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Speaker wire $460.00 a FOOT!!!!!


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Surprisingly there is a difference in speaker cable that is fairly easy to hear. Now I have not hear that stuff, or even that many types, but a good amount to know their can be a difference.


Using fiber usually means another set of DACs. Just something else to muddy up the sound.

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Quoted from their site:




"Highly Recommended.”


"In extended listening sessions, I found the cables' greatest strength to be its PRAT. Simply put these are very danceable cables. Music playing through them results in the proverbial foot-tapping scene with the need or desire to get up and move. Great swing and pace—these cables smack that right on the nose big time."



- Dave Clark, Editor Positive Feedback Online"



I agree with a trained ear and good equipment, cable can make a difference. Not that much difference though.


Here is one audio effect they fail to factor. If you do buy their cable, your seating position will be noticably lower in the listening room, as the wallet you are sitting on will be quite a bit thinner.

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The audiophile world is rife with subjective claims and evaluations. My favorite audiophile product along those lines is the Shakti Stone, a $199 rock (but it is a really really nice rock, polished and everything). http://www.shakti-innovations.com/ is their website. The claim is that it reduces EMI. Note that they have an automotive application for their rocks, complete with dyno results.



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  • 2 weeks later...
some body needs to get a lab scope and a frequency generator and check this stuff-i think the monster cable running to my klipsch lascala's works just fine


I tend to agree with you on the Monster cable....been around for some time now and is a proven product. It wouldn't surprise me if the cable they used for comparison was cheapy zip cable (very small diameter, two conductor junk). In their comparison graph, their cabling starts rolling off at approximately 10K....do they think that is good performance??? Also, it's always funny to see the massive cabling and then they attach little tiny connectors....they must think people are just plain stupid! I believe it was Barnum (Barnum & Bailey) who once said....."A fool and his money, soon part!"



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