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#248 is home! Pics inside...


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Looks great Bryan. I'm jealous of everyone getting their car's painted lately...and mine still isn't.


Seriously... I'd like to sign up for having my blue car done by them and having my silver car repainted after seeing the before and afters. Amazing work.

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Thanks again guys. Gary and his crew did a really nice job. I feel like a goof ball, going in the house and then back to the garage again just to snag a look. :)


As far as the subwoofer, it's going in the spare tire well - since I've switched bolt patterns, the spare doesn't work anyways, so... The sub is a Mazda/Bose unit designed for spare tire wells. Fits really nice, was inexpensive and is out of sight to prying eyes.


By safety bars, are you referring to the roll bar? If so, it started as a Jegster unit and was modified and tied in several more places. I'll take some pics of the mounts that they made.


I really appreciate the compliments - this car has almost made me pull out my last two hairs several times.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, it's been a busy few weeks - progress is slow, but pretty steady. As it stands now, the fuel tank is in and wired, the rebuilt pedal box is installed, the mastercylinders and new powerbooster are hung. I've now gone through the doors, cleaning and repaired/replaced/cleaned/lubricated all of the door and window hardware.


The most exciting moment was Saturday for sure when my new 2 piece adapters came in and I was able to mount my wheels.


I'll have more pics a little later, but here are three that I shot earlier:








I'm diggin the ride height now....I may have to start a new trend, how high can you go????? Seriously, I should be able to get the rear down about 2 inches and will adjust the front once the motor and tranny are in.


Woo Hoo!



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Ha...man I didn't even think about Allie and Bosco being in the pic. Those are our two "kids". Talk about personality.


Thanks for the comments on the Z as well. I started running the new brake lines and am going to work at running the braided fuel lines up in the tranny tunnel near to where the stockers used to go. After that, it's time to drop in the LT1/T56 and get these loose ends tied up.


Thanks again.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks again. Progress is coming, but man - it's slow! I got the brakes finished and bled (first time - they still need some more bleeding), fuel lines are run, Honda wiper motor is being finished up, engine bay wiring is being laid out, TTT adjustable TC rods are installed....the list keeps on going and going and......



:) Loving every minute of it!



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