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Ever lived out a Monty Python sketch?


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Oh my, where to begin!


Crazy that this thread came up - I actually used the "But its just a harmless little bunny" quote at work a few days ago; of course I said it with the English accent. I used it w/out warning and it was funny all the people who knew the reference. Someone then chimed in with the "Holy Handgrenade" and its instructions....we are a twisted bunch are we not?


Man, I haven't watched that move in long time - hearing all those quotes makes me want to watch it again.


I liked the part where the king and his lot cross the "Knights that say Neeeee"; and if you wish to pass you must fetch us a "Shrubbery". To which the king asks, what kind of a shrub? So then the knights that say neee go into a lengthy discussion of what kind of a shrub they need in order for the king to fetch them in order for the king to pass.


Of course, once the king and his merry men cross the knights again - the knights are now the "Knights that no longer say neeee".



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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Snap, snap, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, grin, grin, know what I mean, know what i mean, say no more... say no more!


Everyone here needs to see Spamalot, the musical. It's a really funny play on Holy Grail, with some random bits/songs from other sketches thrown in, as well. And the lady of the lake is hot.

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Ha! Good one, Pop N Wood!


In a physics class in college, I had a question on an exam about a swallow... I don't remember the question, but my answer was another question: "Would that be an African or a European swallow?"


I'm glad my professor was also a fan, as I got full credit for that one:mrgreen:. A friend of mine at another college around the same time had the same experience.

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