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how many guys HAVE a CO2 extinguisher handy ?


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along with a similarly sized Illegal to refill Halon unit.


I used to think that too, but its perfectly legal to refill a Halon extinguisher. There just needs to be a proper disposal of the old Halon. Halon itself is very expensive but the extinguishers are still available. I just bought one for the 350Z.

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I have an auto 'illegal' halon unit in the roof of 'me den'.

A 2 gallon AFFF (aqueous film forming foam), handily refillable at work:mrgreen: mounted in the garage/carport and a 1/2 gallon AFFF in me Z.


Burnt one car to the ground many years ago, so once bitten and all that.



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I've got fire extinguishers everywhere. I'm accident prone, so I try to eliminate the possibilities of anything bad happening. I've never needed to use them except for once, when I was welding a hole in a transmission case.


::good story::


I cleaned the area very well with brake cleaner and a wire brush, then wiped down everything with a clean white rag. Then I started to weld. Some residual brake cleaner on another part of the case caught fire, which of course spread across my workbench to the brake cleaner soaked rag I had sitting about 5 feet away. I grabbed the flaming rag real quick and pitched it out of the garage.....it of course landed directly underneith my new truck....So now I still got a work bench which is on fire, and a flaming rag sitting underneith the plastic gas tank on my new truck....I dove under the truck and threw the rag in the planter, then ran back in the garage and hit the workbench with the halon. The neighbors were laughing, and so was the dude who owned the trans case. I imagine I looked like quite the idiot during all of this, but the house is still standing.


I always keep at least 4 or 5 extinguishers in the garage, and one in each car, 2 in the kitchen, and there are probably more somewhere too.

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They are also fully legal in third world countries.

I guess only rich people are not allowed to deplete the ozone.


Don't get me started...


That refill information is good to know, I will have to look into a refill on some 'empty' Halon units I just couldn't bear to chuck since they were so nice looking.


EVTech makes a good point about the AFFF in that you can buy 'refill' kits from some vendors. There was one up at ElMirage campaining for acceptance by the SCTA to allow his system as a legal approved system. Uses a CO2 cannister like the old Ansul Extinguishers have used for years. You simply fill up the cannister with water and add the packet of chemicals, and it's a 'pull to charge, push to discharge' kind of setup. Makes the AFFF right there as it's dispensed. I like AFFF since seeing it used on Aircraft Fires in the USAF. For the footwell I'd prefer it since I was phosgened by Halon during a tent-burning incident at FOL in Korea one winter.... Don't even ask! Thankfully I was sober enough to get the rest of the guys up and out before things went really bad!

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after my car burn't on the side of the road the first time, I keep two in the car. The one i had in the car was not enough and it lit back up, had to watch her burn till the fire dep came. I think that day will haunt me for the rest of my life. I can still smell it and it's been nearly 4 years.

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I have a ABC in my shop and a halon in my car. I almost lost my shop to fire last week. I rent a shop in a 3 separate bay building. next door is a paint company, he was using some new type finish on some doors and wipeing them down with some painter plastic and throwing them in a pile. they combusted over night, caught his new sprayer on fire. The fire melted the plastic water line over head and put it out. All I got was some smell. Too close.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest powerman

Well after having an incident last week I know keep a CO2 in the garage and a small halon in the car.


I was trying to follow the factory man depressurizing the fuel system. I had to wires going to the cold start valve and was successfully spraying fuel. Now remember this fuel is being sprayed at high pressure so it is "misty".(right word?!?) Anyways I shifted my weight and the hot wire came loose. This caused a nice arc that ignited the misty cloud and the cup i was using to collect the fuel. I was looking directly at it when it went so I lost eyebrows and eyelashes. (the eyelashes actually stuck together from melting!) I quickly grabbed the cup(plastic of course :icon56:) and tossed it out of the engine bay. Naturally fuel spills out and catches; some misc oil in the engine bay, my car shade, factory manual, and then lands in my trash box. The trash box had all sorts of interesting things in it... 2 empty spray paint cans, WD-40, and carb cleaner.:icon52: O did I mention the engine bay was on fire from the grease/ oil in it? I didn't know what to do first, my pride and joy, or to stop the potential explosive hazards. :icon9: I quickly got the engine bay fire out by taking my shirt off and beating it out. Then I kicked the box and spread everything out. This cought the weeds in the flowerbed. I stamped all of the trashbox out and the weeds. By this time the car shade fire was halfway up one of the posts, I took my shirt again and got that one out. I look down to see the factory manual's cover burning quite nicely and the edges are a nice charred black color. I stamp that one out and check to make sure that everything is completely out.


Needless to say I step back and look at it in amazement. After double checking to make sure everything is out I go to the local orchard supply and buy a good CO2 fire extinguisher.


I feel like a dodged a bullet on that one. When it was all over with I felt so lucky that nothing worse happened.

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I have an ABC in my garage that I used to carry in my car. It's basically right off the kitchen (most likely source for a small home fire). Once the Z is drivable I will add a mount for a new extinguisher. I have another extinguisher upstairs in the house just in case a fire starts downstairs while we are upstairs in bed. Once I get into welding I will probably add an extinguisher onto my welding cart so it moves with me ;)


You can never have too many fire extinguishers!



- Greg -

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  • 5 months later...

well, I went on a little test and tune tonight, open up my hood at a gas station... and I notice fuel dripping off of one of my rubber hoses on the fuel rail. I tighten the clamp down as far as it goes, and coat the whole thing with some extra silicone I had lying in the car. Seemed to contain it well enough, but just thinking about how the dripping could drip right onto the exhaust manifold, kind of scared me.


So now Im on the hunt for an extinguisher to keep in the car. But I'm curious if anyone could explain the differences between CO2, Halon, and ABC? Also, by your experience, relative cost?


EDIT: kept searching, and found this thread... a couple years older, but answered all my questions!


*for anyone else who ends up finding this thread*



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How about this enviro and HUMAN friendly alternative



We installed it to replace 8 off 180kg bottles of halon1211, INERGEN equated to 80 off 70kg bottles at 210bar to cover the same risk area, we hand to strenghten the floor to fit the system and give up a store room to boot.



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well, I went on a little test and tune tonight, open up my hood at a gas station... and I notice fuel dripping off of one of my rubber hoses on the fuel rail. I tighten the clamp down as far as it goes, and coat the whole thing with some extra silicone I had lying in the car. Seemed to contain it well enough, but just thinking about how the dripping could drip right onto the exhaust manifold, kind of scared me.


I noticed that the fuel filter on the 76 s30 sits directly over the alternator too. and they have shitty hoses most of the time when you find the gems.

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