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I've always wanted to steal a tank...


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He ran over a Z? Glad he got shot.


Well if it makes you feel any better a friend of mine used to work at the Texaco station a couple of blocks from where the whole thing started. By buddy Tony had just left work, started down the street in his Z31 when the tank came around the corner and started coming right at him, he threw the car in reverse went backwards about half a block then pulled a "Jim Rockford" (look up Rockford Files) aka a "J" turn and left that tank in the dust. He got home and started telling me about it while it was still being broadcast live on tv.


Any way at least one Z got away that day.



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i remember when that happened! the guy stole that tank from the national guard armory right behind my high school. i knew that guy who owned the yellow 280z, too :( he was in the navy and had a couple other ones. he's since been reassigned. for you SD guys he was in the military housing on linda vista rd right by genesee ave

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