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Need advice from people who have own Z cars

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as some one who just finished college, I had a wife and kids when I did it. I kept the Z, but she never got driven, I would suggest a newer car, I love my Z but once you get the "Well I am just gonna change this" then its the "While I'm at it" its super fun, but college is more important and no need to make that time of your life more stressful

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  On 3/17/2010 at 11:04 AM, PanzerAce said:


If you want a Z in college: Go for it.


And if you want to drive anywhere, also get something else :)

As time passes it's harder and harder to keep antique cars safe and reliable.

What worked for someone 15, 10, or even 5 years ago is fun information (but less applicable in 2010).

Nothing is worse than having a Z that you can't drive because you can't afford parts or needs a lot of work.

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I'm just finishing college today (my last final is in 5 hours) and I find it fairly surprising that so many people feel like they NEED a car for college. Most colleges recommend you spend the first year in the dorms to make friends and familiarize yourself with campus life. This is what I did (and I highly recommend it for anyone starting school). During that whole year the only time I spent in a car was the 2 or 3 times my parents came to visit me and took me out to eat. The rest of the time I walked or rode my bike. With the cafeteria only 2 minutes away, my classrooms about 5 I never needed a car. In fact, I'm glad I DIDNT have a car since it probably would have gotten me into a lot of trouble...


The following year I moved out into an apartment with some friends. At this point my parents gave me their old car but I still hardly ever drove it. I had a job and lived what was considered "far" from campus. It still only took me about 15 minutes on my bike to get to school and to work, in some cases I'd actually beat my friends who drove since they needed to find parking. Such was the town that I go to college in. I realize a bigger city often requires a car to get around effectively but as a college student I'd spend most of my time working on this or that on campus (my major didnt give me much time for anything else) or at work. All my friends had cars so I knew I could always find someone to bum a ride with if I REALLY need to get somewhere in a hurry. My brother goes to school in Vancouver BC, a much bigger city than little where I go, and he doesnt have a car at all, and doesnt want one. He still lives on campus and takes the bus if he needs to go anywhere in the city. He seems to be getting by alright.


Dont get me wrong, I've loved cars all my life but I realize that you dont need one to get by and that having a car (ANY car) is a privilege not a requirement.


That being said, the Z can be made into a fairly reliable car despite its age. It all depends on how lucky you get with the car. Even with newer cars that are considered "reliable" things can go wrong. My 98 Forester, which ran like a champ since they day my parents bought it chose to have a complete engine fire and burned to the ground just 2 days ago stranding me with only a few hours before one of my finals...

Edited by h4nsm0l3m4n
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In my senior year of college I got the idea to start looking for my dream car, a DeLorean. When I actually found one and went to look at it I was overcome with lust for the thing and didn't totally think it through. In other words, I bought the car, haha.


Do I love owning a car I thought I never might drive? Yes. Do I get a kick out of it every time I am even close to it? Yes. But, do I more than often wish I had waited to buy what is basically a 30 year old "exotic" car? You bet.


Didn't learn my lesson soon enough though, cause when I bought my Z it was under similar "lovestruck" circumstances. I think whatever you buy, it needs to be something with character and a be a car that makes you happy EVERY time you drive it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well guys i really apreciate all the advice that everyone has given me. I looked at about 4 240s and like i just didnt get the right feeling from them to be driving the particular ones i looked at everyday. This last week i did buy a 91 300zx na though and i love it! I just need to do a little body work in the rear of the car but mechanically as of now everything is sound. My dream z is still a 240 but i feel like it would be better to wait until i get out of college for that thanks again everyone

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My experience with Zs started shortly after I graduated high school. I was not a spectacular high-school student (aced all the tests, broke the curve every single time and NEVER studied, got some really nice SAT and ACT scores), but never did any homework or assignments-- long story short, I was 16, out of high school, started community college (because my grades weren't fantastic, and my parents had no money) around my second semester I found my first Z, a 240. Shelled out some money I'd saved from working full-time, ended up being a great car, I even swapped in a VG30ET and accompanying drive-train I found in a 87 300zx turbo, for $1400. I ended up joining the Navy before I finished college. I sold the car for A LOT more than what I bought it for (even made back the money I spent on modding it). I bought this car for around $3800 in beautiful shape in like 2004.


I bought the 240Z I have now for $6000, in really good shape, with a L28, 5-speed, R200 already in it. Been using it as my DD ever since, I am no longer in the Navy, unemployed currently, still doing a V8 swap. I'm not rich, just resourceful.


I say, if you are willing to pony the cash for something in running condition with a decent body, the Z will remain reliable for a long time. In my experience it's been a lot cheaper to maintain (except for gas), insure ($350/year for full coverage in CA), and modify than the other cars I've owned. I sank $7500 into an Integra GS-R, I had, it was pretty beastly, but nowhere as much fun as the Z (it was also like WAYYY more sought after by thieves, it was stolen, ON BASE). Also nowhere as good-looking. I don't hear much about people stealing the earlier model Zs, not even the heavily modified ones. I park mine in the ally behind my apartment, people stop and look at it, compliment me on it when I'm out there having a cigarette (some gang-banger thought he'd look cool by leaning on my fender and scratched my paint) but I'm NOT as worried about theft as I was with the other cars I've owned.


I guess what I'm saying is, if you're at all mechanically inclined, owning a Z (at least for me) has been cheaper in the long run than other cars I've bought used. The SU carbs are fairly easy to keep running (I've got Webers, now, stay away from those unless you've got time to dial them in and re-jet them every-time the weather changes), the L6 is rock-solid in any of its incarnations, I abuse mine and they take it like Southeast Asian hookers (**I do not support the sex trade or human trafficking, nor am I a racist**). I don't know why people in this thread have been saying "OMG DATSUN PARTS ARE EXPENSIVE," I've never had that problem. I have with the newer Nissans, though. The complete parts kit for a 240Z 60K mile service is like $190 if you shop around (timing parts, water pump, belts, spark plugs, distributor pieces), the 240SX (KA24E and DE) is like $300.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/17/2010 at 11:04 AM, PanzerAce said:

I'm going to disagree with basically everything everyone said.


If you want a Z in college: Go for it. That's what I did, and other than having to replace worn out tires and oil changes, it never was out of service for any length of time.


That being said, if you want to drive a Z, make sure you get one that you *know* runs, and runs well, and *don't* try to modify it until you have another DD.




I bought a really crappy 1971 240Z for $700 while I was in college, and it was a fantastic daily driver...the body was in poop shape, with rust problems everywhere, but the engine ran fantastic, and I never EVER had problems with the engine not running and getting me from point A to B(my other car I had in college was a 1976 MGB...with lucas electrics, the 71 240Z was so much more reliable it's not even funny). It was a ton of fun to drive, (I would even pile in 2 passengers to go someplace close), I drove that everywhere! I even lost control and spun out on a dirt road while going close to 80 mph, and didn't damage ANYTHING...these cars are tougher than some people like to believe, and certainly tougher than new cars that drop the engine if you look at it funny (in an accident, new cars are designed to drop the motor on purpose).


Get an old one with a working drivetrain, drive the living piss out of it, and then when you are done with college, get a better one...


This car is also a chick magnet, EVEN WHEN IT'S COVERED IN FLAT BLACK PRIMER! I have no idea why, but it just has a great shape to it, I guess...


Of course the car is even better if you dump a crap-load of money into it, but if you are strapped for cash, just keep it running, stock parts for these 30 - 40 year old cars are actually fairly cheap...have you ever bought a tail light assembly for a new Honda or Toyota??? Used ones go for around $500!!

Edited by maximmagnum
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I had the misfortune of owning a saab c900 as my first vehicle which was supposed to be extremely reliable and industructable, well I put it through hell and I can argue with indestructable, as far as reliable, forget about it.


+1 to the chick/people magnet comment, they have no idea what kind of car a datsun is 60% of the time, but its loud and looks muscley but its mysterious enough people love it. Ive had a cop follow me to an auto parts store lot and say nice car and what no (when I really thought he was gonna give me a ticket for no front plate :P ) and assorted moments like that, it seems like everyone has owned one of these cars or knew someone who has.


Go for it, I dont think you will ever regret it in the long run.

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This seems to be turning into a "why a Z car is worth it and my experience with them" thread :)


I'll second the feeling that everyone seems to have about the car being a people magnet. It's seems every time I mention my car to a stranger (getting parts, insurance renewal, tow company ;) etc ) they always get excited and have some story involving a Z in their younger days. The car seems to bring a smile to everyones face no matter where it goes ( and to be truthful it's not in that great of shape!)

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  On 3/29/2010 at 5:45 AM, catfat said:

Well guys i really apreciate all the advice that everyone has given me. I looked at about 4 240s and like i just didnt get the right feeling from them to be driving the particular ones i looked at everyday. This last week i did buy a 91 300zx na though and i love it! I just need to do a little body work in the rear of the car but mechanically as of now everything is sound. My dream z is still a 240 but i feel like it would be better to wait until i get out of college for that thanks again everyone



Well, There you go, Welcome to the world of Z's, Your 91NA Z32 should be fairly reliable, but be sure to save up $600 to $800 bucks. That's for each time you have to take it in for service. I've had my Z32 for 12 years, and it's cost me about $800 to keep it in good reliable running condition each year. So they're not cheap. There is a Z32 forum on here, so I'll expect to see your comments there.


As for the older S30's I love mine, She's not running, but she's about the prettiest car around. Sorta like that hot cheerleader w/ a broken leg, you know once she's healed up she'll be hella fun, but right now she's still hot and you can play w/ her, but going places isn't happening. Mines getting an engine transplant, and since my 280z is a project car there's no rush/hurry to get it done, I buy the parts when I can afford them. The Z32 gets me where I need to go, DD, work etc. Unfort my Z list takes backseat to my honey-do list.


So, buying a Z early in life, in HS or early college is worth it. but be prepared to spend some time and $ to keep it running. I drove a 260z all through(okay mostly through) college. I bought it when I was a junior in HS, but didn't get it running till after I graduated. It did well, but that's 20 years ago. Z's today are a lot more finicky, the wiring is old and hard so you don't want to move the harnesses unless you have to. Connectors are all corroded, anything plastic is a lot more brittle. If you can find one relatively cheap, and you can read a haynes manual, you can keep it going through college. Websites like this (especially this) one will help you out more than you know, Especially if you use the search function, not to mention parts and mod ideas.


Look into classic antique/modified classic car insurance, If you're not going to drive more than about 3600-7200 miles a year, it's ultra cheap for full coverage, and I think our Z32's are starting to qualify. but you might need garage access. (they don't check)


Anyway, Good luck,


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  • 3 weeks later...

hahahaah z's are the ****!! get one, it will change your life :) i am in college (six years now!!! hahhahah) and am broke and have built 3 z's, two ls1's ;) i do not own another car and mine have all been unreliable as can be! but only for a few hours at a time :)

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  • 3 months later...

Thought I would give another update to everyone thats given me such great advice. Well the 300zx was fun for like a month and then I realized that im not going to want it in a few years and just didnt feel like fixing the body work that it needed in the rear. Plus that gas was pretty bad because most of my driving was ending up being off highway so i found this guy that wanted to trade his miata for my 300. I decided to do it since he had the tranny and diff rebuilt and it would be really good on gas. Let me just say that the miata ended up being the worst car ever I hated it and will forever hate miatas haha. I ended up selling the miata and made more money off of it than I paid for the 300 and now my DD is a 91 240sx and its a lot better and doesnt need any work. But whats made me happiest after all this is a family friend that i didnt even know owned a Z sold me his for cheap. It has its little rust spots one on the door one on the part inside the hatch but above the tailights near where the hatch locks but its floor boards are solid and it has everything, all its nobs, plasitcs, emblems, bumper guards and risers it doesn't run though but that doesnt bother me im happy with driving my sx everyday and am having even more fun just cleaning and fixing little things here and there on the z that don't cost money untill i have the money to drop into it. I want to say thank you to everyone that gave me their advice and im so happy that now i finally have a 240z!

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