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Some art I've been working on


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As some of you may know, I'm putting together some sample artwork to get into a Master's Program in Video Game Design. I've been having trouble trying to decide what to show this guy, since he only wants 6-7 images emailed to him. Usually I don't have any trouble with this sort of thing, but I'm kind of stressing out about this one. Here are some pictures I've been kicking around, some not as finished as others. I've got more, but they are too large to scan. I may try and take digital photos of them to get them up. If you've got any feedback, ideas, or requests, feel free to post or PM. It's not all Z related, but I couldn't help it in this first one.



I was reading a lot of the orginal Conan short stories be Robert E. Howard when I did this one:



I was kind of thinking of Grumpyvette (whom I've never met or seen) when I did this one (sorry grumpy, it was supposed to be in a good way...) and it's really sketchy right now, not finished at all...


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How about a scene from the Barbie Z32 ad? That would be pretty dope...I was wanting to do an arcade piece, maybe I could have some girls playing centipede or something (for some reason, that game was HUGE with girls in it's day...an inexplicable but well documented phenomenon. So says the Complete History of Video Games, anyway.)

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That might work. What has me confused is that I've spoken to the admissions guy several times (really cool guy, used to work for EA games who has an office right there in Orlando by the school), and he's not an artist. He said he'd like to see 6-7 drawings "of my best stuff," but mostly figure based and "traditional" whatever that means to a non-art trained individual. That's one of those relative terms that means one thing to somebody that knows a little bit about it, and something slightly but significantly different to someone that knows a little more. I assume that means he doesn't want like cubist or really abstract stuff, and probably not really like manga style characters either. I've got some charcoal figure drawings and portraits that I think I'll show one or two of. The fact that he just wants them emailed makes me wonder how good they need to be, really. Usually showing a portfolio involves showing either slides of, or actual pieces of art you've done, mostly it's gone over to disc form now. But any file small enough to be emailed is going to lose something in digital translation, in my opinion...OTM, you've heard me complain about scan quality many times, and even these three images are missing some of the dignity that's there when they are actually in your hand.

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Here's some airbrush stuff I did, but won't be using for this:



these two were part of a larger piece that included two 4'X2' comic book style panels in the middle



This is a lithograph, hand colored with watercolor. It might be usable, I'm not too sure about it:



I'm thinking of using both of these, just not these photos of them (I'll see if like Kinkos or somebody has a large size scanner):


that little piece at the bottom of this one is a picture underneath it, not part of the image:



Mus, if you want tattoo designs, PM me or start a new thread, I'm sure there are other people that might have ideas for that too. I still like this one that I offered Savageskaterkid when he had his tat thread going:


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I like this one because it looks similar to a character mock up that you'd see in the real time interactive simulation biz. I'd say do at least one good sketch like this that has a model in multiple positions trying to get a sense of perspective.



Personally I'd try to keep it clean, classic, and well done. I'm not an artist in the drawing arena, but the music arena. I know personally I'd much rather showcase a simple pieces that's extremely well written and well done, than a complicated piece that was a bit over my head to pull off perfectly (lucky me in music if you're writing origonal material nobody hears mistakes unless they're decently serious).

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Barbie and Ken tea party...


OTM has the right idea, Veritech, but put an evil twist in it such as have them each armed to the hilt as hitmen or something all while smiling their stupid grins. I think it would be cool and get a laugh from your judge.



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the only thing about that is that he specifically wanted figure drawings, which is people...but I like doing really gimmicky looking mechanical stuff as well. Giant robots were always my thing growing up, after all. When I was three, I drew a picture of a robot. An anotomically correct robot, if you catch my drift...my mom still has it. it's pretty classic...

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the only thing about that is that he specifically wanted figure drawings, which is people...but I like doing really gimmicky looking mechanical stuff as well. Giant robots were always my thing growing up, after all. When I was three, I drew a picture of a robot. An anotomically correct robot, if you catch my drift...my mom still has it. it's pretty classic...


kinda reminds me of something i drew in kindergarten, sort of. we were making an alphabet book, with illustrations for each letter[ cat for C, dog for D etc...] and for P, i drew a peeing penis. the teacher didn't make me change it either, i think she told my mom though...lol

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