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Pics of my Z

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Hi everyone,

Here are some pics of my 1980 280zx. Got repainted three years ago, the color is Nissan Sunfire Metalic. It has been kept close to stock. Im a noob so i put a CAI on it. I will post new pics of the interior becuase i just put a new grant racing wheel on it. Let me know what you think!









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Looks like its the late 70s - 87(?) California blue plate and its been photochopped to hide the liscense numbers. To me anyways..

Ya, i am kind of iffy about putting that on the net (I have some of these photos on myspace, etc.....) And It does have the original seats. I love it! Just got finnished fixing the clutch and it runs great, however the e-brake sticks sometimes due to the housing eroding near the back tires. Assuming my car is totaly stock (pretty much is) what do you guys think would be some worthwile upgrades?



Im a bit new to the z world so give me a break:icon44:

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hmm, seats must be a 2 seater thing


when i had mine completly standard, first things i did was a tune up, but seeing as you have had it a while i think? you hopefully have already done it several times and keep it running well


First two actual mods i did was custom intake elbow and a pod filter. Followed by a full 2.25inch exhaust from the stock manifold back.


made a small increase, most noticable in throttle response, and a much better sound.


My next mod was swapping in a RB20DET, so easy and so smooth. i love it.

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I rember when my z looked just like yours. Other than when i got my car she was beat ragged rusty dented not running NA ....kind 0f funny .your car has the same options as mine did when i got her .tight car .As for mods there are lots of things you can do .This site will show you the way good luck and happy Zing ...............

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Clean clean clean... but i hate red interior, sorry. Nothing personal :D


There's lots you can do, but not a ton that will make a huge difference for NA power. And there isn't much in existance for "bolt on" upgrades as aftermarket support practically doesn't exist.


You can always go the direction that AE2ZX and I are going. L28ET. They came stock in the car and are pretty cheep. They have much more power potential as well. There's lots of people on here with those motors at many different stages so you're always sure to have the help you need here.


You're in auburn so the swap would easily be legalised if you ever need to legalise it. Just make sure 100% of everything gets chaged :D. I won'y lie and say it's an easy swap, since I'm in the middle of it now, but it's probly about as easy as any swap gets.


If you know next to nothing about cars I wouldn't just jump into a project like that. I'd recomend doing some of your own engine mantainence and get familar with your engine and all of the other mechanical components. Do some oil changes, plug changes, tune ups, ect on your own.


Good luck with the Z, it looks great.

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