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ah school. i know you have heard it all before. finish. i remember the calc classes. calc 1 was fun, 2 was less fun, 3 was worse, and diff eq was crap. where in the #$#@ am i going to use that. i took lots of english classes because i was bad at it. lit to technical writing to creative writing. as an engineer, you would not belive how much you have to write. its not all numbers and science. reports up the wazoo. dug physics, chem was boring untill i got the right teacher that brought it to life. that was fun. would like to go back and take history classes and such for fun. love history. it all makes sence later on. good luck and stay on top of the homework.



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i started about a month ago. class list as of now: chem1 w/ lab, pre cal, comp1, and world civ.

chem and pre cal are basicly refresher courses for me. I dislike my english class although the teacher is one of the best i've had. My world civ class is the most boreing class ever!

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Hey now, don't just finish it up. I say keep chugging until money can't buy you anymore. Then again I could be taking all of these courses in vein when my mind somehow changes to like a liberal arts university and I'm stuck drawing pictures of trees... Not saying thats a bad job, just saying theres no use for Calc III... XD

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School started August 25 for me. I'm taking Com 251, Com 195, French 101 (yayyy), Intro to Environmental Science, and FTV 140. I'm a comm major if you couldn't tell :P Hope to be writing for Car and Driver one day :mrgreen:


I DO wish that I could take some type of shop class but am not sure if my college offers it...maybe i'll take it at one of the surrounding jc's.


Oh, and I too work. About 15 hours a week as the Transportation Asst :cool:


Basically jus a cool title and not a lot of work lol.

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