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Not bad at all! I always love to see others scratch built projects... check out http://www.Dpcars.net and the Dp1 project. It takes a bit of back tracking to get to the beginning but it is well worth it. He starts with an idea and a napkin sketch! Be sure to have plenty of free time available to view the site there is a ton of info and it might just suck you in!

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Guest TeamNissan

That metal work is jaw dropping.


I hve also been following dp for a long time now. I think I came across it looking for info about the hyabusa v8.

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check out http://www.Dpcars.net and the Dp1 project.


...Been following Dennis since the beginning. Spent a couple hours at his place about a year ago. You couldn't ask for a nicer guy... and seriously talented to boot.


A couple more interesting reads and great people...





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Hey Ron, how are things coming with your scratch-built car project?




That specific 'car' has been shelved. It never made it any farther than these pictures...

















Oldest grandson (about 5'-10" in this picture)...






I came around to the fact that the SHO drivetrain was too compromising for my goals.


The front end now hangs... um... gracefully, from the shop trusses as a conversation piece. I suspect it will spend many more years there :wink:


The idea of a clean sheet design has been banging around in my head pretty strongly for the last six months or so... time will tell.

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