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1971 240z rb25det build thread


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Awesome thread so far 5thgen. Thanks in advance for part numbers,the details, and helping me wrap my brain around the little bits involved with such a swap. I'm a luder as well with a turbo kit and your time-line with your Z is almost the same as mine. Fortunately you have a Z body that's in decent shape and looks to have lived a good life. I'm taking mine in for sandblasting and the Z might disappear. Good luck with your build and seems you got your head on right.

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im enjoying this as well i been thinking on if i want to do a rb25 or rb26 but eitherway this will help me on knowing what ill need and what it will cost me to get it moving beyond just buying the motor and tranny, and this is very detailer so i know it is helpful to anyone that wants to do a good solid rb sway thanks for the time in doing this for the little guys down here XD

cant wait to see what else is going to be happening with this car its amazing so far

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Thanks again everybody. I have been getting a little behind on working on the car lately. I know its been a while since an update. I did get the fuel stuff cleaned up a bit. I went to the Home depot and got a 2" pvc pipe coupler with a hose clamp on both sides. It fits perfect around my Bosch fuel pump. I also got some insulating foam that goes around piping and I put it around all the braided lines where they enter the spare tire well. That should hopefully keep them from rubbing and cutting up the lines. Once I finish mounting it all I will post some pics. I am also working on mounting my radiator. Rs speed has given me some insight on this one and I have half the brackets made. So there should be a radiator write up shortly. I should also get around to rewiring the car within the next week since I tore it all out. Should have lots more parts in the next 2 weeks also. So hopefully this build can get back on track.

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Ok sorry its been so long since an update. I had a little time to work on the car today so here we go.


Radiator mounts.


So once again following the advice of others and with the help of RS speed Ive moved onto making the radiator mounts.


Step one.


The 1st thing I did was order a new radiator. I got mine from PRC direct. Its a 2111111 19x24 gm Double pass with oil cooler. I had them add -10 an fittings to the oil cooler mounts. I also had them add a 16" spal puller fan with a custom alluminum shroud. OHH AHH its pretty.

You can find PRC here. They were great to deal with and work fast. http://www.prchotrod.com/


So once I got the Radiator I made an L bracket style brace for the bottom of it to hold it in place. I mounted it to the frame rails. I used my trusty alluminum that I got for the surge tank brace.

Heres the bottom support brace.

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I then made top braces for the rad using the same alluminum.

Heres the brace.

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And here they both are in place

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I then wanted to secure the bottom so I did the same thing. I made 2 braces that hold the bottom tight against the rad support.

Heres the bottom brace.

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Heres a pic of it in place.

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I will attatch all these braces using self tapping screws. I didnt fully secure them all yet because Im not actually going to mount it till I have the motor in place. I also bought some weather stripping from ace that I will put around the radiator support to prevent rubbing, noise, and create a better seal.


This weeks breakdown.


PRC radiator - $265.00

spal fan - $150.00

Custom shroud. - $100.00

bracket materials - already had them.

Ace hardware weather stripping - $5.00

Rad and brackets total - $520.00

Total so far. - $1711.00

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Sorry I havent been able to update much lately. I have builders block. Im not sure what to do next. I ordered an ezwiring harness and it should be here tomorrow. I plan to get all the lights and signals wired up. After that Im stuck. Im waiting on a large shipment of stuff from Mckinney Motorsports. Im also trying to figure out what to do about gauges. When I bought the car only the speedo worked. The wiring harness was fried so most likely that was the problem. I think Im going to change them all out anyway. I was thinking about just doing the essentials for now. Speedo, Tach, fuel gauge, oil press,and water temp. Help me out here guys. What should I do next? What Gauges should I do? I have seen a lot of threads on the speedhut and they look nice. They also dont seem that much more expensive than autometer. Please HELP me. You tell me what to do and I promise ill keep the thread going.

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Ahh. Finally got some work done today. The ezwiring harness arrived and I rewired the car. I got the brake lights, rear turn signals, headlights, front turn signals all prewired and working. Expect a write up and wiring guide in the near future. I am gonna write it all down when I solder all the connections. It feels good to have gotten something done on the car.



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I'm definitely going speedhut route. Since prices are around the same(as Autometer) might as well get what you want that works for you. I personally like the GPS ones with integrated turn signals. Maybe the reverse sweep for that 427 action ;) choices choices... :blink:


Since you are wiring from scratch, how has that ez wiringkit worked for you so far? Did it come with a fuse panel as well?

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The Ezwiring harness has been good so far. The instructions are terrible unless you are wiring a gm or ford. The wiring guides I found on here helped a lot but were a bit hard to read. I think once im finished and I post my diagram and pics it should hopefully make a lot of peoples lives a lot easier. I am almost complete with my soldering and heat shrinking. Ive got just the headlights and wipers left to solder. I should finally have time to finish it all on Friday. It does have nice wires and they are all marked very well. It does have a fuse box which was a bit bulky and ugly. I had a hard time deciding where to mount it. I have never used a painless but to me I think it cant be beat for half the price. More to come soon.


Ps woohoo over 1100 views. I feel like Im contributing to this site and Hopefully will be making peoples lives easier. You guys keep reading and Ill stay motivated. I got my long awaited shipment from Mckinney today.

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I also got my motor mounts, driveshaft, throttle cable, and downpipe.

Edited by 5thgenluder
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minor update.


Rewiring the car.


So my factory harness was toast from water damage. The fuse box was melted and nothing worked except the speedo.


Step one choose a wiring harness. I went with an Ezwiring 21 circuit harness. It was much cheaper than a painless and rated very well. Harness can be found here. http://www.ezwiring.com/wiring_harness.html


I followed a few guides I found here and managed to so far wire up the Headlights, turn signals, tail lights, brake lights and rear turn signals.

Here is a few pics. Not much to show here.

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Here is my Diagram so far.

EZwiring Diagram 3.pdf

please let me know if you can see this file.



Ezwiring 21 circuit harness - $185.00

Solder heat shrink and loom - $30.00

Total for wiring = $215.00

Total so far = $1926.00

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been slacking lately. Im sorry for anyone thats following my post. Heres an update but there isnt much to say.


I got most of the parts I ordered from mckinney finally. The problem is they dont give you any instructions or even pics of how its supposed to go. I have an intercooler and a bunch of pipes and a bag of bolts and hoses. I guess ill be able to figure it out a bit better when I actually get the motor. I have hit a hard point in the car. I am stuck because in order to finish the wiring I need to put the dash back in, and in order to put the dash back in I need my gauges. I ordered a complete set from speedhut. Im waiting for those to come in. The other issue is almost everything else requires an engine. My plan is to order the engine when Im ready to just drop it in. That way I can take advantage of the 30 day startup warranty. Problem # 3. I am completely broke. I cant afford an engine right now and its getting close to winter here. I might just take my sweet a** time this winter get everything perfect and order the engine right before spring. No point in rushing to get the car ready to store for winter. So I think Im gonna spend some time cleaning up and restoring some more of the interior.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gauges are here.

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I was going to restore the dash but when I looked under the dash cap it is far beyond repair. There are very large 1" thick cracks in the dash and they are filled with what looks like hot glue. I just got back from a vaca to mexico and hope to actually get some updates done in the next few weeks.

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  • 2 weeks later...


The Ezwiring harness has been good so far. The instructions are terrible unless you are wiring a gm or ford. The wiring guides I found on here helped a lot but were a bit hard to read. I think once im finished and I post my diagram and pics it should hopefully make a lot of peoples lives a lot easier. I am almost complete with my soldering and heat shrinking. Ive got just the headlights and wipers left to solder. I should finally have time to finish it all on Friday. It does have nice wires and they are all marked very well. It does have a fuse box which was a bit bulky and ugly. I had a hard time deciding where to mount it. I have never used a painless but to me I think it cant be beat for half the price. More to come soon.


Ps woohoo over 1100 views. I feel like Im contributing to this site and Hopefully will be making peoples lives easier. You guys keep reading and Ill stay motivated. I got my long awaited shipment from Mckinney today.

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I also got my motor mounts, driveshaft, throttle cable, and downpipe.

What type and where do you get your throttle cable. I'm getting down to the nitty gritty on my car and my old throttle came out of a RHD z31 and is very long!!! i literally have to coil it up before it goes over the motor. i want one that is just the right length.



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  • 4 weeks later...



wipers and tachometer


Ok I know I have really been slacking lately so here is a minor update.


I wired in the wiper motor. It took some time to figure out the dang wiring but Ive added it to my wiring diagram. Ive also cleaned it up a bit.


EZwiring Diagram wipers 3.pdf


Next up is mounting the Tacho in the factory pod and location. 1st thing I did was remove the stock gauge. Cut the back of the gauge pod out. I primered mine cause I hate stuff that appears old. I also primered and painted the bezel and insert with the same primer and paint as the engine bay. Next I put the gauge in the cup with a bit of finess and some put some cardboard around it to keep it centered and insure it doesnt move around. Then the easy part just put the gauge in the cup center it and put the trim ring and bezel back on. Here are some pics. I also had the pound the back of the pod out just a bit to get it to screw on nicely.

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Thats it for now. Lets hope this nice weather stays.

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