? Gotta wonder how they don't lose control of the wheel when the car transitions...

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Guest l28et

Am I the only one who thinks this is just ignorant?


A line from Syriana comes to mind.


"You want to know what the business world thinks of you? We think a hundred years ago you were living out here in tents in the desert chopping each others heads off, and that's exactly where you're gonna be in another hundred."


Simple mindsets with access to the worlds greatest resource. "Lets take this Kia Optima or Toyota Camry and send it flying sideways and hope we don't wipe out Joe blow on the way to work or all those people watching me on the side."

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Yeah L28et, I wasn't impressed either. That was total jack-assery, looked like they were just driving around with the e-brake on. No provisions for safety, the cars looked completely stock (check out the way the suspensions were just pegging back and forth...).

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