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Too cute, and ingenious at the same time


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dude what is that thing its buzzing too loud lets shoot it .lol. its creepy how it moves so lifelike when it is falling on the ice

It buzzes because it runs off a 2 stroke engine. it'd dead silent when running on pure electricity though XP


that thing IS awesome. I saw it before, but never on ICE.

It moves so realistically when it's regaining balance and stuff.

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That is has got to be the greatest example of robotics I've ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its was so good, like Braap said, scary!

I don't know how the computation were done so quickly for the nibleness of the machine. You would think it would require a supercomputer. (really)

Kept thinking it might be a joke with two guys under there. The response seem oddly human like, or even better. Still can not figure out how I can compute so quickly..... Mabey a mechnical respone of some nature as well a computations......

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