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for my fellow pc geeks.


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I built myself a new PC recently as well... I had been running the old one since 2002, and as it was a gaming PC, that was long enough! I more than got my money's worth out of the old one, it was built to own in Unreal Tournament, and hung in there through-out UT99, 2K3, 2K4, and a couple of wasted years we don't need to go into. (WoW)


The new specs:

Xion BlueSteel

Abit IP35 Pro mobo

PC Power & Cooling Silencer 610 Watt PSU

eVGA 8800GT 512mb vid card

Core 2 Duo E6750 2.66ghz CPU

Crucial Ballistics Tracer 2GB

Seagate Barracuda 500GB SATA 3.0 HD

Lite-On 20X DVD+R w/Litescribe SATA


Thermaltake CL-ROO26 Aluminum Heatsink/Heatpipe RAM cooler X2

Zalman VF900 VGA fan/heatpipe (vid card)

Zalman CNPS 9700 110mm CPU fan/heatpipe

Logitech G15 keyboard with back-light and LCD info screen

Logitech MX510 mouse

Belkin Nostromo N52 keypad

Cambridge Soundworks 5.1 speakers


I wouldn't call it a super computer, but going from an AMD Athlon 1900+ Socket A machine to this Core 2 Duo was an eye opening experience to say the least. I installed my old UT 99 just for giggles, and out of habit, I disabled V-sync. (old school tweak to gain a few frames per second, at the cost of some smoothness) I had to turn v-sync back on... it was playing UT in surges, spiking up to 500+ FPS and bottoming out at around 150 FPS. Completely unplayable... you would take 5 normal steps, and then about 20 on "NOS", lol. I play a little COD4 now, and with almost all settings maxed I see about 90 FPS. I can only hope I get the same mileage out of this as I did the last = )







Kinda garish, but I intend to "de-mod" it a bit to quiet it down.

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http://www.themodnation-forums.com/ Take a look at some of Bill Owens work logs and some of the others some AWESOME work.








Right now I've got a Titan Robela Water cooled case coming in, going to modify it a LITTLE bit to clean things up etc., nothing radical like these guys, but my main goal is for a clean looking computer case that functions well with the Quad Core and 8800GTS Graphics card. Anyways hope you enjoy the link its a lot of fun watching these guys do some pretty awesome stuff.



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Those are nice....but they are all running only ONE graphics card :)


you need to start with an SLI motherboard (room for 2 or 3 graphics cards) and then go from there....


Check this out:



Here's my 15 minutes of fame:



And here's a nice link of other DIY guides:



Anyone played Crysis yet? I finished it finally last month...was sorely disappointed at the end, but look forward to call of duty 4 next!





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eh. neat. but I kinda got out of the whole pc case modding thing a while ago.


"If iti doesn't do anything to make it run better, then why do it?"


Then you must not overclock and water cool :)


Yes, you can go "all show and no go"...but you can do some pretty functionally blingy things too, like watercooling.


to each their own I guess.


I just wanted to pimp my company's awesome SLI tech (and bitch about Crysis)

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Then you must not overclock and water cool :)


Yes, you can go "all show and no go"...but you can do some pretty functionally blingy things too, like watercooling.


to each their own I guess.


I just wanted to pimp my company's awesome SLI tech (and bitch about Crysis)


lol. nope no water cooling. my comp is overclocked like no ones business but its also like 4 years old. I just don't get why there has to be so many lights in 'high end" pc's now-a-days. Only real physical mod I did to my comp, is throw in a fan that won't fit inside my case. its as big as the PSU and sticks out an inche out of the chassis.


And my monitors. lol its a mess. (I can never say no to fre lcd monitors). 2 of which have burnt out/missing cathode inverters. One of which works. So I have 3 montiors sharing a cathode inverter, all electric taped and zip tied to a wooden frame, held together in the same fashion.

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