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Anyone interested in a Kenmeri Skyline?


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I thought I would see if anyone here is seriously interested in getting one. I have had a couple more 240K's show up for sale in Australia. Most would need to have all the GT-R badges sourced but the grille, flares, and spoilers are easy enough to get. You would be looking at around $6k by the time everything was done. Just thought I would put it out there.



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Yes, that does include shipping to Long Beach. I have only shipped cars into the west coast so far, so I don't know if it would cost any more to go to an east coast port. All in all getting cars from Aus is a relative bargain. Keep in mind the cars would not be show cars at that price, but would be a very solid and complete car.


As for Hakosukas, not a chance. Even a rust bucket would draw more than that. I could get a four door Hakosuka for about $8k, but it would need some work. Any 2 door that is under $10k would almost require a complete restoration.



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I agreee that is just plain crazy to think you could get it shipped as well for that kind of money. I agree with just sourcing parts the price is very good, and shipping really from AU isnt that bad for a car. Concidering other costs.


Would be worth it if your interested, as far as the Hakosuka, if you could get one for that kind of money, like as said it woudl be a rust bucket, or you got lucky that someone didnt know what they had, even so I dont think anyone would be that silly.


Most Hakosukas in decent condition will run you in the 10K plus range

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I thought I would see if anyone here is seriously interested in getting one. I have had a couple more 240K's show up for sale in Australia. Most would need to have all the GT-R badges sourced but the grille, flares, and spoilers are easy enough to get. You would be looking at around $6k by the time everything was done. Just thought I would put it out there.





Bad, bad, bad timing..... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh


Now if I can only scrounge the loot. ;)


Can we see a pic of what you have to offer?

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As for Hakosukas, not a chance. Even a rust bucket would draw more than that. I could get a four door Hakosuka for about $8k, but it would need some work. Any 2 door that is under $10k would almost require a complete restoration.





I can confirm that statement. My toy didn't look that bad until it got sandblasted. I should have just bought the $20,000 car from the historic dealer. At least I could still be driving it and would not have cost any more money than I have already spent in restoring mine..

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Here is a very good one;



This one is a '76. What is not pictured but included is the GT-R grille and flares. This one is a bit on the higher end though as it is very clean. A few imperfection here and there, but pretty good for 30 years old. He is looking for $3900 U.S. for the car. Tack on another $2500 for shipping and fees and $6400 is what you are looking at.



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Out of curiousity, (since I live in CA) and the car being a 76' would you have to try and deal with smog crap? If so, I'd definitely would want one older, though I don't really know my Skyline history.




*EDIT* Just a cool website:

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Yes, anything newer than '75 will need to be smogged in Ca. And to be honest, it would take a few things too. As the L series here in the states had gone EFI, you would probably need to either convert it or have it inspected by the BAR as the L24 in these cars had a single downdraft carb. That being said, I am in Phoenix and not subject to the same laws any longer. If someone in Ca wants one, I can just sell them my '74 and then buy the '76 for myself. Not to mention that my '74 already has the GT-R flares and grille and is a fair bit cheaper. I am still waiting on the grille before it can be shipped though. This is the only part we have been having trouble with in the molding process. And as my parts are the first batch, they have taken longer than originally expected. Anyhow, if it interests anyone let me know.



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These Australian one had an L24 in them. Fender mirrors would need to be sourced in Japan. I've seen them range from $150 - $400. I would not expect perfection, but any car over $2500 U.S. would be pretty good. Most likely some bubbles here and there, but no severe rot.



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