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Megatune on iPhone


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My friend and I were using some of the different 0-60 timers and such in the z on my iPod touch and were wondering the exact same thing. Though I don't know anything about iPhone apps or programming, so I'll just have to wait until someone else figures it out.

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I thought I recently saw something about iPhone and MS somewhere... It may have been in one of the those acceleration/automotive apps in iTunes, or something along the lines of making calculations for mega tune input?...


I'll dig around and see if I can find that...

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If they can do this



then I'm sure an iphone app can't be too hard.




I would think with the iPhones WiFi and Blue tooth, it could communicate, but then you'd need your lap top connected to the MS controller any way. Though during road tuning, the iPhone would be more convenient than the lap top due to its small size. Then it would just be a matter of writing the code. Possibly have control of fuel and ignition maps, and few other key parameters...



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Sort of off topic, but I was just thinking yesterday, how it would be sweet to integrate a couple of buttons you could strap to the dash or steering wheel so that you could watch your AFR's and bump the current VE point up/down while driving. I suppose the iPod would be pretty nearly capable of being utilized for this once the app is written.

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Is apple even allowing third party apps now? A gameboy might be a better option. see here


FYI: Apple has never been a very open platform for users.


where the heck have you been?


3rd party apps have been available for the iPhone legitimately since the 3g was released!


I personlly have 56 third party apps for my iPhone 3g, and it is not jailbroke! (iPhone is a successful gadget, barely mediocre as a phone.)


As far as needing a laptop in order to use bluetooth thats not true. There is db9 bluetooth adapters that will plug right onto the db9 to connect any bluetooth device to it.


Cool, didn't think about that.

Are any other hand held/PDA's using this for MS currently?

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I have very little experience with the iPhone yet, but the way things sound here is bluetooth might be the easiest way to connect to Megasquirt (probably with something like this - http://www.usbgear.com/computer_cable_details.cfm?sku=USBG-BT-0240&cats=158&catid=158 hardwired into the car so I don't need to worry about batteries). What other options are available for connecting it? I don't think wifi is a very viable option. Is there any way to physically connect it?


I think the biggest hurdle for this project might be creating the megatune application.

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hey Proxlamus can you use the pda to actually reload the software onto your MS or is it just a tune thing?


just for the tune thing, and you can't modify engine constants, just fuel ign, basic stuff.


But the Iphone should be able to run it if you can get a mac based megatune. Just do blue tooth with it.

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