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z31 or miata


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Herein lies my dilemma, I am a poor college student who wants a new car. I would love to get a 90’s 300zx but funds won’t allow it so I am debating over what else would suit my fancy. Basically I will be commuting 20-30 min a day over back roads to and from school and would like a car that is economical, reliable, and fun. Both cars are RWD it would definitely be standard transmission (5spd). What are your takes on both cars?

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Easy, Kdouse... :burnout:


I would personally go with the z31. Mind you, I like the Miata a lot, but they've sort of taken on the whole homosexual/mid-life crisis banner. Also, z31 parts would be cheaper and more reliable. There's a reason those things are still around!


Also I know this is sort of blasphemus here, but have you considered an old CRX?

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I'd point at the miata...

im comfortable enough to say miata without question

I say Miata. they are sooo much fun to drive.

Miata. Fun University.
I'd have to go with a Miata as well


I hate you guys!!


homosexual/mid-life crisis banner


thank you!!

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Also I know this is sort of blasphemus here, but have you considered an old CRX?


[steps out of closet].........the CRX is a fun car to drive..........would also like to point out, mine has not a single sticker and normal 15" wheels.......[/back into closet]


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Miata, but you must IMMEDIATELY add a roll bar, exhaust and some nice body mods or graphics to prove your masculinity!!! maybe a stripe and a number? LOL

Unless of course..it fits your preference as is...+/- ??


S31+ fun car... Gonna probably be high mileage so repairs are coming.

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A miata could get you a lot of girlfriends, chicks loves those cars. If I was young again and at the university, I would do it!!! Give girls ride home...I see some very nice opportunities.


The ones that will say bad things towards you about gay cars, who cares, they won't have as much opportunity as you !!


Remember: What does the clients want...Let us know how it works



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yeah, if you can deal with with the gay/girl comments, the miata is the way to go. Fantastic handling, fun to drive, easy to work on, cheap parts. What more could a college student want? Plus, you don't have to worry about your friends asking for rides and not helping out with the gas :-).

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