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The dirt on FedEx.


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Okay I work at FedEx and I figured I would just let you guys know what bugs me and what i see at work.

Most of the damage done to packages are not by the workers, it's from the conveyor that takes forever to stop loading boxes when it backs up... Thus crushing weaker boxes


Also items with exposed wheels and/or tires (hand trucks, luggage ETC ) including automotive wheels and/or tires see to get more abuse then other packages.


Pillows get thrown about 95% of the time... I mean come on their pillows.


Scotch tape is pretty good for some things... using 9 rolls on a package isn't one of them.


Brown paper tape with fabric reinforcements rip real easy and I'm tired of re taping them, use clear plastic tape.


FedEx has some terms for packages:
Small crushables (not sure what these are)

Wedge Packages: boxes that are wedged into place

Putting an object into a box that is a lot larger causes problems as the box starts to collapse.


Nearly every box that is made out of brown or white cardboard says "Fragile" on it... Hand writing Fragile on the box seems to yield better results.


Saran wrap isn't the same as tape


When shipping paper products like documents and stuff wrap in plastic then put in the box, the trailers are not water tight, but we do our best.


If you get a box from FedEx that does not have the last digit of your zip code written on it means it was not checked to make sure it was going to the right place


If you have a box of food that opens... I might just have a piece before I re tape it
just kidding (stealing is theft of interstate shipments, which is a felony)


Anyways FedEx has it's perks, for instance I've been told that I get 25% FedEx shipping in the USA and 75% off International shipments. Apparently I just go to a FedEx Kinkos and show them my badge. So any locals need shipping I'll try to hook you up.

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I ordered fourty feet of chrome moly tubing that had to be shipped from Georgia. When it arrived I called the only Fed Ex number in our phone book. that was the Kinko's store who told me I had to pick up my stuff at the Fed Ex at the air port. When I got to the airport I was told that I needed to go to Fed Ex freight which is about two miles away. I knext went to the freight yard and got the old "Will call is closed until Monday." So I went home and managed to waste the weekend getting nothing done because I needed the tubing. I get to will call early Monday and after checking my tracking number the lady there tells me that my tubing is across town at the Fed Ex ground terminal. I thank her and start towards the door with visions of actually getting some work done on the chassis. She says wait a minute and she'll call and make sure the package is there. She calls and gets no answer, so she calls someplace else and then tells me that the ground terminal is open Tuesday through Saturday. So I go home once more and sit thumb firmly inserted in my the lower digestive tract. By now I am starting to contemplate building my car useing discarded water pipe. Tuesday I get in the truck and drive to the Fed Ex ground terminal. When I get there, the lady in the office check the comnputor and says they don't have it, But she will check with the delivery office, and disappears into the warehouse. After about ten minutes she comes back in dragging my package. She then tells me that I could have picked it up on Friday because the home delivery people were there all day. The pipe wasn't delivered because somehow there was a will pick up hold on it.

See? You don't have to work there to be made crazy.

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I think some of the confusion there would be because that is a IC (incompatible) and they go down a conveyor and are scanned then put onto rollers awaiting to get loaded but once it's scanned as far as I know the computer thinks it's on that trailer when that is not necessarily the case because there might not be room. But I feel your pain.

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Good thread. I have had a FedEx commercial account for about 5years and a very good friend of mine used to be a delivery driver in LA and the put himself through college and is now a senior programmer with FedEx. Everything on your post he will agree 101% with, he has some crazy stories from his driving days.



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Nbesheer, where is your Puple blood? I'm a FedEx employee and love what I do, but I'm in IT (computers). Make a suggestion.


Granted, we F_Up from time to time, but do a rate quote on most things and we are cheaper by far.


I got screwed on a lost package, but it was only $35 so not to many worries, FedEx is really the best, most time sensitive, cost effective company out there.


Please use FedEx when you ship.

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