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Baby on the way!


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The wife and I are expecting our baby boy in May. We're both looking for car themes for the kids room, but haven't had a lot of luck with themes that we like. Everything is very cartoon like, granted for kids that's great but we were hoping for something more realistic in designs. I figured I'd ask my favorite group of fellow car nuts if they had any experience with this or any ideas where to look.


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Congrats on the baby, I hope you enjoy him as much as I enjoy my 15 month old daughter. Ever thought of getting an overhead projector and shooting pictures on the nursery wall, trace them and paint em in. Pick the pics you like and photocopy on clear and have fun. Z cars and nursery decorating pretty diverse site we have here.

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We bought posters and cheap frames to fit. Then we hung them all around his room. It was much cheaper than buying pre-framed stuff. He loves them and waves good morning and good night to all his posters! He is almost 1 year old now. He is our first and probably our only one. Although our posters are all animal themed, car themed would work well. He now LOVES anything with wheels. As a matter of fact, anything that has wheels get's turned over so that he can play with the wheels and the axles. Pretty soon he is going to start taking stuff apart and modding it. I can see it coming already.


Congrats! and Good Luck!

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Congrats! I have a 5 year old cousin who's already a little gearhead, and the only thing that he talks about are cars and military things. Now these are PROPER intrests... :D


If you'd like to go for the car theme, maybe you should look at the "Cars" movie posters?

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I like Cars, great movie and will be the first on my kids list along side Dad's home movies of rebuilding his old Datsuns. lol

I like the posters idea and I might take some shots and the real things and have them framed...Guess I'm a true gear head when I think pictures of an engine block head and all the trimmings make great photography.

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I have a little cousin, about 1 now, honest to god if hes crying and you give him a motortrend or any other car mag he will shut up instantly, if you give him any other mag he will continue to cry... I have a couple of framed posters of cars, with real lights at the tail lights, it looks really cool, good for all ages. this is the place that makes them : http://electricartgallery.com/

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Congrats on the kid. My four grow faster than I can keep up. My three year olds favorite tool is the cordless impact ... the 9.6V obviously ... he will have to wait a few months for the 18V. Get him a pair of earmuffs so he can be in the garage when you are using loud tools and to use at the racetrack. Sorry no help on the nursery. Our kids slept with us the first year (or three). Makes night time easy for daddy as you're about useless anyway while their nursing.

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Your child will be yourself and your wife fundamentally. Watch and learn what his stong attabuttes are and encourage him! Remember you only have one chance at getting it right and we all have hindsight of doing it better!! Imagine what they will be: being free!! (under your great guidence)!

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My wife and I just had our first kid a little over 3 months ago. We still haven't really settled on a theme for his room yet, but we are thinking "Animals". We have the alphabet hanging on his wall, each framed letter has a drawing of an animal with it that begins with that letter. Already he shows a lot of interest in them. He'll stare at them and smile whenever we carry him past that wall.


I think Dinosaurs would be good too. You could make them as realistic or cartoony as you want. All kids love dinosaurs.


List of proposed (By me) themes rejected outright by the wife:


Hellraiser II


Aliens vs Predator


Apocalypse Now


The Cambodian killing fields (Seriously, who hates piles of skulls?)






Insane Clown Possey (I really thought I had a winner with this one too....)



Congrats on the kid, and good luck with the nursery!



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Mike, and you're still wondering why your wife rejected that?! :)


Seriously now - I like themes like these, but for a newborn baby... Well, this may be a little bit over the top. :) I think that posters from movies like Vanishing Point, Easy Rider or American Graffiti would be a better idea than Apocalypse Now or Cambodia killing fields... Or maybe I'm just afraid of hearing Marlon Brando's...


"The Horror... Horror!"


...again? :lmao:Think of it this way: would you like to see your kid getting scared when it hears a quote from Apocalypse Now? :)

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