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ZX won't start! volt meter goes to zero!

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My ZX just wouldn't start 2 mornings ago, the volt meter read 14v but everytime I tried to start the car the hand would go to zero and the car would have no power for the next 5-10 seconds.


before you know it the lights in the car would turn on again and the volt meter would read 14v again. I could turn on the radio, turn on my headlights, foglights, but when I try to start the car it just goes down to zero and it won't even start to crank.


I got the car the run on the second day by jump starting it and then the same symptoms happened so I figured it might be a dead battery from leaving my foglights on but I changed the battery today and the same symptoms occur. so now I don't know what the problem is. ignition? starter?


help is greatly appreciated, thanks

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I had the same issue on mine. It was the Neg Bat cable had some corrosion on contacts. Sometimes would be loose to. take off get Bat cleaner and clean em works great after.. "Yours would say go to turn key and you'd hear a Click and no power right. then wait couple mins and it starts or just dose the same thing. Or remove cable and put back it it starts couple times then same issue again later right"


Was my native. Just clean or buy new cable.. easy to do

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+1 on battery cables. I get a similar issue from time to time. All electrical works, but when I go to start it, it just clicks and dies. Sometimes it comes back to life on its own, sometimes it requires tweaking the terminals/cable, and once and a while I have to comb the corrosion off the cable with a wire brush and electrical cleaner.

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Ok guys, Heres tha goods!!! I have NEW BATT, NEW -/+ CABLES, as well as having power brushed all connection surfaces. I have very similar affect. Power on Voltemeter drop to 8 not 0 but still clunks and drops when I engage the ignition. I had intermitten self repair in my favor for the last few weeks/ month. but now,what ever was going has finally given up the ghost. Where are the fusible links in relation to ignition/starter? Please be gentle I suck at figuring out Wiring diagrams...:)

thanks for any help here.


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  Smokescreen said:
Ok guys, Heres tha goods!!! I have NEW BATT, NEW -/+ CABLES, as well as having power brushed all connection surfaces. I have very similar affect. Power on Voltemeter drop to 8 not 0 but still clunks and drops when I engage the ignition. I had intermitten self repair in my favor for the last few weeks/ month. but now,what ever was going has finally given up the ghost. Where are the fusible links in relation to ignition/starter? Please be gentle I suck at figuring out Wiring diagrams...:)

thanks for any help here.



Put your battery on a trickle charge all night long. See if that helps. You may just have a weak alternator that is intermittently charging or not while driving.

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LOL! Self repair = sometimes it seemed to work, then it would quit and do the "clunk". The clunk isn't really a clunk, it is when I bump the ignition and it just sits there...This is where the voltemeter drops to 8v. Not when starting but when it just stops. So turn key, fuel pumps starts, continue to turn key, then nothing, and the voltemeter drops. No worries though it was the solenoid, I replaced all of the parts. Batt/ solenoid/ cables and starter. We're runnin' fine! Thanks folks.


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