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Handing out free petroleum products... !


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The U.S. still hasn't built any new refineries in the past 25 years, so even if production of crude does go up (and the price of crude drops), we will still have the refinery bottleneck and prices won't be dropping any time soon...


The price for diesel fuel went waaaay up since the reformulation to low-sulfur.

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  olderthanme said:
Still $3.25 for regular here.


I paid $4.65/gal when Katrina hit.

Downtown Atlanta gas prices were close to $10/Gal at that time...

I just filled up @$3.14 North of Atlanta! (sad...excited about paying over $3.00 a gallon)

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auxiliary, what jerryb means is we've been paying over $4/gallon for a long while. I remember paying $1.10/litre a couple of years ago and that translates into $4.18, never mind the exchange rate. And if the greenback keeps dropping, prices could be a lot higher....sucks for me a little because most of work is in the States, but I save a bunch cause the loonies now on par. Oh well....I'll ride my bike more I guess...

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I noticed a significant price drop in fuel as I drove south to DNI.


It was nice, it helped make the trip a hair more affordable.


I am not complaining, I have chosen my ride and love it too much to let it sit in the garage. I have considered buying a motorcycle a couple times, but don't think I wanna get hit by one of the local idiots. Lots of traffic here.



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  MJLamberson said:
haha, I saw this title and then saw who posted it, I thought it was going to be tied into the corn chart thread

Hehehyeahhhh... Whatever happened to that thing anyway? I found myself searching for corn cornises to see if anything had changed, but this thread is the only living remains of that one. :(

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