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Why you read ALL of the directions on the label before you pour it into your engine


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the bad part is what was wrong with his car. he said the CAS had a leak and though it was a bad headgasket so he dumped that stuff into his engine. Guess what the culprit of his leaky cas was. His oring had popped out of place, and a new oring or simply re-seating the ring would've fixed the problem.

Another Copex? eh, he didn't do anything too dumb....just dump a bottle of copper dust into his engine XP


this post made me lol even more just imagining the picture


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that post you linked to made me wonder what the point of telling that story was... just another "ohmygod, i cant believe i did that" embarassing story? thats all I could figure.



Those boys are... strange. I can't tell if the "gay miata owner" humor is just humor, if a handful of them actually are gay, or if theyre ALL actually gay... its funny though.


(for the record I love miatas, and i aint got no problems with them there homo types neither. Just can't figure out where some of those guys actually ARE on the spectrum...)

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I have to say I made my comment here before finishing the thread over there, and I too am impressed with the way the guy handled it. Seriously, thats impressive, and it indicates someone who is probably an awesome dude.


but... reading that post, and realizing that he had NO CLUE it belonged in the coolant and not the oil.... UNTIL he made the post...



..its just so FUNNY!!

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I have to say I made my comment here before finishing the thread over there, and I too am impressed with the way the guy handled it. Seriously, thats impressive, and it indicates someone who is probably an awesome dude.


I concur! But he definitively is not a HybridZer. Still needs to work on his capitalization. As well as smiley's, if you are like me. :)


That and the bottle would probably of yelled "SEARCH" before he poured it in.

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I'm trying to figure out what a chest curl is, and how he can do it with 500 pounds in his bedroom.


Yeah, I'm calling BS on that story too. I really doubt any teenage boy is doing anything with 500 lbs in his bedroom at his parents house. Squats in the garage or something maybe but "chest curls" whatever they are... BS.

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