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IP banned from MSEFI forums


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I'm not sure you could do much to be the only car that doesn't get fried when the aliens invade (like the EFI dodge Caravan that Tom Cruise drove in War of the Worlds instead of his points equipped early mustang he chose not to drive). According to that movie, so long as your starter is disconnected when the pulse hits, you should be fine...


I was thinking more along the lines of wealthy terrorists, Korea, China, or who knows. That movie was pretty funny though about the starter thing. I remember scratching my head on that as well.


Besides, I thought his mustang had been wrecked? Was it still driveable? It's been too long since I watched that movie.


I don't know that it will be possible, but since I am already planning to do some serious shielding to my wiring harness, I figure why not look into the possibility of EMP protection? :willy_nil


Maybe my MS will then be safe from Tom Cruise.

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nothing to do with megasquirt, but when I was in the Navy, I flew an airplane (E-6A) whose primary mission was VLF communication with our ballistic missile submarines. We had a special white paint on the plane the reflected emp and also had screens embedded in all of our windows for the same reason.


My flight engineer horse traded (stole) a gallon or 2 of the paint and painted his vw bug with it, he never had emp problems!

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nothing to do with megasquirt, but when I was in the Navy, I flew an airplane (E-6A) whose primary mission was VLF communication with our ballistic missile submarines. We had a special white paint on the plane the reflected emp and also had screens embedded in all of our windows for the same reason.


My flight engineer horse traded (stole) a gallon or 2 of the paint and painted his vw bug with it, he never had emp problems!


Have any more you would like to sell? :coollook:


haha, I think I need more than paint if I really want to shield my stuff well.

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Talk about strange, being a cable tv eng you might not get a new ip due to cashing on the newer cmts. Any how replace all transitors with vaccume tubes, strap the huge contraption to your hood or roof ....your choice, and toe around a generator(also equiped with vaccume tubes) and you will be safe from emp!! No offence but i would be more worried about other things more than a sunday drive. :coollook:

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This thread is so full of high end science it just makes me laugh. To think you guys are refering to War of the Worlds (stupid movie, bad science, pathetic acting) in an attempt to figure out how to prevent an EMP from frying your car's circuits. What next, Back to the Future to build an ESP machine?


bjhines hit the nail on the head, unless every part of the entire ciruit is shielded the shielding will not be affective, even if the starter cable is disconnected.


Let's assume a terrorist pops a nuke and the initial blast doesn't kill you, the car is sheilded and you have a full tank of gas. Now you drive around until the gas is low? Where are you going to get more gas, all the power circuits in the area of the EMP will be dead, no power to run the pumps, no gas to run the shielded car. Does the movie Road Warrior ring a bell? Oh but they had power to run the refinery didn't they, must have been a while after the EMP and the power systems had been repaired. :)

Not to mention the problem you'll have even driving around in the vacinity of a nuclear blast, people everywhere, lots of destruction and confusion, fallout, etc...


Gets a little absurd after a while doesn't it. Me personally, I want to be at ground zero if we get into a nuclear war. Survival in whats left would really suck.


Edit: Woldson, I got such a kick out of reading your post I just had to edit mine. I'd not considered converting the control circuits to tubes but it's brilliant!!! Only solve the heat and power consumption problems and it would work.



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This thread is so full of high end science it just makes me laugh. To think you guys are refering to War of the Worlds (stupid movie, bad science, pathetic acting) in an attempt to figure out how to prevent an EMP from frying your car's circuits. What next, Back to the Future to build an ESP machine?


I think we were all joking.


bjhines hit the nail on the head, unless every part of the entire ciruit is shielded the shielding will not be affective, even if the starter cable is disconnected.


Let's assume a terrorist pops a nuke and the initial blast doesn't kill you, the car is sheilded and you have a full tank of gas. Now you drive around until the gas is low? Where are you going to get more gas, all the power circuits in the area of the EMP will be dead, no power to run the pumps, no gas to run the shielded car. Does the movie Road Warrior ring a bell? Oh but they had power to run the refinery didn't they, must have been a while after the EMP and the power systems had been repaired. :)

Not to mention the problem you'll have even driving around in the vacinity of a nuclear blast, people everywhere, lots of destruction and confusion, fallout, etc...


Gets a little absurd after a while doesn't it. Me personally, I want to be at ground zero if we get into a nuclear war. Survival in whats left would really suck.


Edit: Woldson, I got such a kick out of reading your post I just had to edit mine. I'd not considered converting the control circuits to tubes but it's brilliant!!! Only solve the heat and power consumption problems and it would work.




To answer the question about gas: I only need enough to get me the heck out of Dallas. I also have spare fuel on hand if I need to go farther than my tank will take me. When I get a safe distance from the city I will regroup and go from there.

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The WotW reference was most definitely a joke, but now that you mention it, a Flux Capacitor might be something useful to have in the event of a disruption of the space time continuum...While we are using movie science, we could just upload a computer virus to the alien computers from a Macintosh laptop to prevent the invasion, or maybe just use an inverse tachyon pulse to cancel out any ill effects of a nuclear blast...this was all in good fun, triggered by the seemingly outlandish nature of Hoohaa's request...I'm not mad at ya wheelman, no harm no foul, but I was pretty sure it would be impossible to mistake that for anything but a joke...


I'm pretty sure that there is more to EMP protection than special paint, just like there is more to stealth than radar absorbing paint (in fact, it is almost totally dependant on shape in the case of stealth).

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To answer the question about gas: I only need enough to get me the heck out of Dallas. I also have spare fuel on hand if I need to go farther than my tank will take me. When I get a safe distance from the city I will regroup and go from there.


Are you expecting a need for an EMP hardened vehicle with extra fuel in the near future?

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Are you expecting a need for an EMP hardened vehicle with extra fuel in the near future?


I was wondering the same thing. I'm sure homeland security is already working on this to keep us safe. ;)

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At this point it seems self-explanatory why this topic was deleted from msefi.com


With talk covering nukes,terrorists, government conspiracy, aliens, time travel, Mr. Fusion, Faraday cages, etc.......


Unless something useful concerning EMP is discussed I see this thread also being deleted, locked or moved to non-tech, but I will leave that up to the administrators.

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This thread is not really about EMP, it's about me being IP banned from the MSEFI forums. EMP was just the original topic on MSEFI that caused the whole thing.



I am really surprised that folks think even a general discussion of EMP is inappropriate. It's not like I'm talking about explosives here, or any sort of weapon. Rather, I am talking about protecting my vehicle.


And I hope you guys don't really think an air burst EMP over America is impossible. I just look at the news, there are several countries that are not at all pleased with the US, and some of these countries already have nuclear arms. There are also thousands, if not tens of thousands, of terrorists who would literally die for a chance to attack the US in this way, though hopefully they will never have the opportunity. I do hope our homeland security department will carry out their job to perfection.


I hope you will respect my position, I simply want to be as prepared as I can be so that I can protect my family. Even if you think the chance of such an event is miniscule, you cannot tell me it is impossible.


I would also say that I don't appreciate the insinuations that I have some ulterior motive here, that I have some reason to expect an EMP over Dallas. How is this called for? Am I not allowed to ask questions such as this one to better prepare myself for whatever the future might bring?


The military has felt that protecting their vehicles from EMP is worth spending millions upon millions of dollars. The same air burst they are preparing for could also knock every vehicle in America out of commission.


So if you don't feel that this is a worthy topic for discussion, that is fine, but please don't attack or poo-poo me because I do. I am not discussing any "military secrets" or anything even remotely illegal, why should I be censored?


To any mods or admin reading this: I ask you not to delete or lock this post. I am still trying to figure out why I have been banned from MSEFI, and a couple people here have already given me good suggestions and advice. Some may not believe the topic I originally posted about is appropriate, but I do, and it is important to me. I am not breaking any laws or discussing anything illegal, and I don't think I am violating forum rules.


I also wanted to say that I haven't received any replies back from either Bruce or Lance, or anyone else from MSEFI.

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At this point it seems self-explanatory why this topic was deleted from msefi.com


With talk covering nukes,terrorists, government conspiracy, aliens, time travel, Mr. Fusion, Faraday cages, etc.......


None of this was ever discussed on MSEFI. I simply brought up EMP protection with no mention of the cause. EMP can be caused by a number of different devices: some weapons, some not. I seriously doubt that I would be IP banned from the forums for simply mentioning EMP. I am pretty sure there is something else going on; what that is, I am still trying to figure out.


Unless something useful concerning EMP is discussed I see this thread also being deleted, locked or moved to non-tech, but I will leave that up to the administrators.


This topic is about me being IP banned from the MSEFI forums. It is not even about EMP. I have received a number of very helpful pieces of advice from a few members, some in this post and some via pm, so I am very glad I was able to start this thread here.

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omg some ppl here need to take thier foil hats off and let the guy ask some questions...isnt that why the internet and THIS COUNTRY is so great...FREEDOM OF SPEECH???? not bashing anyone, just speculating...


what about that emp generator in ocean's eleven, was that fictitios or could it be possible? i know nothing about the subject matter, just curious...


have anyone heard of the "anarchist's cookbook?" there are more than few "recipies" for creating an EMP


DISCLIAMER: if anyone objects my questions regarding such events that migh happen regarding EMP's, please delete my post. I DONT WANT TO BE BANNED FROM THIS SITE!


Thanks :-)

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I don't think anyone will be banned from this site for asking or discussing EMP related questions, but I'm not an admin so I don't count.


No one is on HooHaa for asking about being IP banned or EMP hardening his car, although it's far enough out there that it's a bit hard to resist a little needling, especially when Hollywood physics is brought into the discussion. :)


I for one have better things to spend my time and money on than hardening my car. If HooHaa is concerned enough and wants to attempt it then I think it's interesting enough to watch his progress and discuss it with him. If you'll note I was one of the first to give him some useful advice and real information regarding hardening against EMP.


No hard feellings!?!?!


As for EMP generators, it's possible to build one but very expensive and difficult to generate a pulse large enough to cause damage beyond a very small radius.



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omg some ppl here need to take thier foil hats off and let the guy ask some questions...isnt that why the internet and THIS COUNTRY is so great...FREEDOM OF SPEECH???? not bashing anyone, just speculating...


I think that is the last thing that everyone says right before they get the boot :):shock:


I am just a moderator of this group, I don't worry about kicking people, but these discussions never end in a good way when they involve talk of "banning", anything political or an insistence on democracy/freedom of speech.


My 2 cents: the topic was quickly deleted from msefi.com because it is a very technical site and I am guessing that any talk of EMP in the past has lead up to a wacky thread, just like this one has been at times. So this time they just deleted first and ask questions later.


I am not saying EMP is always a wacky topic, just like the mating habits of baboons is not wacky to the scientist that studies it. But in general it becomes wacky when released into forums like this.

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I think that is the last thing that everyone says right before they get the boot :):shock:


I am just a moderator of this group, I don't worry about kicking people, but these discussions never end in a good way when they involve talk of "banning", anything political or an insistence on democracy/freedom of speech.


My 2 cents: the topic was quickly deleted from msefi.com because it is a very technical site and I am guessing that any talk of EMP in the past has lead up to a wacky thread, just like this one has been at times. So this time they just deleted first and ask questions later.


I am not saying EMP is always a wacky topic, just like the mating habits of baboons is not wacky to the scientist that studies it. But in general it becomes wacky when released into forums like this.


I agree that it wouldn't be entirely surprising for such a topic to be deleted like that, but I got my IP banned. I still haven't received a reply email from anyone at MSEFI. That's the part that seems really strange to me. I have cable internet in a relatively out-of-the-way neighborhood, so it would really surprise me if someone else had caused problems at MSEFI on this IP, but I can't come up with a better explanation.


I do hope someone at least answers my email. If they tell me I am banned for using the term "EMP" at least I can read and search the forum when I'm at work. At this point I just want to know what happened.

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I would give a shot posting the specific question on the old Megasquirt Yahoo Groups Site. A different class of cat prowls there, and an obscure question like EMP shielding may get taken up in the discussion there...or not.


But it doesn't get you banned from the "easy to use forum"....

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If no one will say it I will.........it is a absered subject! Being a former sonar tech on a trident sub, trust me leave the subject to the military. You just put you money into your homested and go to diy forums. Thanks though cuse it was funny and also, banning is freedom of speech as well i just hope iam not on the recieving end:shock: . ado

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