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Any Female RB-Zers?


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Well, there aren't a ton of females into the car scene. Who can blame them, its surrounded by trampy women and dirty fingernails.


Just kidding!


My fiance' loves cars, and is willing to help me when I need it on the car. She helped me install at trans a few weeks ago. Its not really her thing, which is cool... it is something I can enjoy myself.


Austin Hokes girl has been seen in more than one photo with safety glasses and dirty hands. Cool stuff.


They are out there!



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there was one female RB'er.


not sure where she scurried off to! her boyfriend coaxed her into doin a swap... maybe the relationship between woman, man, and machine went sour.


Yeah, that woman, man, and machine three-way never works.. thats why I keep my woman on the side.

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Not really related to the technical aspects of building an RB-Z but Im just curious. My girl thought it was stupid that I got excited when UPS brought me my new fuel pump. Why dont they understand?! hahaha

Do you get excited when UPS delivers her a new purse, shoes, earrings, etc.?

Same thing, but different.

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I have a wife and I'm glad she stays in the house and lets me work in the garage. She loves my car but that's where it ends. Also, she never gets upset when I tell her I'm gonna spend more money on the Z. Doubt she will ever post on this forum but she does benefit from the information I use of this site to make my ride fast and fun.

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