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Red Headlights


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I think its because its a distraction to other driver, either that or its, it has its own rule. Not sure about fog lights. They have those "Halo" headlights where you can have the ring be a different color, but the quality isn't there with those IMO.

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well living in texas i know u cant have the headlights the same color as any emergency vehicle. i.e. red, blue. u also cant have strobing underbodies. as ive noticed it distracts other drivers and once again is illegal. what i would suggest is setting ur lights up where when u hit the brights u have another light that is red. that way when u wanna hang out or go to a show just turn ur brights on. my buddy did that in his galant with green and it is nice.

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You are not allowed to have red lights anywhere but the rear of your car because they are color coded to let other drivers know they are looking at the rear of your car. Blue/other colored lights are reserved for police and emergency vehicles, so applying those lights to your car is also asking for a ticket.

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So what does it say ?


I wonder of people in Asia have english slogans on their cars, and roman character tats on their bodies ? :ugg::lol:

I dig the lights!





this is how my headlights got when i bought a clear lens golf mkII headlight and where the parking light is placed i bought a green 5w lamp and connected it to a switch inside the car.


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this is how my headlights got when i bought a clear lens golf mkII headlight and where the parking light is placed i bought a green 5w lamp and connected it to a switch inside the car.



I saw that photo and started laughing! I had green "city lights" in my car, and the Buena Park CA Police Department really didn't like it one bit.


Long story, but they cited me for "illegal headlights" stating "it's for your protection sir, nobody will see you with green headlights"---this being beside the fact that the training officer made like an Owl and had his head pivot almost 180 degrees when he went through the intersection looking at my car sitting there...


Anyway, I went to court, and it was thrown out as I explained the headlights were NOT green, the "city lights" went out when the main beam went on, and in the CVC (California Vehicle Code) they state clearly that the headlights may be any color when they are not on. This went to the definition of what "on" entails, and basically I brought out the point that the new Mercedes had an integrated running light with their new 300 series, making the "headlight orange" in the exact same way the cop defined my headlikghts as "Green". That, I think is what got it tossed.


BUT, it also states in our vehicle code that NO lights projecting light to the front of the vehicle may be Red or Blue AT ANY TIME.


Here, that can result in a vehicle impouondment as they have nicked ricers with blue and red strobes facing forward under "impersonation of a police vehicle" which is a big no-no! I would not run red or blue in any headlight beam, treading very close to a grey area that can go very wrong.


But Green, that's cool with me! I gotta love anybody who has "Green Headlights" LOL


Beating a cop with logic, in a court, without a lawyer...PRICELESS!

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